As I sit here today in my recliner, still per doctor’s orders, I wish I had some stamping to show you. Truth be told, I have not walked into my studio in 3 weeks, and I’m so far behind with projects that I may never catch up. Luckily I work for some very understanding people who have given me a little extra time for some special projects.

Some of you asked about my “Bite Me” shirt. Quite honestly “bite me” is one of my favorite sayings and when I saw this shirt in a store in San Francisco I HAD to have it. On the back is a bigger Bite Me. I proudly wore this shirt when Stampin’ UP! Made all their changes and I decided not to sign the new contract. The brand of shirt is Crazy Shirts and is dyed in mild Chilies. It’s one of the most comfortable t-shirts I’ve ever owned.

Every year I think about what I want to accomplish the upcoming year. I’ve also noticed that a number of bloggers/designers pick one word for the year. I’ve thought about this as well, but have never been able to pick just one. While lolling in my drug induced state the last couple of days, a few words have come to mind. Believe (as believe in yourself, creativity, etc.) and Adventure. Up until recently I’ve always tried to live each day to its fullest. I’ve lost that over the last couple of years . . . my spontaneity to do anything at the drop of a pin or a phone call from a friend at midnight to go run here or there. I think its time once again to find that daring sense of adventure I had. So my word for this year will be ADVENTURE!

Miriam-Webster Dictionary describes it as:

Main Entry: 1ad·ven·ture

Pronunciation: \əd-ˈven-chər\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English aventure, chance, risk, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *adventura, from Latin adventus, past participle of advenire to arrive, from ad- + venire to come — more at come

Date: 14th century

1 a : an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks b : the encountering of risks <the spirit of adventure>
2 : an exciting or remarkable experience <an adventure in exotic dining>
3 : an enterprise involving
financial risk

Personally I like to think of an adventure as being something exciting or remarkable. Truly each day is an adventure. Sometimes the adventure is complicated and troublesome and sometimes the adventure is spontaneous and fun. It is how one perceives the events of the day that makes the adventure. I also feel that creating is an adventure. You are exploring your own potential and making your own art in your own way. The flow of being immersed in what you are doing/creating, feeling energized and fulfilled by the process.

This year I ask you to join me in the adventure of every day life and creating. I’m sure we’re going to have some great adventures along the great. Was it Peter Pan (a/k/a Peter Panning) who said “to live is the greatest adventure of them all?” I know Helen Keller was the one who said “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

Her Royal BALDness

I liked that Daven – Her Royal Baldness!  Totally cracked me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 Responses to “Recliner Ramblings!”

  1. Sherry,
    Here’s to a speedy recovery so you can start on your adventure!

  2. Adventure?? You want adventure after the month we’ve had? Are you crazy? I think there is going to be enough adventure in our lives without going and looking for it.. Adventure and believe. I think those two words go hand in hand. Believe in adventure and it will truly happen.
    ps I want to see the after the dressing has come off.
    Love ya lots… { big hugs and kisses}

  3. ADVENTURE! Go for it!! We’re right there with you all the way!!

  4. Happy New Year Sherry! Thanks for the info on the shirt. I am definitely going to get one of those *smiles*

  5. You’re so right that adventure is a matter of perception. You can go to the grocery store and back and wind up with all sorts of stories to tell depending upon how you observe and perceive what’s going on around you. It’s a matter of scale, also. Adventure doesn’t have to require money, or daring, or danger. For me, it’s an adventure to take Wally for a walk on a stormy day…and I mean a good old northwest gale wind, downpour day when there’s not another soul afoot. And, yes, creativity is an adventure, too. Here’s to many great adventures for all of us in 2010! Happy new year!

  6. Sherry, the New Year will bring adventure and you will make adventures come true. My word for 2010 is happiness. Whenever I start feeling down this year I am going to go to my room and make a beautiful card which will give me happiness. Keep us bloggers posted on all of your adventures.

  7. Sherry, I believe you will accomplish anything that you put your mind to. You are certainly blessed with a wonderful sense of humor.

  8. Let me tell ya, girly…being around you is an adventure in itself!!!!! Keep taking those meds and get better….there is a big old world just waiting for you out there!!!! Many blessings for the new year, Sherry!!!

  9. Sherry, my saying for when I get behind…. Im so far behind I thought I was first! Relax & recuperate!

  10. I like your attitude! You sure are on a adventure of late. I hope you take the R & R time to let your body heal and take it very easy! Don’t worry about blogging. Live is not lived on a blog, and I don’t think anyone should worry about time away from it… take care.

  11. Sherry–

    Just catching up with your blog after a hectic holiday season. You have been through it lately, haven’t you? I’m so glad to hear that you kicked cancer’s ass–I wouldn’t expect anything less!!! Take care of yourself, and thanks for sharing the adventure with all of us!!!

  12. Hmmmm… word?! DIG. I want to DIG deeper and explore outside of my little comfortable box. I want to DIG into my creativity.

    I say that you deserve the R & R. You’re “bosses” know that you deliver and then some!! Take time to let your body recover. You’ll be better off for it!!

  13. You know Sherry if you could impart your outlook on life on everyone else the world sure would be a more fun place to live! I had missed your post about the horn bump until just now! Wow lady when you decide to do things you do them up good don’t you. Thank goodness the news is great. Now aren’t you going to be surprised when your hair comes back in curly!!! Hang in there, can’t wait until your are all mended and back to your creative side. I must say though I just enjoy so popping in and reading your posts, they always make me smile! Happy New Year, here’s to a better one for all.

  14. So glad to hear you are doing well. I’ll bet you feel like you have had a LOT of adventure already! How’s your trigger finger? At least you won’t have to worry about your deductible for 2009! Hope 2010 is waaaay better for you medically! We will be watching for you to return full bore soon!

  15. You are starting to feel better – Hooray!!! Thank you for giving me something to think about – ADVENTURE. I like that and may even borrow it. Sometimes I can be so anally retentive that I inhibit my own adventure in my pursuit of everything having to be “perfect”. I will ponder on this.
    Have a great new year and get well soon.
    Ana Maria

  16. Sherry,

    Your word for the new year is awesome! It’s a perfect way to remember to just have fun with everything in life. So glad your on the mend and will continue to pray for your quick recovery!


  17. Good Morning, Sherry
    Wishing you a wonderful new year….also, wanted to sign up for the “adventure”! Looking forward to the excitement…it will be FUN, FUN, FUN!

    Sending the “quick recovery” angels your way…until they arrive, perhaps you want to wait on the cartwheels. K?

    See ya later alligator!

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