Mar 282007

I think it’s time we offer up some BAD Blog Candy! I’ve just hit 6,000 visitors, and I am just amazed that this Blog has taken off like it has. Quite frankly, I’m having a terrific time sharing my stories and creative ideas with you. Not too long ago I made a trip to our local Michael’s (some 45 minutes drive for me) and found some of their fabulous *new* acrylic stamps. I picked up three sets and two of the blocks and have decided they should be BAD Blog candy. Here’s how you can win. Leave me a comment telling me about something BAD that you have done. It can be as simple as not cooking dinner for your family to as bawdy as skinny dipping with a group of your friends! I’ll start . . . I’ve been known to ride on the back of a convertible topless (ala YaYa)! You have until Friday midnight to leave your comment, and the winner will be announced on Saturday! It’s your turn now – tell me your BAD stories!

BAD Blog Candy

58 Responses to “BAD Blog Candy”

  1. You’re hilarious…I dare not do anything topless…I would probably give myself black eyes!

    What have I done that is bad…everything I can think is so notorious that even I won’t go there! Something tamer…hmm, in my twenties, I always had a boyfriend-to-be waiting in the wings while I dropped my current one…I got bored easily…

    I will be so back to read these comments!

  2. hmmmmm…what BAD thing to write about that won’t come back and haunt me….hmmmmmmmmm.

    Okay…when I was in 5th grade, I took my mom’s nonpierced, magnetic backed earrings and then wore them to school. Somewhere I lost them…home school…I don’t know where. I don’t even remember feeling that I HAD lost them. Sometime later, my mom found 1 of the earrings in my room…and boy did I get the riot act that day! (Gulp!) My mom detests holes in ears (and anywhere else for that matter) and she quickly took me to get my ears pierced. (I don’t know who much of a punishment that was for me.) I actually think that other earring is somewhere upstairs, Mom. Maybe it slipped in the floor boards.

    I told my mom that story isn’t THAT BAD…and she insists that it was. Good, now my REALLy bad stuff can still be secret. hehe.

  3. I have spent too much time on the computer. Not enough time “SPRING CLEANING” and never enough time Scrapping. I need and electronic TIME-OUT. Too bad I just started my blog.

  4. Well, this one was a (very!) long time ago, but I had a Creepy Crawler maker when I was little that made realistic looking spiders, lizards, etc. My grandmother was afraid of spiders, so what did I make and put in her bed??? Yep. Big black spider. She called Daddy in to dispose of it and he (without his glasses) nearly beat the bed to death, but finally got it on the end of the broom and threw it out into the street (apparently he didn’t like spiders either). In the morning it was still there and I was busted! I don’t remember if they took my Creepy Crawler thing but they should have!

  5. Just for the record…Dawn DID take my earring without permission, DID wear them to school and DID lose them at school. That was very BAD!

    but since I made her respond I’ll try and think up something bad I’ve done……………! I was the goodie goodie girl. How bad could I be? I remember loving to make buttercream frosting and eating just the frosting. I made it one day and sadly broke the small pyrex custard cup. I took it out behind the garage and hid it…for years …. from my mom. she was always looking for that one cup. And i always knew where it was. YEARS later, my parents decided to clean out behind the back of the garage where there was some logs (why I don’t know) and that’s where and when my mom discovered the broken pyrex custard cup. But, oddly…she never asked. I’m sure she knew. Or else she forgot. Let’s go with knew and let me off for good behavior.

  6. Let’s see………I think the most recent way that I have been bad is by shamelessly spending more and more money on my stamping hobby which would shock my husband
    if he really knew the true amount! I have always wondered if that is how you are bad too???????

  7. This question is quite timely…I was just bad today! I went to Michaels (the second time this week) and told my husband that it was for his mom’s birthday present! Ok, SOME of it was for her, but most of it was for me and my daughter! I actually went to Michaels to look for the acrylic stamps that you are giving away, but our Michaels doesn’t have them!! Thanks for offering them!

  8. Oh boy, what have I done bad? Nothing really since having my twins 10 years ago. I was really really “bad” my senior year of high school. When I graduated I was months pregnant! Is that bad enough? DH is also a bartender on weekends and likes to practice at home. There have been plenty of times when I don’t remember that night! hehe

  9. and that last comment should read I was 8 months pregnant….I need to proofread before hitting submit 🙂

  10. hmmmm something bad, well I guess it would have to be in highschool when I got caught reading a novel in Maths class, maths was soooooooo boring and the book sooooo good.

  11. Okay, here is the first minor bad thing I can think of doing. I was in 7th grade I believe and on Halloween night several of us girls went to our math teacher’s house (we thought he was hot) and tp’d his house. We did get caught, but it was okay cause he invited us in and we sat and played games with he and his wife.

    Okay so that’s not really bad, but we’ll pretend that’s the worst thing I’ve ever done!! 🙂

  12. guess that would be last St Patty’s Day…went out drinking and then was “flashing” the whole parking lot and anybody else that would look!!!And believe me at 51….no body probably wanted to see…but I showed ’em anyhow!!!!

  13. When I was 16 and my sister was 12, our parents gave us permission to get our ears pierced. We went to the mall together and I took the first turn. The lady marked my ear lobes and shot the earring studs through. Somehow, I managed not to flinch during that process. My sister, who was carefully watching, asked me if it hurt and I told her no, because I didn’t want her to back out. She took her turn in the chair and when her first earring was shot through her ear, she turned and glared at me, “YOU LIED!!!!”

  14. My problem was I never did anything bad and was afraid of anything and anybody. One day just shy of my 18th birthday, I went out and rented an apartment, got a job the same day and went home and told my mom I wasnt gonna take any more crap from her and her slave ring. I emanipated myself! I packed a small bag and left but she grabbed my pillow back like that was gonna stop me! I grew up that day and stood up for myself for the first time in my life. It wasnt easy being on my own going to HS and working for 1.10 an hour and tips, but man I beat myself up for years about disobeying my parents and didnt really forgive myslef until I was in my 40’s. But I needed to get out and I did something rash but it worked for me in the long run.

  15. OH MY, where do I start?? I have done too many bad things..hehehe, hmm..something I can put on here that won’t be too bad..umm. I was 8 months pregnant when I got married for the first time, that lasted for 17 years, now I am in marriage number 20, hoping it lasts even longer then my first.

  16. Oh goodness…. hate to even tell this! LOL. When I was 17 I decided to take my dad’s truck while he and my mom were away. I was FORBIDEN to drive it. And I went to pickup my girlfriend in it. Well, wouldn’t you know I LOST the hubcap in it while driving. Of course I never knew it! Well, HE noticed it RIGHT away when he returned home. I NEVER admitted ever taking the truck and moving it one inch! I felt sooo terrible for never telling him the truth. But I just never could get the courage to do it! Gosh I hate even thinking about it all! 🙁 Otherwise I was a GREAT DAUGHTER growing up! Would of loved to of turned back time that one day!

  17. You don’t ask for a little, eh? Well, I’ll admit to being bad at least once. When I was a kid (8ish) I stole bubblegum ’cause somehow gum was really cool. One time, I’d come back from a “trip to the store” and I saw my Dad biking up. Freaked me right out!! I quickly shoved the gum down my pants so he’d not see it, quite forgetting that I was wearing a bathing suit at the time … needless to say, he caught me, took me to the store to return it and apologize. I didn’t go back to that store for a looooong time.

  18. Oh…too many to count! I was not a good child! One thing I was notorious for was sneaking out at night and then come home in the morning from “jogging”. I don’t think I have enough time to list everything….

  19. OOoh…Susan…aka Mom…I thought you’d post the one about the peach pits…and giving your neighbor flat tires!!

  20. We had an 8-yr old kid leave an evening PTO function in -10 weather a few weeks ago to walk home. The police officer who responded was H-O-T **HOT**!! Once he returned to tell us the kid was home safe, I asked him point blank if he was single. Made him blush about 10 shades of red… But one of the moms there was single and it was so bold that it broke the tension that all of us were feeling. And there is something about a hero in a uniform that makes him even sexier… ~ K

  21. Hmmm, way back in the day (before I met dh and had kids!), in a slightly (*cough*) drunken state, I stole a letter “A” off a sign because, of course, that’s what my name starts with! Don’t remember what ever happened to that letter….

  22. I decided to make a dessert for the famil for after dinner, I do not usually eat dessert, but make it for them. One night I was sooooo tired from being real sick and working all day, that I used salt instead of sugar in their cupcakes, don’t ask me what I was thinking or how I did it, but the great family that I have, eat theors andnever said a word. The next day, I actually felt like eating one and about just gagged. They all starting laughing and said they did not want to hurt my feelings since I was sick 🙂 What a GREAT family I have.


  23. Gosh his is difficult cause I am sure I have done loads of bad things but have gone blank!!! I remember pinching a packet of my mum’s cigarettes and my friend and I hicking up the hill behind our house to smoke them, god I coughed my guts up nearly and have never touched a packet since!!! yipee for me so not so bad now but awful then

  24. In my high school days, I lied to my parents and hung out with boys instead of my girlfriends. I’d be pretty upset with my DDs for doing that, so I guess it was bad. 🙂

  25. Something bad about “l’il ol me”…lol Boy I haven’t done anything bad in years….back in the BK (before kids) days. I guess I should say before DS as that’s when I stopped being bad and let him take over. Anyways, the one thing that sticks out in my mind is how I broke my finger celebrating my 18th birthday. The only bone I’ve ever broke & I don’t remember how I did it. lol (It wasn’t fighting either lol)I just had a little too much “celebrating” and someone pulled the earth out from under my feet. lol

  26. This is so neat reading about what everyone has done bad and I am really working my brain out trying to think of what I have done that is bad. I honestly can’t come up with anything other than eating lots of food that I shouldn’t be eating. I have been know to buy a box of peeps at the store and they are gone by the time I get home even tho I prefer them to be “stale.” So, I guess that is my bad thing.
    Sorry I am so dull.

  27. Ok…how is this for BAD?!?!?! In the 6th grade, three friends and I stole the social studies exams off the teachers desk and copied them and put them back. WE gave the answers to the whole class (our big mistake!!!) and we were suspended when one student told.

    Funny, I was the only straight A student who was in on it because I was too lazy to study!!!!

  28. I have a case of diet pepsi, a box of girl scout cookies and a bag of york peppermint patties hidden under my bed. I have dishes that need to be washed, laundry that needs to be folded, toilets that need to be scrubbed, beds that need to be made and I am reading blogs, stalking and waiting for the challenge. Now I feel guilt…hope you are happy!

  29. HMMMMM…..DO I DARE share this?????

    When I was 14 a friend of mine and I along with our two brothers, snuck out of the house (via a window) and took
    a LONG walk clear across
    town to another development and played around there for awhile before finally going back home early that morning.
    The sad thing was I tryed to fool my mom by putting a doll under the covers so only the hair would show so if she checked on us she would think we were asleep. It kind of worked, at first she thought we were just asleep but with further inspection she found us missing…. OOPS!!! She called my boyfriend and him if knew anything about it, he did’nt so she did’nt know what else to do but go back to bed. I look back and still feel bad about how much worry she went through!!!
    I know now how she must’ve felt, anything could’ve happened with four young teens out late like that So far from home. I can’t help but wonder if It will come back to haunt me someday I have four kids of my own. :0

    P.s I think I was grounded for AWHILE!

  30. When I was about 6 years old, I stold a piece of candy from the store. My mom had told me I couldn’t have it, and I wanted it so bad. I took it anyway. The funny part was that I stold a peice of cinnamon candy, and when we got in the truck to go home my mom could smell it. Well, it was back in the store I went with a penny (that wouldn’t pay for candy today) and I had to go to the register, crying profusely, and tell the lady that I stold a piece of candy, apologize and pay for it. How himiliating. I never stold again…….

  31. You my sister are baddddddddddddddd. The only thing I have ever done bad in my life, is get drunk, and walk to your house (2 miles away), in my pajamas and barefooted.

  32. I was at a friend’s house and she said “let’s go in the hot tub”! I didn’t have my suit and she said she never wore one so I got into the hot tub with her. A few minutes later she got out of the hot tub saying she would be right back. Next thing I knew her husband (sans bathing suit) joined us in the hot tub!

  33. You go girl!I don’t think I could do anything like that.I had to think for awhile to come up with one.When I was about 6 or 7 my brother and I use to return bottle’s to our local store,so we could buy candy.Doesn’t sound bad,but we use to get the bottles from the store,s shed.It had a hole at one side and I would crawl through and get the bottles them return them to the front of the store for our candy.When I got older I went to the man who had run the store to say sorry and he knew all along what we were doing.

  34. Oh, have I got a BAD one!!!!! My teenage some would come home from work, open the refrigerator and lean in just looking for something to eat. I had made a great meal that day, including gravy. As I was putting the gravy into a container, it hit me that it looked just like butterscotch pudding!!! When I made pudding I had special cups I put it in. The lightbulb and devilish grin came over me. That night when son, John, came home and checked out the frig, he was delighted to see I had made pudding. He yelled from the kitchen, could I have a pudding? Help yourself, I said!!! The next sound I heard was him spitting the beautifully cold pudding in the sink!!! We still laugh about it. BAD MOM!! But funny mom. I hope this wins me your goodies. I LOVE your blog–keep up the good work. Athena, Goddess of Arts & Crafts (name given to me mockingly by son John, now I’m proud)

  35. Had too much to drink at a going away party for a friend. I spent the night hugging the toilet. While I was hugging it I just kept thinking “I’m so glad I cleaned this toilet today.” I obviously hugged it a little too hard because the next morning my chest was bruised. I will never drink that much again.

  36. Way back in the early 70’s when I was 16 I had a crush on this boy (don’t think he knew I was alive) so on a Fri. nite -out with the girls we went looking for him. heard he was at a party at the Forrestry. So we drive up there-there just a buch of “hippies” hanging around. We stayed-oh about 5 minutes-“I swear” and left-only we couldn’t get our car out because another car had pulled in and blocked us-who you ask- THE POLICE!!!
    Well to make a long story short the next day on the front page of our little local paper were the headlines “Largest Booze and Drug Raid in —- County History” with 54 peoples name,age, address and parents name. Nothing came of it-it was all totally bogus, but it was a first (and last for me) time the paper did that with juveniles- it was the times-they were a changin’ Anyway I never got the boy I got grounded and I never went to a party like that anymore. And if you don’t believe my story my parents still have the paper to prove it (and Sherry you should know you live in the County!)-as a matter of fact my teenage nieces came across it and boy did I have some ‘splaining to do!

  37. Oh my gosh, this is one of the most fun blog ‘contests’!! Hmmm… which one shall I choose to share?
    I was around 15 years old and lied to my parents about going to a friend’s house for New Year’s Eve. A bunch of us friends rented a motel room to party in but since we were all underage, that plan did not work out. We went on to someone else’s house and got really drunk. My friend’s mother somehow found out and called my mother, so I got caught. I was usually a well behaved girl at home so this was a big deal.

  38. Well, I’ve been known to sunbathe in the nude and have been caught a time or two (maybe even three times) by a neighbor out mowing their lawn or kids outside playing. Needless to say, it’s embarrassing, but I still get out there…now I just hit the local state park that allows nudity. What can I say, I hate those tanlines!

  39. Oh – could I tell some stories… A good one is going to Oktober Fest in Germany, drinking way too much beer, crawling up on the table to dance and strip in front of practically my whole high school. The funny part is my mom was one the chaparones and she was laughing at me while my boyfriend tried to pull me down. AH – youth.

    Love your blog and check in almost daily.


  40. Cindy I think I remember that party at the forrestry and nope I was probably at one in Charlestown at the time!

  41. And Carrie my sister, you are BAD too, but not as BAD as me!!!!!

  42. Ok…something bad. Well…let’s see. My husband and I got married at a beautiful location, outside, with a lodge onsite for the reception. Close to our 1st anniversary, we decided to sneak down to the location (on private property) and have our own little anniversary celebration. We brought a blanket and everything!! 🙂 But we stayed in the woods a little, so ended up with leaves and twigs in various locations!! LOL!! Maybe we should do it again for our 10th!!

  43. mmmmmmmm bad you say?

    well bad would be not cuting and mounting stamp sets that I ordered from last October until now since I finally bought the SU scissors that cut like butter from my demonstrator Dawn Griffith.

  44. lol….I love this idea for a contest. Where oh where do I begin! One that always sticks out in my mind was when I was in grade 12 I was dating this guy for a month and wasn’t really interested anymore. A friend of mine was having a party so I brought him anyways. After an hour or so I said I wasn’t feeling good so he took me home. Then once I seen him drive away I called a taxi and went back to the party! Needless to say that was the last time I ever saw

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. This is so fun reading these!! lol

    I’ve pretty much been a good girl my whole life with just a couple of exceptions. You know how you can get when you are with a lot of your girlfriends. Well in high school a whole group of us were driving back from a school track meet. Several of us were crammed in the back seat of the car. For whatever reason as we approached some poor innocent motorcycle rider someone said, “Let’s moon him!!” And of course it seemed like a good idea at the time. So we all put our naked butts up there in the back window as the driver sped by him. That poor man. I still think about him and hope that that he didn’t suffer any trauma from that. Geesh.

  46. Sherry – I love your work! The first BAD thing that came to mind is what I did two weeks ago. Our mail lady didn’t deliver our mail for two days in a row because she apparently couldn’t reach the mailbox due to the snow being piled up in front of it. I was expecting a big package of ribbon that I got from eBay, so I decided to go to the post office and get it myself. I was so excited after I got the ribbon and jumped back in the car, that I totally forgot that I parked right next to a light post with a huge cement block around the outside of it. I practically drove right into it as I turned to leave – don’t ask me how! I ruined our new car – smashed in both doors on the passenger side. I did $2700 in damage! Thank goodness our deductible was $500!

  47. Last year I was going through a little bout of depression! When I felt down and out, I went shopping at A.C. Moore, Michaels, and specialty stores. I even spent money with Creative Memories and Stampin Up. Well, spending money on these crafty things made me feel so good that I ended up spending $7500 between February and July. My husband wasn’t too pleased!

  48. Oh, fun….I like to whisper naughty things in my husbands ear at times when he can’t respond, lol.
    Claudia F.

  49. When we were kids and long before caller ID we used to make crank calls. We’d call a home and ask if their Refridgerator was running and they would say yes and we’d say “well, you better go get it”. Or we would call the local newspaper / tobacco store and asked if they had Prince Albert in a can (that was tobacco), they would say yes and we would say, “well, you better let him out”. We thought we were so funny.

  50. Another kid story – we lived near woods and would disappear for hours playing fort/army until our mothers were so mad at us we’d get grounded for a week, then we’d do it again! Is that really bad? Love the blog candy!!

  51. I’m not telling the really bad stuff! But one time I came in very late from a date and my Dad was already up getting ready for work and so I wouldn’t get in trouble, I played on his sympathy and told him my boyfriend and I had had a fight. (Which we had but I was out so late because of the making up, not the fight).

  52. hmmmmmmmmmm where do I start? When I was in 7th grade I stole my moms creamy blue eyeshadow (UGH!) and wore it everyday but didn’t put it on until I got to school.
    A HS boyfriend put one of those construction barricades
    on my front door step – I thought it was hilarious (my dad didn’t), dropped out of college (but finished later when I was very old), got married way too young (married 24 years) – had 5 kids with no idea how expensive they would be as teenagers but the worst thing I’ve done is leave my new Bella stamps sitting alone in my stamp room because I haven’t had time to use them. (this the the **bad** stuff I’m willing to admit to… there’s more that will never see the light of day unless it’s on my therapists couch).

  53. Hmmmm – I won’t tell my worst story (or the many…hehehe). My sister used to have a SERIOUS hangup about alcohol, so we spiked her drink, not realzing she had just taken perscription drugs. She passed out after one glass!! She still hates it when I tell that story…hehehe

  54. Ok…Here is my bad story (and I know you’re going to chuckle) although in the end…true to my nature…I was good. I was a very straight laced teenager. I got straight A’s in school, hung out with others of a similar fashion, didn’t drink, didn’t do drugs, etc. Heck…on Senior skip day I asked my mom’s permission if I could skip school!

    Well anyway, when I was 19 (and still living at home) I went to a party and let my hair down and actually indulged in a few (quite a few) drinks. I was smart enough to know that I couldn’t get behind the wheel and drive so my friends who were sober, drove me home…snuck me inside…got me undressed…tucked me in and basically took care of me where my parents never would have been the wiser. Not being able to fall asleep (bed spins and all that) I promptly got out of bed, stumbled upstairs to my parents room to wake my mom up and tell her I was sorry for getting drunk when I was underage. To this day, my mom laughs about it.


  55. In college I had a “dollar trick” – a dollar bill with a piece of clear packing tape attached to it. I could feed it into a coke machine, wait until just the right moment & then pull it back out by the tape – not only would I get a free coke, but I’d also get back 45 cents in change! Yes, I was a thief . I stopped only after breaking all of the dollar feeders on the coke machines in my building on campus….!!

  56. I try not to be bad. I have to say the worst thing I do, is use my husbands credit card when I shouldn’t

  57. Bad? I too haven’t done one “bad” thing in my entire life! With the email & screen-names of “Angel” in them…well how could I? Hmmmm nope not once have I ever been defiant! But I did get a tattoo when I was 44 and then another one when I was 45, and I think I’ll get even another when while I’m 46! Easy to do because my son-in-law is a tattoo artist!
    Oh bad – yeah something bad – when I was married the first time..I went with him to a very important meeting/gathering/happy hour thing. I had on a very full and pretty skirt (Summer time), along with a very respectable shirt. Well, when we got there..I promptly informed him I had on no ummm undergarments! HA….what a fun couple hours that was while he had to mingle and be all important like…knowing I was waltzing around “blowing” in the breeze! LOL

  58. I had to think long and hard about this one. I’m such a goodie two shoes! I don’t lie well…don’t take sick days unless I’m really sick…you get the picture. Although, I remember one time in either grade 8 or grade 9 French class (up here in Canada we have to take French in high school). Well, I actually cheated on an exam. I had my notebook down at my feet with stuff written on it (and then my eyesight was good enough to actually see it…hehehe). And I had written stuff in ink on my arm under the sleeve of my shirt. Now the ironic thing is that I actually work in a school (elementary) in special ed.

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