Jun 102007

For those of you on Splitcoast, you know we had a major crash on Friday night. The following was to be my post on Saturday morning, but I just got back into my blog. Email subscribers stay tuned, I’m trying to work on the feed and see what’s up! Anyhoo,

For the past week, every time I walk out the front door with the puppy I’ve been hearing a funny sound. It’s coming from the pachysandra along the front walkway. At first I thought it might be a baby bird that had lost its way. But no, the noise sounds more like a chipmunk or maybe a baby squirrel. It’s one of those things that peak your curiosity, but yet you are afraid to really look for fear of what you might find. I’ve poked around with a stick, moving back the ground cover but I’ve never seen anything.

Yesterday we had a nice size storm. When it was over, I took the puppy out and while she was running around and playing, I decided to pull a few weeks. I went to the end of the sidewalk and was pulling up a small tree when I pulled up the bottom branch of the azalea and look what I found!


After doing a little investigative work on the web, this is the culprit behind the noise. I’m still not sure what type of frog this is. I’ve pretty well eliminated a tree frog and I’m thinking more of a marsh frog based on the noise it makes. There are a few ponds close by and with the dry weather we’ve had, I wouldn’t be surprised if the creatures that live there have gone out looking for new homes. So if anyone knows anything about this frog, I would surely appreciate knowing what type it is.

Now I’m heading to the studio, locking myself in and stamping. Deadlines are looming and I am so very far behind that it’s not even funny.

6 Responses to “What a Weekend!”

  1. Cute card! Just kidding…I found a turtle in my garden once. He had lobelia hanging out of his mouth. Hey, Sherry — I subscribed to your blog because we both use Feedburner and I wanted to see if it was working (later I subscribed to my own blog, too, duh). Anyway, it’s working just fine. This just popped into my email. I have a whole post to redo, also. I think I’ll start keeping copies of them…

  2. Fun stuff, Sherry. According to my Reader’s Digest book on North American Wildlife, I would say this is most likely a Green Frog, duh! No, really, that’s the name! Description and pics match and you’re in the shaded area of the map. How’s that for sleuthing?

  3. That is a cute and disgusting frog all at the same time:)

  4. he’s a cutie!! lol!
    i used to “collect” animals of the like when i was a kiddo. i still like finding frogs in our yard. it creeps tony out when i pick them up.

  5. Howdy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Frogs! And– this is an AMERICAN BULL FROG! Yep– they make the most AWFUL sounds! I love them so much! Hugs! Ash~


  6. This is a green frog oftened confused with the bull frog. The easiest way to tell them apart is the fold of skin that starts behind the eye and travels down the back and the green upper lip. Happy Frogging!

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