There was an accident yesterday in Jeffersonville. It was a horrid event which occurred around 3:30 p.m. and caused much distress to Her Royal Badness. I was out working in the yard. I made up my mind a few days ago that I truly needed two starts from this snowball bush in the median strip.

boulevard bush

I planted this bush close to 10 years ago from a start that a friend gave me. We cut the bush down for the first five years or so. The bush as it is now having not been cut down during the winter for four or five years. I can’t really remember. Heck I can’t remember what I did yesterday! Anyhoo, at the same time I planted this bush, I also planted one in the side yard.

bush side yard

This bush we have cut back every winter and kept under control. You can definitely tell the difference in size. The one in the median is absolutely beautiful when it blooms. I particularly love the way headlights hit it at night – it is just stunning in early summer with those big white blooms.

So here is my thinking. I have a spot in the backyard that is in desperate need of help. Since we did the remodel, we haven’t paid much attention to the backyard. This summer it is our goal to get more grass to grow, add some vegetation that we lost in the remodel, and in general make the area aesthetically pleasing. I am going to dig up three starts from the bush in the median. Two for me, and one for a neighbor that has been wanting a start for a couple of years. While out there today, I moved the bush to the side and spotted a huge mass of Naked Ladies. Now I don’t know what you guys call them, but around here, Naked Ladies is the name. I truly don’t know them by any other name. In the spring they are a mass of green leaves that die back, and then in the fall a stalk with a single pink bloom comes up. Okay, I just did a Google Search and this is what I found at Wikipedia: they actually are: Amaryllis is a monotypic (only one species) genus of plant also known as the Belladonna Lily or naked ladies. Well, I did not know they were an Amaryllis. We learn something new every day!

Anyhoo, I decided that these needed to be transplanted too. I had planted two groupings, one on each side the bush. I quite easily got most of the first bunch dug up, and moved around to the other side of the bush. These were actually easier to get too. However, this is when the accident happened, and here is the scene.

accident site

I stood there in dismay, not knowing what I was going to do. I picked up my tools, and pulled my little wagon into the backyard. Speaking of the wagon, this is the very wagon that I got for my first Christmas. This wagon is now 49 years old and in desperate need of a coat of paint and some tender loving care. It does serve the purpose I need it for – pulling gardening utensils and plants around the yard. So now in my backyard I have this wagon loaded down with Naked Ladies.


And sitting next to it on the ground is the victim.


My shovel!

My favorite (and one and only) shovel died yesterday. It’s poor little handle just gave out and snapped right in half. It has given me close to 25 years of valuable use. We’ve been together digging holes, breaking up sod, busting through roots and moving dirt and plants from area to another. My husband even informed me last night that this particular shovel was his favorite tool to use while cleaning up after the dogs. Hmmmmmmm, little did I know!

As of the writing of this article, I now am the proud owner of two more shovels. I called my mother to inform her of the accident. You see my dad gave me the shovel when we bought our first house. He had it for years and decided to pass it along to me. I thought there might be another old one up at the river that I could grab so that I could finish my planting today. Luckily, my mother had two in her garage that she was going to get rid of. I know they won’t be the same and I probably won’t like either one of them, but until I can get the handle replaced on my old one, these two outsiders will have to work!

As I leave you today, here are a few photos of things growing in the flower beds right now.

My favorite blue Columbine.


The Foxglove that Kate gave me for Mother’s Day.


And lastly, a basket of New Guinea Impatiens.


I hope you have a great day, and I’ll be out transplanting some Naked Ladies.


16 Responses to “The Accident”

  1. I have some tools my dad gave me that I will never let go of. I hate it that your hadle broke but luckily you can get a new one and still have the original shovel. It won’t be the same though. I won’t have had your dad’s hands all over it. Your flower photos are gorgeous, Sherry!

  2. Oh man, I have a favorite shovel a lot like that one. Now my question to you is, will you be a naked when you transplant those naked ladies???

  3. BWHA-HA-HA!!!!!
    Who else would have naked ladies in her yard!!! (and even know what to do with them!!)

    Um, sorry about the shovel!

    BTW–we have the same wagon that dh garbage picked a few years back. During our garage sale last week we got many people wanting to buy it. (it wasn’t for sale–the kids were just playing with it in and around the sale). They just don’t make things like that any more!

  4. hahaha Sherry you tell a great story in a round about way that just tickles me funny! Seriously I am so sorry about your precious shovel. I have items like that that mean a lot and it is hard to lose them. But you did give me a laugh for the day. Thanks! 🙂

  5. Such a refreshing short story, written with just the right touch of humor. Thanks so much for sharing a part of you. MaryAnn

  6. Oh, Sherry, you sure tell a great story! And of course those ‘old’ tools are favorites. They don’t make ’em like that anymore! Beautiful flowers you have.

  7. You have foxglove blooming My huband’s aunt always called the flowers you are describing as “Licorice Lilies”. I think it’s the same thing!

    Of course, I was waiting to hear that you stepped on the shovel and the handle hit you in the forehead…that was the accident that I thought happened!

    I have this really pretty pink columbine but I like your blue, too!

  8. Dang, just can’t depend on anything to last anymore! lol

    Seriously, I’d have been bawling if my favorite shovel broke. So many things from our past are so special. Your flowers are lovely–you’re such a green thumb with all your plants.

  9. Soooooo…………….when are you headed to my yard to do some plantings?!! Love your stories (and I do know what naked ladies are!! Had a neighbor that had them at the condo were we lived when we first got married! They are a very pretty flower)

  10. Sorry about the shovel but I loved the rest of the story and the photos of the flowers. I have one tulip blooming in my garden. I’ve never planted any tulip bulbs but this year in the middle of my perennial garden is one red tulip. We’ve had freeze warnings the last several nights so it’s just as well that things aren’t up yet. I’m still waiting for my flowering crabs to bloom.

  11. You didn’t find any naked men under those bushes? 😉

  12. Sherry you always seem to know how to make me laugh….seriously….

    Your shovel did its deeds I guess. But the wagon story is so awesome… Maybe a pic sometime. Take care and your gardening looks pretty

  13. Sherry, you BAD THAnG, here you had me worried that you had hurt yourself while digging, or perhaps had come into contact with a wasp’s nest, or maybe discovered a nest or something. Then as I continue reading, I realize the *Accident* involved you and your ancient shovel. LOL You are SO bad that I can’t even put it into words right now. Shame shame shame on you for getting me all nervous and distraught thinking that something terrible had happened. I know, I should know better after reading your Blog for over a year. You are a BAD BAD Girl !!!!

    But I’ll forgive you after seeing your lovely photos of your flowers 🙂 I really love the “Naked Ladies” and of course the “Foxglove” ~ I’m sure you already know this, but just incase and for other readers, “Foxgloves” are very poisenous to dogs and cats if they digest it. I’ve often wanted to try my hand at them in my flower beds, but fear too much that our 14 month old puppy would get into them and have them consumed before I could even catch him ~~ yes, he is that fast and that distructive when it suits his fancy~~Good thing for him he’s cute! But they are beautiful photos Sherry and thank you for sharing them with your *Peeps* 🙂

    And I’ll say a prayer tonight for your Dead Shovel {insert rolling eyes} and pray that you learn to accept your two new shovels ~ afterall, I know how difficult change can be for you 🙂 {smirk}

    Hope you have a great gardening weekend where you are ~ we are suppose to be rained on for at least the next 24-hours, which means I might have an *excuse* to stamp my brains out ~~ wouldn’t that be nice for a change? Thanks again Badness for the “Behind The Scenes” photos of your garden.

  14. ohhhh I’m sorry to hear about your shivel! YOu know though you can just have the handle replaced…my dad does it all the time! I hope you haven’t thrown away the spade yet…it can still be mended! Love your blog…I read it often, but remain silent! See you around!

  15. I’ve been out of town for a couple of weeks, and absolutely loved coming home to a classic Bad Sherry story! Never heard of Naked Ladies (at least not the plant type), but can really relate to the shovel and wagon. We inherited most of my dad’s gardening and woodworking tools when he died about 20 years ago, and really love using them. He made me a butler’s tray table out of pine, as a practice run for doing one in cherry. Unfortunately, he didn’t live long enough to do the cherry one, and when the soft pine began to break, I patched but finally had to let it go — and cried. But I’m thankful the memories are sweet.

  16. k…I had this entire post written and then poof…it was gone! Not sure what I hit! I thought I posted it without finishing but who knows! I’ll try this again and I’m so sorry if it ends up as a duplicate! 😉
    I’m so sorry to hear about your shovel. I’m so sentimental that I know I would have cried! I was so sad just readinig about it! Your flowers are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing! I would love to see more! I have a passion for this kind of thing!
    Hope you are doing well and thanks for sharing!

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