Please join us next week, October 15-19, 2012 as we share our creative ideas for using the new Quietfire Design Christmas stamps.

Each day designers will be posting brand new artwork they have created using the new rubber stamps.  Visit their blogs on the day of their featured project, post a comment on their Blog Hop post and you will be eligible to win a grab bag of Quietfire Design rubber stamps!  Each Designer will randomly choose a winner from the comments on their own Blog Hop post, so make sure you’ve commented by midnight Friday, October 19th.  Tell your friends!

The new stamps are available for sale now, but will not be shipping until next week.

Happy Creating!


Wow what an exciting last week we have had here!

It all started last Monday when Katie called me and said she needed to go to the doctor.  She had been at school, wasn’t feeling well and they sent her home.  She called her doctor who told her to come into the office, so I went after her and took her to the doctor.  All was okay and said she would see her next week for her appoint (which would have been today).

Last Wednesday night Katie and Will went out for dinner and she started feeling bad right after she ate.  She decided they needed to go to the hospital and called me on their way.   Once they got there, she called and said they were going to keep her overnight for observation that she was in labor, but the baby was breach and they were trying to stop labor.  She called back a little later and said that she had been admitted but that the meds to stop the labor was working and they were still observing.  Not 45 minutes later my Son-in-Law called and said that the meds had worked, but her water had broken and they were taking her down for a C-Section.   Hadlee Grace was born the morning of October 4 at 12:02 am!  She weight 6 lbs 14 oz and was 19” long.


I’m a Grammy!!!!!!!!

Hadlee has been the most perfect birthday present I could ever have received!

On a different note, I do have a card for you today which I must admit was partially inspired by this precious little bundle!


Now to get all the particulars and more pictures of the card, you’ll need to head over to the eclectic Paperie Blog.

I’m expecting all the family in tonight (including Hadlee) to celebrate the October birthdays (mine, Mallory’s, my Aunt Linda’s and of course, Hadlee’s).  So I’m off to finish up some cleaning and some last minute shopping.

Thanks for stopping by today!


Project Supplies:

Good afternoon!  Wow it’s Wednesday . . . . Smiley from

I just posted over on the Quietfire Creations Blog some old whiskey bottles that I altered as a Halloween decoration.

Halloween Bottles CLOSEUP

To read more about them, please visit the Quietfire Creations Blog.


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