Good Saturday morning! I have so enjoyed reading all of your comments regarding your most memorable Christmas gift. They have all brought back so many memories for me. From Barbie dolls, doll houses, Krissy dolls and even Chatty Cathy. I still have my Chatty Cathy – her stomach is held together with reinforced tape and she mumbles when she talks, but she is still a much cherished doll. My sister had a Krissy doll with the long red hair – actually, I’m sure she still has it. My first Barbie was the one that you dyed her hair and bathing suit to match. I had a Julia doll that talked and even a Ken doll with the plastic hair. My girls played with them and just this past summer I brought them home from my mother’s house. I didn’t have a Barbie house, but I did have a stove, sink and refrigerator made out of shoe boxes. Empty thread spools were their chairs and my aunt made all their clothes. Thank you all so much for bringing back such wonderful memories for me!

I suppose you want to know who won the Rubbernecker Tawdry Treats. There were a total of 62 comments, and using the Random Sequence Generator, the 50th comment is the winner. CONGRATULATIONS Kelly aka Littlekel90!

I remember drooling over a new bike when I was 8 or 9, and finally got my very own 10-speed bike when I was 10 years old. It was the prettiest thing ever sitting there all shiny red in front of the Christmas tree. I remember riding on that thing ALL the time. ) Thanks for a chance to win those terrific goodies! Kelly

Please email me all your deets, and I’ll get the package out to you right after the Holidays!

I have one last Christmas card for you today! The image was colored with Copic Markers and then punched out and mounted on a larger scalloped circle. A small push pin was used to make the punches in the larger scallop and the edges were sponged with Tim Holtz Old Paper Distress Ink. The main image is raised on mounting tape.

RNS Pine Basket

Stamps: 36-14 Pine Basket and Sentiment from Rubbernecker Stamp Company

Paper: Neenah Classic Crest Solar White, Deja Views Flurries & Frost – Frost Tonal*, BasicGrey Figgy Pudding, Artichoke

Ink: Adirondack Espresso & Pesto, Distress Old Paper

Accessories: Copic Ciao Markers, Mounting Tape*, Uchida Giga Scallop Circle and Mega Circle Punches, Sponge Dauber*, Push Pin, Gelly Roll Red Glaze Pen*, Sewing Machine, Ribbon

*All product can be found at my Favorites Page at Rubbernecker Stamp Company

Now because it is the Holidays, I have one more set of Tawdry Treats for you! These are all Christmas images and sentiments from Rubbernecker Stamp Company mounted on smart cling cushion. How do you win you ask? Well, let me tell you – leave me a comment! Because I love to read your stories and learn more about you, I would love to know what your favorite family tradition is.

RNS Dec 22 Tawdry Treat

We’ve had to start new traditions the last few years. This is our third Christmas without my Dad, and our Christmas Holidays have taken some major changes. My dad loved Christmas and was himself like a little boy during the Holidays. Oh how we miss him and his belief in the Spirit of the Holidays. Now we gather here at my home instead of my mothers and because we no longer have little kids around, we do stocking stuffers. Everyone has their own stocking, and we each buy something for everyone. We had long ago given up on exchanging gifts because our family was so large. The adults always bought for the children and enjoyed spending our time together. It’s very hard to start new traditions when you are rooted in the past, so I would love to hear more about yours! Maybe I’ll get some new ideas for next year!

Once again, I’ll be using the Random Sequence Generator, and will announce the winner on Christmas Eve morning.

HEY check this out — my buddy, Jeanne, is also having some Blog Candy today, you’ll want to hop over to Inky Paws, and see what she is giving!

63 Responses to “A Winner and More Tawdry Treats!”

  1. Ohh, I want to thank you Sherry!! I can’t remember the last time I won something. It doesn’t happen often, that’s for sure. I wanted to drop by and wish you and your family a joyous Christmas filled with fun and laughter. As for traditions, ours have changed over the years as well, but probably the only constant is unwrapping one gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas day (here at home with my DH and DS). We used to spend Christmas Eve each year with my parents, but this year due to my work schedule, I need to be available both Christmas Eve and Christmas day, so . . . we are celebrating today instead, so we are heading out the door soon. Great to get the good news before I went! Yeah!! 😀 Kelly

  2. Congrats Kelly! A couple of our traditions are:
    One night we get together and go cruisin for light displays. This is so much fun! Another one is to go around the table before we eat and everyone has to say something they are thankful for. Thanks so much for letting me play on this sweet giveaway.
    [email protected]

  3. Congrats to Kelly!

    A favorite tradition is that in the toe of our stockings we’d get an orange. I was allowed to get up early on Chirstmas Morning and get my stocking and open it so every Christmas I’ve had an orange for breakfast.

  4. We have so many traditions for the Christmas holidays (and the kids tell me if we’ve forgotten to do one). I will tell you about one of our Christmas Eve traditions. Each year, I make homemade pizza. We put blankets down in the living room and we have a pizza picnic. We eat pizza, salad, drink soda and watch Christmas movies. The kids look forward to our pizza picnic every year.

    Thanks for the chance to win the stamping goodies. Happy Holidays!!!

  5. Sherry—
    First of all….Merry Christmas!! When I was young, we always opened our gifts (from Mom & Dad) on Christmas Eve….and I remember getting a beautiful new nightgown every year….and my three brothers would get new PJ’s too. After all of our gifts were opened, we would race to put our new PJ’s on, because we knew the faster we got to sleep, the faster Santa would deliver his presents to us! (Of course, we all looked great in our new PJ’s in the Christmas morning photos!) Now that the four of us are grown, with children of our own, my parents now buy pajamas for all of the grandchildren… everybody STILL looks great in their Christmas morning photos! Thanks for the walk down memory lane, and for a chance at some of your ‘tawdry treats’! (Does some of your talent brush off on the goodies—-so it’ll transfer to me if I win??) Have a wonderful time with your family & friends this Christmas. Hugs–Pam B. (4Hounds)

  6. One of our new traditions, since our family has gotten larger and our disposable income hasn’t, is what we call a “Dastardly Santa” gift exchange. I think it’s known by other names, but basically all the adults bring a wrapped, unisex gift with a $10-15 value. We draw numbers and go around the room. You can pick a new gift from the pile, or “steal” someone else’s gift. There are more rules, but I never remember from year to year and have to be reminded all the time. We all buy gifts for the little ones, and the adults also draw a name at Thanksgiving to buy one good gift for. It really cuts down on the shopping (and spending!)

  7. We always go to my Aunt Wilmas for Christmas eve and Santa makes a stop on his very busy night. It is so much fun. I have a 15 month old who is terrified of Santa, so we will see how this year goes, but it should be great.

    It’s a good life!
    Terri E.

  8. My favorite tradition we just did last night. We drive around the city (it is a small one) and look at all the Christmas lights. With my husband working nights right now he was able to scope out where to go a couple of days ahead of time. The final house was the neatest. It was a huge house with no less than 6 blow up decorations along with a ton of lights. It was very fun! I think next year I’d like to take along one of the little stockings you can get at the dollar store filled with some candy and present it to the house that is our favorite. I think that would just makes that persons day!

    I love doing stockings for my kids so your tradition sounds like fun!

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Congrats Kelly on the win!
    Our favorite family tradition started about 10 years ago when we spent Christmas with my very dear friend and her family. We lived far away from ours and they graciously offered to share theirs with us. They did something I had never ever seen done before. None of their packages had names on them.We all sat in a circle and one by one, going from youngest to oldest, opened packages taking turns until they were all opened. When the package was opened, the person who had bought or made the gift would announce the person to recieve the gift. It was so fun watching hands go up and people vying for the just opened prize and then hearing the name announced (especially when it was your name and something that you realllllly wanted). It took us a good hour to hour and a half to get them all opened and their was music playing and snacks and lots of laughter. This was such a pleasant change from the dive in, and rip open way that we had always done things before then. Believe it or not, the kids enjoyed it just as much as the adults. The next year the kids asked me if we could do it that way every year and to this day we have.
    Hope your Holidays are wonderful and thanks for the chance to win some candy!!!!

  10. DMIL’s tradition which will be passed down once we have kiddos is having a birthday cake for Jesus & singing happy birthday (the cake has a plastic nativity scene on top too)

  11. The only tradition that comes to mind is opening our presents on Christmas Eve. It just seems more peaceful at that time and we have yummy snacks. The big meal is for Christmas Day! Thanks for giving away the fun package! I always need more Christmas sentiments. I don’t like using them year after year!

  12. Thanks so much for sharing your daily inspiration with us! I love your cards and your funny stories. I hope you and your family have a happy holiday together. Best wishes. Arianne

  13. Before kids I used to drive people to church… now with kids we have a tradition of Chinese Food and a Movie (see this YouTube video… really fun! )

    Santa leaves small stockings for the girls (he loves all kids, even Jewish ones) and we invite friends who would like to celebrate with us.

    As Jews, we remember the REASON for the holiday, and we enjoy helping others to celebrate, with JOY!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. ON christmas day we start the day off with going to church. After that we do fondue with our four children. On boxing day we get together with my side of the family and have a potluck christmas dinner. There are around 40 of us. Hope you have a blessed christmas and a happy new year.

  15. I love those cheapie advent calendars with chocolate my mom always bought when I was a kid. Nothing tasted better at 7 in the morning than a piece of that chocolate…she still sends one although, more often than not, my kids steal the chocolate! Cheers Sherry!

    BTW, great card. Nice use of an image I think you could get away with using most of the year!

  16. oh we’ve never had Christmas traditions in my household since we are not catholics, but this year I wanted to do something different and I went and brought my first ever christmas tree..decorated it and now it’s the talk of the household..I think this will become a tradition…
    Merry Christmas Sherry! As always I love your card…I especially adore the way you color…awesome!


  17. Congratulations Kelly!
    I absolutely love this card.

  18. We are a relatively young family (ds is only turning 4 on Christmas!), so we are still working out our traditions. When I was growing up, though, we always went to my aunt’s on Christmas Eve. She had great food and we traded presents, sat around and chatted until we were tired enough to go home to bed. Now that I live away from family, that is one tradition I miss.

  19. Oooh Awesome treats again! We have so many traditions it’s hard to pick just one! I love church on Christmas eve and then opening our new p.j’s.

  20. Every Christmas day while the Tofurkey is cooking, I write checks to charity and watch a Christmas Story. I have done this for so long, I forget and sometimes overdo it and then scramble when the car insurance comes the 6th of January (that always bites). SO now I keep a chart and tinker with it adding some, deleting some but all local kids and animal charities. They get a Dec 26th Post mark tho-no one to do that on the day.

  21. Hi Sherrie!
    Barbie and Chatty Cathy were my favorites too!

    As for tradition, there are no “kids” in my family, so we do something different every year. This year my sister came to visit last week, and my brother is coming in tonight for a few days. They both live out of state, so it’s always great to see them 🙂

  22. Our Christmas tradition is that on CHristmas Eve we all get on our brand new pair of jammies, play a new boardgame and sleep in the same room. My family loves Christmas Eve because the boys know they get to pull their mattresses into our room.
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Merry Christmas! [email protected]

  23. My favorite family tradition is, well, everything, LOL! We have a lot of strong traditions in my family, but my favorite this year is one that has been revived from when I was a child. My DD is now 17 months old, so my parents (like my grandparents did for me) got her one gift for each day before Christmas. Every night before she goes to be she gets to open one.

    I loved this tradition when I was a kid, but I didn’t realize that it is really practical, too, LOL! My DD opens her gifts pretty slowly, so if she got to open all these things on Christmas morning it would take FOREVER! So by spreading it out she gets to enjoy one thing each day and it is so fun for us to watch her!

    Consequently, I just posted about her first Barbie here:

  24. One of my favorites is that everyone in the family buys stocking stuffers for each other and on Christmas Eve we sit listening to Christmas music, eating cookies and take turns opening our stocking gifts.
    [email protected]

  25. Can you believe we don’t really have any traditions?? I want to start some though with my husband. We’ve recently moved so hey, this would be a great time to start one!
    Merry Chirstmas!!!

  26. Every year we let the kids (and ourselves) open only our stockings, then have a big breakfast before breaking into the gifts – torture but a surefire way of extending the fun just a little longer.

    I think we’ll move into a gift giving idea like yours once ther little ones are bigger, with 13 nieces and nephews Christmas is a bit costly and shopping a LOT stressful!

    Merry Christmas Sherry!

  27. Wow, what good traditions everyone has. Every year I take a Christmas picture of my teenage daughters and give them to members of our family. I can’t believe how they have changed over the years. Have a good Christmas.

  28. Fav tradition…hmm this is a hard one because there are so many I like, but it might be our Chinese food dinner on Christmas Eve with my immediate family. For a new one, it would be the kids ornaments that we get every year now…

  29. Yeah for Kelly!!
    HMMM My family has several traditions. One of the all time favs for all the grandkids is that my Dad played Santa every year! He went from my sisters to my brothers and then to my house delivering Santas presents to the kids.(poor guy sometimes had to wait until 1 am for the little buggers to all be asleep so Santa would not be caught in Bumpa’s old green pickup! Sadly all of the grandchildren are older this year and do not “believe” anymore. But they still like to laugh over the concoctions they left for Santa and that they now know “Bumpa” dutifully ate right down to the carrots left for the reindeer. He would nibble a piece of each one.!!

  30. For my family, what started decades ago as a pot luck get together of my mom and her brothers with us kid in tow has grown to the kids’ kids’ kids as well. Plus the spouses. We take turns every year among groups of cousins now – selecting the date, venue and theme. Grab bags for all have changed to donations to our local Food Bank or this year, a donation in memory of our late grandparents from the extended families to our Good Neighbor Fund.

    Happy Holidays!!!

  31. My favorite tradition has to be hanging the stockings that my aunt made for my brother and I – probably made c.1955 – made of wool, fur, felt sequins, and many fancy embellishments – each about 36″ long. Mine is green, my brother’s is red. My mother hangs them on her mantel every year – won’t let us have them yet!!

  32. My favorite family tradition is to have Christmas breakfast together and eat cinnamon made from my mom’s recipe! So yummy!

  33. Our Family Tradition began over 150 years ago, as this has been done on my Mother’s side of the family for at least that long. But not to worry, I won’t take you that far back; approximately 70 years ago, when my Mom was a young girl, every year my Nanny (aka Grandmother) would pick a special ornament from her tree, and explained the story behind it (ie. where it came from, how old it was, what it meant to her and her Mom, etc.) ….. Nanny would then pass it on to my Mom, who would then carefully wrap it and place it in her Hope Chest for her future life.

    When I turned 12 yrs. old my Mother started the same tradition with me; passing forward the ornaments that she had obtained from my Nanny MANY years before. Some of the precious, delicate ornaments on my tree are well over 90-100 years old ~ I often fear that if even the slightest breeze were to go by my tree, my frail family ornaments would just turn into crystals and float away into the wind. *smile*

    Now that I’m 43 yrs. old and my husband and I don’t have the blessing of children (unless you count furbabies), I couldn’t just allow this wonderful tradition to end with me. So next year our Godson will be turning 12 yrs. old, and we’re incredibly fortunate to have an extremely close and loving relationship with him. In honour of my Nanny who has passed, and my Mother who is now 80 yrs. old, I am going to carry on our Family Tradition. I will select one of my special family ornaments annually, that are priceless and exquisite, and begin the process of giving our Godson the history of each, for his future life and hopefully to pass onward to his children.

    It’s such a simple thing to do or start, but holds such warm and loving memories for me. I’m sure this Tradition will continue for another lifetime, even when I am no longer here to witness :0)

    As Martha would say, “It’s a Good Thing” *smile*

    Happy Holidays Sherry.

  34. I know what you mean – my Dad passed away 3 years ago also. We’d started splitting hosting duties between the local sibs prior to that and I generally hostess Christmas.

    When my kids were young we used to decorate the tree and wrap presents all on Christmas eve so they’d wake to a total change in our living room (I had much more energy then …). Now my fav tradition is having family at my house and watching Miracle on 34th Street – how things change!

    later, alligator!
    – SueB

  35. Congratulations Kelly! Unfortunately, we don’t really have any Christmas traditons, except that one of our three kids gets to play Santa on Christmas morning. Whichever one of them is Santa gets to pick out the presents from under the tree and deliver them to each of us. Then we open them one at a time so we all get to see what each person received. The funny thing is that they each start asking to be Santa about a month before Christmas. I love reading about everyone’s traditions and now have some great ideas for some new traditions! Thanks for offering such awesome Tawdry Treats. I hope I win!!
    Angi R

  36. I really enjoy reading your blog Sherry, and seeing your fabulous artwork. My favorite tradition growing up was driving around town on Christmas Eve looking at all the lights and decorations. When we got home, Santa would have visited. To this day, my brothers and I (who are in our 40’s) haven’t figured out how Mom got the gifts under the tree. Keeping the true magic of Christmas, we’ve never asked her.

  37. We, too, have altered our Christmas traditions due to loved ones passing away. Once we had children, we decided it was important to be home on Christmas morn and open gifts. Every year my now 15 year old daughter begs to open a gift on Christmas Eve!

  38. Christmas tradition in my parents’ home was always no one could open any gifts until Mom and Dad had their breakfast in bed! Now each of us (we’re a large family) do that with our kids…

    Now that my son is grown up, I just stay in bed longer!! LOL

  39. our family tradition is to sing happy birthday to Jesus before we open gifts so we always remember why we are celebrating…..thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies! Deidre Mooney [email protected]

  40. Tis the season to be generous as far as you’re concerned, huh? My favorite tradition was started with our kids when they were little. I bake a cake and we have it for breakfast on Christmas morning before opening the presents. We make it a Happy Birthday, Jesus, cake and the kids get t eat cake for breakfast. Definitely a win, win situation. Thanks for sharing.

  41. My favourite tradition…as a kid, we were allowed to pick one present under the tree to open on Christmas eve, after Church, and it was always fun trying to pick just the right gift to open! LOL! Of course, Santa hadn’t come yet, so these were gifts from family.

  42. First off Happy Holidays to you and your family!!!
    Thanks for the chance at this wonderful treat!!!
    OUr family tradition is one we started 2 yrs ago.We pick out a name off a tree at Walmart for a needy child. They have the child’s 1st name,age and gift ideas.We have no children of our own,we spoil everyone elses’s and that’s why we started this tradition. This year we picked a 3 yr old boy and a 13 yr old girl.
    You can tell they don’t have much by what they have listed on their lists.So we try and get everything on there!

  43. Because a lot of my family is spread out in Texas, my Mom started a tradition of “sneeking” around to each of our homes and leaving a huge stocking filled with goodies on our door knobs. She’d do this as close to Christmas as possible but we usually found our stockings on Christmas Eve. In all the years she has done this, we’ve only caught her at it once! She says that she has the best time finding stuff for the stockings and then an even better time creeping around trying not to get caught. Now that all of us kids live “in the country” some where, its not that easy for her to get away with it but she still tries! She’s 80 years old and going strong! Because of that alone, I feel very blessed. Merry Christmas and thanks for helping me to stop and remember how fortunate I really am.

  44. First of all, your card is beautiful! I love that basket full of evergreens! A Christmas tradition our family has is to go to the Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo, then have a late dinner at our favorite restaurant. We just did it last night! It’s so nice to see all four of our kids (ages 15, 13, 6 and 4) enjoying the time together. They even thanked us for taking them! It’s one thing that really makes me feel the spirit of Christmas every year.

    A neighborhood tradition I’d like to share is that we have luminaries lining our streets every Christmas Eve. Many of us get together Christmas Eve morning to assemble and set up the luminaries, and someone volunteers to have everyone back for breakfast afterward. Seeing all 500 luminaries lit that evening is such a beautiful sight — it looks like Santa’s runway! 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win, Sherry! Merry Christmas!

  45. My family has done Christmas the same for years…nothing really different from everyone else’s, but it is ours and we like it. 🙂 We bake up lots of goodies and candies to deliver to the neighbors, have a fun game filled Christmas Eve and we all get to open 1 present Christmas Eve, the smallest package from outside the house! Then Christmas morning at our own respective homes for the kids, then all over to Grandma’s for gift exchange in the family and Dinner!

    Have a Very Merry Christmas!!

  46. I have a very large family so every year we get together and play the gift exchange game. It’s usually the weekend before Christmas, so that everyone can spend time with their own families. We have had up to 80 people at times. On my husband’s side, we exchange goodies. I am always making goodies around the holidays.. Good thing they are going out to everyone else, or I’d be in trouble! Thanks for sharing your blog candy…

  47. My favorite tradition was our time at the Christmas Eve church services. We were always very involved and enjoyed doing things together as a family (ok maybe not then so much, but as adults I know I miss that time 🙂

    Happy Holidays!

  48. I’m another one who loves Christmas eve church service. I remember as a little girl going to my grandparent’s candlelight service. They attended a larger church than ours and it seemed so big and the service seemed so serious in the candlelight. I loved feeling “grown-up” staying up late. This year we will visit a new neighborhood church we may end up joining. I’m looking forward to it!

  49. When the guys were little Santa would always come to our house and they would tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Not that they are all grown up it’s the opening of the stockings.

  50. My favorite Christmas tradition is baking cookies. I love that the children love them and then love to give them away, too!

  51. Fabulous stamps!! My favorite family tradition is to go shopping on Black Friday with my mom. We go every year and get up way too early. But we have a lot of fun getting good deals and completing our Christmas list in one day!

  52. Midnight walks with my kids, looking for Santa’s sleigh. This is, of course, in our jamies, in northeast Nebraska’s winters. Call us crazy, but I loved it and it made for wonderful memories. (We still do it even though my kids are in their late teens and know have figured out the blinking light is an airplane, not Rudolph.)

  53. My fav tradition is to drive around looking at Christmas lights . And then watching a Christmas movie on Christmas eve .
    Merry Christmas Sherry !

  54. I love all your great creations!
    One of my favorite tradtions was driving around on Christmas Eve to look at Christmas lights. This helped to get our 4 boys sleepy, and we enjoyed it so much! We always looked forward to being together in the van, and just OOOhing and AHHHHing!
    Have a wonderful Christmas! Good luck, everyone!!! 😀

  55. When we moved to Texas in 1982 we left behind all out family and friends. The 3 kids and I made some new traditions like baking cookies, putting the tree up together, and calling family on Christmas Eve. Now, 25 years later I have a new husband of 14 years, and together we have 5 kids each with a significant other, 7 grandkids and my parents to celebrate. I now make cookies with the Grandkids and have everyone over on Christmas Eve to celebrate out blessings. Merry Christmas, Sherry!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!!

  56. Why, baking Christmas cookies, of course! 😉 I also love watching the Christmas movies together!

  57. We have a few family traditions that I started with my 4 kids…

    Every year we go see Santa and get pics taken to show the family back home how much they have all grown. As the boys have gotten older (they are teenagers 16 &17), they don’t really like going, but they still do even if they don’t smile. I hope that no matter how old they get or where they are, they will always come home to take the Santa pic 🙂
    The other one is we make cookies for Santa, have Fondue on Christmas Eve and then everyone gets a new pair of jammies to open so that Christmas Morning they have nice jammies to wear in the christmas pictures. I love these traditions and I think the kids do too.

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  58. Hey there Sherry!! Have a wonderful Christmas! I had time tonight to ramble through some favorite blogs – and found you had tawdry treats! LOL
    Our tradition is a little off for alot of people. We have an unusual Christmas eve dinner – it is very sparse, and it is typically served and catered. It consists of

    JUMBO shrimp cocktail
    really garlicy, garlic bread
    Ceasar salad
    Black bean soup with a sour cream swirly/spider webby design thing on the top which is pretty but looks like halloween, not christmas to me!
    that’s it…not what I grew up with, but that’s what hubby’s family has had traditionally, and it’s strange, but we’ve carried it on with our own family. The kids hate it, but it being sparse is giving them a message too – we hope they will appreciate it later in life.

  59. One of my favorite Christmas traditions was elf night! Three or four days before Christmas, if we had been really good, the elves would start leaving little treats on our beds. The best one was on Christmas Eve when the doorbell would ring! We would rush to the door, but no one was there, only packages for each person. Ripping the paper from the packages, we would open them to reveal new Christmas nightshirts or pajamas for each person. We would wear those to bed, insuring visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads and would all look great for our Christmas morning photos and movies. What fun!

    Merry Christmas to all! I wish you peace, joy and more rubber stamps this holiday season!

  60. A fairly new tradition (about five years old) we have in our family (my husband, myself, and my kids who are seven and eight years old) is to have some sort of Asian food for dinner on Christmas Eve. Some years we get Vietnamese pho soup from one of our favorite local restaurants; we also like to go to a local Asian supermarket called Uwajimaya and buy various pan-Asian take-out delicacies, like humbao, potstickers, sushi, egg and spring rolls and kimchi. Almost all of us love Asian food (my seven-year-old daughter is not as crazy about it, but she enjoys certain things), and we like having something different and sort of special the night before the holiday. We will enjoy a glazed spiral ham with scalloped potatoes for dinner on Christmas day.

    Happy holidays and a joyous New Year to you and all your readers!

  61. For years my sister and I have given each other a box of chocolate covered cherries. We do not share them with anyone. We think of each other with each cherry we eat.

    Think I will go have one… Merry Christmas!

  62. My favorite holiday tradition is making fudge and cookies to share with neighbors and friends! The smiles on their faces is always such a joy! Thanks!!

  63. Our family has a tradition of making our own ornaments for the tree every year, and a different theme. This year our theme was snowmen. ~Marie
    [email protected]

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