Smiley from It occurred to me yesterday, that my mother is having a birthday on Friday.  I’ve had it marked on my calendar, knew it was this weekend but it still snuck up on me.

I’ve been a little shaky this week with my coloring and decided it was time for some stampy work.  You remember, that stuff we used to do before designer paper became all the rage.  When you gathered your beloved background stamps, picked up some ink and went crazy.  It’s still my favorite way to stamp . . .  Just not so popular as it was a few years back.  I do think it helps get the creative juices flowing sometimes, and that’s what I need right now. Smiley from

My mother has always loved anything I made with Roses in Winter (my most beloved retired SU set).  When I found it in the cabinet, guess what other set was right there with it?  Petal Prints of course!  Love these two sets together so it didn’t surprise me when they were together in the cabinet.

I think I can show you this card because my mother, even though she has a computer and internet, hasn’t figured it all out yet.


All the flowers were stamped with Ranger Distress Inks, the roses rock-n-rolled with Spiced Marmalade and Aged Mahogany.  Once I had the flowers stamped, I lightly over stamped En Francais and then splattered the whole panel with Dusty Concord and Fired Brick.  Too much fun!

On the inside, I stamped one of my favorite Stamp Oasis sentiments, “May your Heart always be Young and your Dreams live forever.”

  • Stamps: Roses in Winter, Petal Prints and En Francais from Stampin’ UP!; Stamp Oasis Heart Sentiment from Rubbernecker Stamp Company
  • Paper: Neenah Classic Crest Solar White; SU Perfect Plum; Prism Spring Willow Medium
  • Ink: Ranger Archival Jet Black and Spiced Marmalade, Aged Mahogany, Broken China, Dusty Concord, Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint, Fired Brick and Antique Linen Distress
  • Accessories: Venture Foam Tape; Tsukineko Sponge Dauber; Ticket Corner and Slot Punches; Brads; Ribbon; Toothbrush; Piercing Tool

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!  I’m off to do laundry . . . Mr. Stodgy is starting to complain about having clean clothes. Smiley from

19 Responses to “Gettin’ Stampy With It!”

  1. Absolutely lovely. Your mother will love it.

    I am new to your blog and wanted to thank you for the time you take in posting your creations. Your personality is infectious and I wish I had a friend like you near by; you sound so fun and uplifting. Thanks for inspiring me and bringing a smile to my face.


  2. Sherry, This card is just gorgeous. I have it saved so that someday when I get some time to stamp again I would love to use it as inspiration for a card of my own. The colors and aged look are incredible and I love that big ribbon accent. Great card for a mom!!!

  3. Sherry, love this card; your mom is going to love it too! I’m going shopping sometime this month and want to buy the sentiment you used inside of the card; it’s perfect for family and friends my age or older, which aren’t too many 😀 I just read a comment above from a lady who is new to your blog; boy, is she in for a treat! You inspire me with your creativity, but what I like the most, about you, is the fact that although we have never met, I think of you as a good friend who makes the day fun.

  4. The sister here, yes mom will absolutely love this card. And yes sister dear, you are correct, she will not see it on the computer. Love ya

  5. Sherry, I too love background stamps and thought I was alone in a wasteland of scraps of patterned papers! Thanks so much for your courage in coming out of the closet! Love, Mary

  6. Sherry, this is just gorgeous! Your mother is going to love it. Wow.

  7. Beautiful Sherry! Happy Birthday to Mom! I have to say I love the bg stamps as much as I love the/my designer papers. I do remember when the bg stamps were so “in”!

  8. what a very pretty card. Your Mom will love it as any one would. Want my address LOL

  9. WOW!! Your mom is going to LOOOVE this!! (funny, I pulled out my background stamps for a recent project too! (yes, I have been busy creating~~shocking, I know!) I have decided that I will never get rid of them (bg’s) as they do come in handy sometimes when one cannot find the “right” paper!!)

  10. Sherry, this type of coloured-stamping NEVER EVER goes out of style! It truely is beautiful, especially with the bold colours for the roses. I’m going to add those two inks, Spiced Marmalade and Aged Mahogany, to my Wish List as I love the punch of colour.
    And you must know that all shades of orange are the new 2009 fashion hue ~ everything coming down the runway has splashes of orange. I happen to love wearing the colour too, so you see, you’re never out of style my dear :))))

  11. This is lovely – I’m sure your Mom will treasure it. My Mom bought a rose last year that blooms in that exact color. They fade a little lighter as they age so the bush is kind of two tone. She has it planted with lavendar and its very striking. Your card made me think of it.

  12. Sherry, your mother is really going to love the card. I do, too. One of the things I like most about your cards is that you don’t put cartoon characters on them. I’m drawn to them and seem to just scroll down and away from the card makers that rely so heavily on the cartoons. Just a personal thing, I guess. When I first found your blog, I read every entry from the time you started your blog and enjoyed every bit!! Your creativity astounds me, so your blog is the first one I check each morning. Good luck with the roof repairs.

  13. Ooooh such a gorgeous card! I so love it when you pull out Roses in Winter, your creations are always so beautiful with it!

  14. Such a beautiful card! I’m sure your mother will adore it!

  15. Oh my word, SHERRY! These colors are AMAZING together! Wow, girl!

    …and thanks for the heads up on the ARCA race. We’ll be tuning into that too. 🙂 Green, Green, Green!!!

  16. I followed you here from Denise’s site where I was reading about Kevin Harvick and laughing my butt off. I had NO IDEA!!! I thought I was the only one!!

    I write a humorblog and rarely get to put my cards on there. But I’m sitting here watching ARCA and FYI, Kimmel’s garage is just a hop, skip and jump from my house.

    Jealous yet??

  17. I just finished putting your blog on my site. You can find it on the lower left of my site listed on my BLOGGER’S BLOCK.

    Bad, BAD Sherry. Your reputation has been spoken of highly from my SPLITCOAST buddies.

  18. Gorgeous, Sherry! I still love to do this kind of stamping–a throw back from the old days. I have both these sets and all my background stamps just waiting for me. Those darn designer papers are so fabulous, though. I love the colors you used for this. I’ll bet your Mom loved it, too.

  19. Beautious, Miss Sherry….I’m sooo glad you used RIW…that is my all time favorite stamp set!! Also, as my fearless leader, I am soo glad you remembered how to use it!!! Bwahaahaahaahaahah!!!!!! Sorry, the devil made me do it!!!

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