Sep 082007

It’s Saturday and I’ve done nothing but putter around in the studio, color some images, and doodle on my scrap pads – oh I so love being lazy. Actually, I got a bug late yesterday afternoon that I needed to do a little reorganizing again. Darn these kids of mine! One of them really needs to move out, because I NEED a bigger stamping area. I have no room to add one more thing, and I so needed to get some stamps stored away. Then because I moved an old multimedia tower that I store unmounted and backgrounds in, I just had to go through some piles of paper, catalogs and magazines. In the process of going through those papers, and finding them a home, I needed to tackle one of the cabinets in the laundry room. There I have stored old SU catalogues, Cuttlebug accessories, and now my new Bind-It-All stuff. Yes, I said stuff because that is what I’m doing, stuffing it in any open spot I can find. Who knew when I built this addition to the house a few years ago that it wasn’t large enough? Well, everyone but me actually! As I wait patiently for my oldest daughter to move into her first apartment (and who knows when that’s going to be), I have resolved to myself that I cannot purchase another thing . . . . maybe.

Once again, I was up late last night and couldn’t sleep. I don’t know if it was the nap or the coffee I had after dinner, but I was wide awake and did some coloring. A few days ago someone commented on an old card in my SCS Gallery.  I went and dug it up so I could show you:


I’ve only made two cards with Thoroughly Thankful, and I was happy when it made the big catalog. Last night I was playing around with my Copic markers and different techniques for shading, and thought that it would be fun to CASE myself. I have never taken an old card from gallery and intentionally made another one just for the sake of remaking the card. Here you have it, a CASE of myself!!!

Thoroughly Thankful case

Stamps: Thoroughly Thankful and Flannel Plaid

Paper: Neenah Classic Crest Solar White, Old Olive Chocolate Chip

Ink: Brilliance Graphite Black, Old Olive, Tim Holtz Ranger Old Paper Distress Ink

Accessories: Copic Markers, May Arts Ribbon, Brads, Dauber, Scissors and Sanding Block for distressing, Mounting Tape

The image was colored with Copic Markers. I stamped the image twice, and colored the pumpkins, cut out 2 of them and mounted them on top of the image with mounting tape. The photo corner is also raised on mounting tape.

Wow. I can’t believe it’s Friday already! My house is quiet, my chores and errands are done, and I still haven’t found all the stamping time I wanted. Well, I did last night – when I should have been in bed. I was on my way to bed last night around 12:30 and ready to sign-off on the computer when I checked the Limited Supply Challenge on Splitcoast for today. Much to my joy, the challenge was posted and I was going to be able to sleep on what I wanted to do. I logged off the computer, shut everything down, and was heading to the laundry room to turn off all the lights, etc., and stopped at my counter. Bad move! The smell of ink, paper and rubber was too much to resist. Ideas were flowing – – I felt the need, THE NEED TO STAMP!

The Limited Supply Challenge, is just that – limited supplies. Today’s challenge is to make a Sympathy card with flowers. One background stamp only (big, little or another turned into a background stamp – but only one). One Sentiment stamp, no Cuttlebug or similar tools, and embellishments are limited to your style.

At 2:00 a.m., the basic layers of this card looked good (in my mind anyway), and then this morning the rest of it came together. I just had to have the set Blossoms Abound and I’ve used it once before this card, and Flannel Plaid just seems to go with everything. The flowers are stamped with VersaMagic chalk inks, and Flannel Plaid is stamped in Very Vanilla. The edges of all the panels are also sponged in the Very Vanilla just to add a little interest. Now, please note: I used 2 brads instead of 20, 1 ribbon and 1 bow instead of 2 or 3, and I only have 6 layers instead of 9 – and I put my background panel directly on the card – I NEVER do that!!!!! Plus, I actually stamped the sentiment on the image – normally I would have stamped it separately, layered it with something else and more than likely raised it up on mounting tape. Oh, and there’s no sewing. I did good, I did real good (here it my southern drawl)!


Stamps: Blossoms Abound and Warmest Regards

Paper: Whisper White, Very Vanilla

Ink: Very Vanilla; VersaMagic Spanish Olive, Hint of Pesto, Aegean Blue and Sea Breeze

Accessories: Brads, Ribbon, Corner Rounder, Square Punch, Sponge Dauber

Sep 062007

For those of you who have been reading my blog for some time, you’ll remember that I went to Cincinnati last spring for a Stampin’ and Pamperin’ Retreat.  You can find the old post here.  Well, we are at it again!  This time there is a Dirty Lineup not to be beat – myself, Jeanne S, Kittie747 and Yvette.  I am so excited to be spending time with Jeanne and Kittie again, but I finally get to meet Yvette too!  You can check out all the details here!  We would love to have you join us for some fun!!!!

Happy Thursday! Even though I was hoping to stamp the better part of today, I’ve had a few set backs. One of them being – I’VE GOT NEW STAMPS, WOO HOO!

I checked out the Ways to Use it Challenge on Splitcoast this morning and its pocket cards. I love to make these, and couldn’t wait to get started. But first, I had to run a few errands so that my day would be free. I got home, started working on the challenge, and was actually half way done. There was a knock at the door and guess who it was – the mailman! He had my new Lizzie Anne Design sets. Well of course, I had to abort the project I was working on and put ink to new rubber!

So, here’s a little sneak peak of one of the new sets being released on September 10th, High Hopes. I have a feeling this card will be making its way to a certain college freshman who is away from home.

The actual card is Pretty in Pink, and I stamped So Swirly in Regal Rose. The polka dot patterned paper is sewn to the front and the inside on the sewing machine. I sewed the ribbon under the front piece and over the inside piece. In order to get the card to close, I raised the image panel on dimensionals so that I could run the ribbon from the inside under the panel. Both images, the one on the front and the one on the pull out card, are colored with Copic markers.

WT130 Closed

WT130 Open

Stamps: High Hopes and So Swirly by Lizzie Anne Designs

Paper: SU Pretty in Pink and Basic Black, Neenah Classic Crest Solar White, Radiant Heartwarming Vintage Collection by Crafty Secrets

Ink: Brilliance Graphite Black, SU Regal Rose

Accessories: Sewing Machine, Copic Markers, Black Gel Pen, Ribbon, Brads. Dimensionals, SU Round Tab Punch

I know this post is a little late for me, but I was able to get so much accomplished this morning that I had to go with the flow. I was finally able to get some household accounting done, took care of my Stamp Club, organized the laundry room to make a home for my Bind-it-All, and actually did a few loads of laundry while I was at it. I feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off my shoulders and will not have a guilty conscious when I spend the whole day stamping tomorrow.

I did check in on the Sketch Challenge on Splitcoast before I nodded off last night, but didn’t start it until after 5:00 today. I had in mind what I wanted to do, and I’m not sure it’s there yet, but I did have fun!

I had this image in my head of white on white with just a touch of color. Using the holly from the Lizzie Anne Designs Glad Tidings set, I stamped randomly across the front of the background layer with VersaMark, and then embossed in clear EP. Along the bottom of the card base is a row of small holly stamped and embossed the same way, but it is very hard to see in the picture (and this was like the 20th that I took). The main image is stamped on glossy cardstock and then sponged in Soft Sky (emboss resist).


Stamps: Glad Tidings by Lizzie Anne Designs

Paper: Neenah Classic Crest Solar White, SU Soft Sky, Glossy White

Ink: VersaMark Watermark, SU Soft Sky

Accessories: SU Soft Sky Ribbon, Uchida Scallop Punches, SU 1/16″, 1-1/4″ Circle Punches, SU Designer Label and Ticket Corner Punches, Ranger Clear EP

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