Smiley from Good Monday morning! I hope y’all had a good weekend and you didn’t stifle in the heat. Geesh it was mega humid here in the Ohio Valley! After Mallory and I cleaned the hot tub last week, we decided to turn the heat down. It’s so refreshing to go out in the evenings when the water is 85-90 degrees. Smiley from Why did we not think of this sooner?

I know I’ve been fairly lax in posting the last couple of weeks. Sometimes it just happens I guess . . . life! It gets in the way when you least expect or even want it to. I’m set to do better, and know that I will have tons to post when I get to Orlando.

Today I have a little story to tell you. I have a friend . . . a close friend . . . even though I’ve never met her in person. I’ve talked to her on the forums, on the phone, blah blah blah. She calls me Yoda Smiley from and calls herself my Padawan. This has been going on for a few years now. She whines! She whines a lot! Smiley from Especially when she thinks she can’t achieve what she wants to in this crazy craft of ours. She has come into her own actually and has learned to let go of styles that aren’t in her to do.  She has finally found her own style and her niche (outside her box).  I’m very proud of her! But seriously don’t tell her . . . I don’t need her to have a big head.

Recently my Padawan has been on a woe is me kick. She leaves blog comments like these:

Is it right for a padawon to have severe jealousy of the master Yoda?!

Sigh…….someday, when I become a Jedi master…..

I’m going to alter a little, tiny bottle and send it to you. All I ask is for you to just put a itty bit of your creativity in it and mail it back

Just an itty, bitty little bottle!! Heehee

Those are only a handful of comments left recently. You gotta love her!!!!

You know that once I read the comment about a little bottle that my mind started racing. I just couldn’t help myself actually! Sometimes when I read things or talk about things with friends my mind starts racing in not so good ways. Have you ever wondered how many uses there are for Great Stuff? I’m convinced that it is the ultimate weapon! Possible uses: tail pipes, locks, sunroofs, door seals, trunks, pool filters, blah blah blah. I’m sure you get the picture and will agree that it is THE ultimate weapon!

Now that I’ve digressed . . . back to the little bottle. I made her one myself! Shhhhh please don’t tell her as I want it to be a surprise Smiley from


I had this old McCormick Spice bottle in my stash and realized it would be perfect to alter.


Some Grunge Board, a few Spellbinders™ Dies and a surprise (Vintage Shard Glass Glitter – not that I haven’t heard enough whining about that) added inside the jar . . . instant creativity for a lowly Padawan!

So that’s about it for today . . . . Except . . . my little Padawan you know I love you like a sister, or at least more than my luggage!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!  I’m off to get my first actual haircut since December 29th!


20 Responses to “The Teensy Tiny Bottle!”

  1. Your story made me smile. I think this altered spice bottle is so cleverly done. I’m liking it a lot. I’m sure your friend will just love it. TFS!!! 😀 Congratulations! on your first hair cut since…

  2. New do! Gotta love that! Hmmmm….going to post a pic?

    Love your story and the little bottle. It is such a cute idea. Hope this helps her with her inspiration. And she might as well accept the fact that most of us will never be able to achieve what you can with some paper and ink but that doesn’t mean we should ever stop getting inspiration from you anyway!!! :o)

    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  3. I can’t wait to see your new hair! Please post pictures! Love your little gift for your friend. Now, don’t get your drawers in a hitch about this, but you have been inspiration for a lot of us! I love seeing what you have been doing and most days I get so many ideas of my own! Keep up the good work and I will continue to lurk around watching!

  4. What a great idea! I love how it came out, I’m sure your friend will too! Thanks for sharing.

  5. very neat!

  6. Love your story! Whining is good for the soul!! The spice bottle is so neat plus I just got an empty spice bottle out of the dishwasher and want to fix it up! You have such great ideas!

  7. Yeah for you!!! I’m so excited to hear that your hair is long enough to cut! I had some health issues way back when I was 18 and lost my hair (not cancer, just other stuff). I remember the first time I got my hair cut afterward. It was so rewarding! It felt good to be in control of my hair instead of some illness being in control of it. But it really changed my perspective on my hair. If I get a bad haircut now, it doesn’t make me crazy. It’s just hair. It grows back. In fact, let me share a bit of info with you in case you didn’t know. Do you know the difference between a good hair cut and a bad one?…..3 weeks. LOL Have a wonderful day and enjoy the new do!

  8. …..”let go of styles that aren’t in her to do”……. Oh, my that can sure be troublesome but isn’t it the truth. I am inspired by your work but often labor long at what you say you dashed off in minutes. Keep us blessed with your writing and work.

  9. Hi Sherry –

    YAY!! Somebody is going to come back looking spiffy and like a model. I'[m glad its long enough to cut now.
    Love the little bottle and I’m sure your Padawan will also. Just beautiful! Enjoy your day.

    Elaine Allen

  10. Great story Sherry!! I love your altered spice bottle! Congrats on getting your hair cut, hope you post some pictures!

  11. What? She hasn’t left a comment yet? Where is that girl?? She’ll love this altered bottle, Sherry! It’s wonderful!

  12. What a cute wee bottle Sherry, I’m sure your little Padawan will love this.
    I’m sure a bit of your creativity must be inside for her as she asked, as it’s overflowing on the outside.
    I did a similar thing with a wee Salsa jar, I save my penny’s in it for more crafty goodies, and because it’s prettied up with crafty GP flowers I can usually resist robbing it, for not so good stuff, like daughters bus money, I just play taxi now instead, lol.
    Go figure!!!
    Happy haircut day Sherry. :o)

  13. OMGosh, I am sitting here at work laughing, they are looking at melike I have lost my mind. I love the story and am surprised she hasn’t posted about the bottle yet, great gift…he he love it

  14. You are, indeed, the Master! (or should I say Mistress — nyah, that just reminds me of ladies with whips and funny halters!) LOL!

  15. What a great idea for a small bottle! I know that I have a few of those around. As a collage artist I find it hard to throw anything away:( Thanks for sharing and giving us such a clever idea.

  16. Padawan is hiding in the shadows : ) Or getting over it for being called out publicaly! Or trying to come up with a good rebuttal… Love the story, I can relate, I’d probably be similar, if I had your Phone# hehehe. Cute bottle. I was just looking at a few of my empty spice bottles yesterday trying to decide whether to pitch or keep them, just in case I come up with a good idea for them, but do I really need more “stuff” laying around… hmmmm. Good thing I decided to keep them till I decided. : )

  17. Sherry I have to repeat myself I know I have said it before, I love hearing your stories. You are such a HOOT!! Wicked funny you make me smile all the time, oh and not to mention that I just love to see what you have whipped up!! I love your work!! I love this little bottle how cute.
    I hope you show us all a picture of your new do!

  18. Eeeeeaaaaakkkkk! Im sitting here at work (that’s a sure thing to suck all creativity out of a body!) with half a dozen patient charts waiting to be completed. Still in my “woe is me” pity party mode, I decided to let my next patient wait until his actual appointment time and treat myself to some eye candy. I now have the dopiest grin on my face! Now I know why I love Yoda so much! Hehe. Big ‘ol hugs being sent over the cyber waves!

  19. OMGosh! Something else to save to alter “one of these days”. This is just too cute.

  20. Tee hee!! I guessed it was Starla. Don’t know why, but she kinda cracks me up in her comments. Hope you put as much creativity and inspiration inside as you put on the outside of it. She should be pretty well set!

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