Yesterday I went with my mother, sister and aunt to the country for Decoration Day.  I know that it is now called Memorial Day, but my grandfather always called it Decoration Day.  He never missed a year in decorating the graves of those family members long gone.  From the time I was a little girl, I can remember going with my grandparents to the cemeteries.  I have always been fascinated by the stories my grandfather would tell of his ancestors and the old headstones.  Yesterday I took my camera along to make sure I got some pictures.  I have a few things in mind for projects and knew that I could find just the right items to photograph and use.

I was extremely touched by this angel yesterday.


I don’t know that this is one of the oldest in the cemetery, but the only angel I saw.  As I looked at her and the aging the elements have caused, it made me think of the family that was buried there.  There must be no one left, as there were no flowers and all the headstones were in very bad shape.  However, if one cleaned them and in particular the angel, would they have the same effect and appeal as they do now?  Probably not!  I think that eventually you will see her again . . . perhaps as a background or even the main element.

AND because it is Memorial Day Weekend,


Thanks for stopping by and I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend!

6 Responses to “Happy Memorial Day!”

  1. hehe…that chick is too cute!
    I really like that angel too….I should get out my camera and take some more photos…of things….
    (p.s…..your padawon tried the wrinkle free distress again!! Kinda liking that look right now! hehe)

  2. Sherry
    Great story about your grandfather and I recall that in the south they called it Decoration Day. I also know that there are many beautiful cemeteries in Georgia, I have a brother that moved there in the 90’s…this angel is so beautiful.
    My compliments on your cards, they are adorable, really well done. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. Your post brought back memories of my grandparents calling it Decoration Day, too! Sadly, because the cemetaries are a few hours of where I live, I don’t think anyone decorates them anymore. Wow, the light came on! My sister is coming for a week in July…maybe we can go and visit the area where our mom grew up and our grandparents lived!

    Thanks for the spark!

    I like your blog…cards are cute!


    I’m from the north….Wisconsin!

  4. We used to decorate the graves with my parents but haven’t the last 2 years since mom’s surgery. My cousin in Iowa carried on the tradition which helped ease my parents anxiety. Dad is the last of his family and couldn’t stand the thought that his parents wouldn’t have flowers on Memorial Day. Anyway…I love your little soldier chick…toooo cute!!!

  5. Hi Sherry ~ Hope you’re enjoying your long-weekend and getting some extra stamping time 🙂

    I have to tell you, I totally got the chills when I saw that amazing angel from the cemetary. The first idea that popped in my head (before reading your comment) was, how it was so mysterous and interesting, with all the moss and cracking that was happening all over the figurine … of course everyone would want to wash and scrub it ’til it sparkled again …. but exactly as you said, would it still have the same charm and magnetism..?

    Can’t wait to see what you do with this image 🙂

  6. I love that photo of the angel. How beautiful! And what a great tradition that you and your family have, to decorate the graves. Oh, and your patriotic chick is adorable!

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