Happy Tuesday!  Since I missed last week, I figured we were due for another Tangle today.  I haven’t been in the mood to tangle recently, and am pulling from some that I did back in the beginning of the month.

Here’s one I don’t think I showed you when I was hooked on the circles.

August 6

These final two are the last one I finished up.



That’s all I have today.  Thanks for stopping by and remember . . .  life is short, enjoy the adventures that come your way today.

AS AN ASIDE:  The last two days I’ve typed that last sentence, it has meant more to me that I can possibly say.  This afternoon I’m heading to visitation (funeral tomorrow) for an old high school friend of mine.  He was admitted into ICU just about 4 weeks ago for kidney failure, and he earned his angel wings this past Saturday.  He was 54 years old and one of the best men and best friends I’ve ever known.    Every once in a while you develop a friendship in your life that stands the test of time and distance.  If you are lucky enough, you might have a handful of friends like that.  The ones that you may not have talked to for a year or more, but if they call you and need you, you’re there . . . and if you need them and call, they’re there.   He has been one of my best friends for 41 years.  When I looked at the number of friends on his Facebook page, there are 332.  There are 332 people out there that Steve really loved and knew and loved him in return.  There are 332 people out there that thought of him as one of their best friends.  When I looked at my page, I have 796 friends and I’ll wager to guess that I only know a third of them.  He truly was a very rich and blessed person.  The only thing I can say is  . . . life is too short, please make the most of your days whether it be getting fit and healthy, spending quality time with family and friends, wherever the adventures of your day take you . . .


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