Hey it’s Tuesday!  Good morning!  I had such a great day yesterday playing with the shitzes, moving furniture around and basically just putzing around the house.  It was such a lazy day but I actually got some things done that needed doing.  I also started trying on some old clothes in my closet and am tickled I kept those “too small” jeans, etc.  Because they’re not “too small” anymore!  Some of them are even a “little too big.”  WOO HOO!  I’m slowly getting to that 30 lbs lost and have no intention of quitting anytime soon.  Since January, I have been on a “gluten free” eating plan (notice I say eating plan because this is not a diet).  I have come to realize that for my health and well being, I must strictly keep myself in check with cookies, cakes, pies, bread, etc.  Mallory also went on a gluten free diet this summer and her desire to have breads and cookies have enabled me to find many gluten free choices at the health food stores.  For both of us, gluten free has become a way of life and healthy living.  This isn’t something we have chosen because we want too . . . it is a medical must.  It’s amazing how much better you can feel, even when you don’t realize you feel bad to begin with!

Didn’t mean to babble about that, but that’s just where my mind was running for a few minutes.  Maybe because I was looking for a pair of black pants to wear right before I sat down to write this post.  Yes . . . . that must be it!

The project I have to share with you today is actually another sample for one of my classes.  I never grow tired of making these little boxes  . . . they are so damned versatile!



Mallory asked for one of these to use on her desk at school, so I suppose I better be looking for some fun and funky paper for hers. 

I leave you with one final thought:

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says “Oh Crap, She’s up!”

10 Responses to “hehehehe . . . I’m Up!”

  1. The box is gorgeous, Sherry. I love the glass glitter on the flower and leaves.

  2. Beautiful! The glitter looks great on the flower and the leaves. Have heard that the gluten free food is really good for your health and you’re definitely a testament to it.

  3. what a pretty box love the glitter

  4. 30#!!! HOLY MOLY!!! I need to look into that (actually, DH and I have been discussing our diet lately…not that it is that far off…but some more things need to change)

    OK…..I have been wanting to make one of these boxes like FOREVER but keep putting it off because I NEED the spellbinder die to add the flower (how dumb is that?!! Uhhhh, Starla….use SOMETHING ELSE!)
    Going to make this a goal this week…I’ll have to come up with some ideas while at work today (DANG that work thing!!)

    And your little “quote” of the day: PRICELESS!!

  5. Gorgeous box! What are the top and bottom made of? And congratulations on the weight loss. Wooo hooo. You go girl!

  6. Beautiful box, love the rich color of the flower. Congrats on not only losing the weight but feeling better.
    Love your quote!

  7. love it! Love the Krystallos Vintage Shards Glass Glitter – I need to get some of that – I will take one for my desk too! tee hee!
    thanks for the inspiration!

  8. WOW! How gorgeous!

  9. Love the box Sherry! Congrats on fitting into the too small jeans again!!!

  10. What a great little box, so very pretty! I’ve also learned about limiting my gluten too. Lots of little bothersome things go away! It’s amazing! And the quote is so perfect! I love it!

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