Yes, you read that right, Cancer Free!  In the midst of all the Christmas hullabaloo and the hand surgery, I finally got the results of a biopsy I had performed on December 1.

I was sitting here in my comfy chair the Sunday night before Christmas, talking on the phone to my mother, when a call beeped in.  I looked and saw that it was my dermatologist and quickly said “mom, gotta go it’s my doctor, call ya back.”  You can probably imagine that I immediately thought this is not good, calling me on a Sunday night . . . . nope not good at all.  I was correct . . . the results basal cell carcinoma and I needed surgery as soon as possible.

Now here’s the thing.  This bump was on my head about 2 inches back from my hair line, under my hair and protected from sun.  My mother actually said one day that my horns were finally coming in . . . can you believe that?  I have no other signs of skin cancer on my body.  Blunt force trauma caused the cancer, not the sun.  An infection had set in at the point of injury.

After a trip to work a stamp show last September 2008, I came home tired and not paying attention, I hit my head on the latch to the trunk lid on my car.  I remember saying, wow that hurt, reached up and found no blood and then checked in the mirror.  I had a little red mark, the skin was not broken and all was good.  A few months later I was having my hair cut and my stylist asked me about the red mark on my scalp.  I told her I had hit my head but didn’t bleed, etc.  This summer I noticed that the area was growing and my hair had fallen out in a perfect little circle.  It was also beginning to hurt sometimes when I scraped it with my hairbrush.  I went to my doctor to have her look at it and she referred me to a dermatologist.  It took me a couple of months to get into a dermatologist, which was by then December 1.

Tuesday this week, I went in for Mohs Surgery.  After 10-11 hours and 4 trips back, I am cancer free without radiation or chemotherapy.  In order to cover the area that they worked on, I got a mini facelift.  I must say that my right eyebrow has not been this perky in many years.  They said the skin on my scalp was too tight to do a skin graft, which I asked if that meant I had a big head . . .

I even suggested that perhaps they wanted to take a graft from my butt.  I told the doctors that I could afford to lose some skin there and that I knew it was loose enough.  They just laughed at me and didn’t even take me seriously.

So, here I am as I sit today . . . all cuddled up in the recliner, happily typing away while on pain meds.  I haven’t missed a dose since I came home Tuesday night.


As you might notice, I have a partial Mohawk.  Once the bandage comes off tomorrow, I’m planning on having my family shave the rest of the hair off.  There’s so little there as it is, that it might as well all grow back in the same length.  I go back next Tuesday to have the stitches removed and then see what happens from there.

I have to say that the doctors and their staff were absolutely wonderful and made me feel so comfortable and relaxed.  We laughed and joked the better part of the day making my experience more tolerable than if everyone was in a grumpy mood.

I still need to take it easy for a couple of days . . . relaxing in the recliner pursuant to doctors orders . . .  then I’m gonna be ready to face the new year head on and at full steam!  Thanks for stopping by today and Happy New Year!

92 Responses to “A New Year . . . A New Start Cancer Free!”

  1. Wow! Sherry, you have had a lot going on! I’m so glad that everything worked out for you and that you are cancer free!!! If you would feel comfortable sharing your address, I would love to send you a little something 🙂

  2. So sorry that this has happened to you, but at least we can celebrate the outcome. Cancer free is a wonderful expression. Now you can change your name to “her baldness” rather than “her badness!” Happy New Year.

  3. Sherry –

    I’m so glad you are cancer free! Relax, rest and have a Wonderful New Year!

    Elaine Allen

  4. Sherry – i’m wishing the best for you for a quick recovery! my take on pain meds? doctors wouldn’t give them to you if they didn’t expect you to take them! so, do what your doctor says – take it easy, and relax a little. make everyone else take care of you for a while 😉 big hugs!

  5. It sure has been one heck of a year for you! So glad they found the cancer and were able to remove it all. How is the hand doing? I hope 2010 is a better year.

  6. wow Sherry, what a scary experience but it’s great to hear that everything’s okay!!

    can we refer to you for the time being as Her Royal Baldness?

  7. Cancer is a devil of a thing – so glad you beat it! All the best for a happy and healthy new year.

  8. Sorry you’ve had to go through all of this, but wonderful news and glad you can enter the new year cancer free! Here’s to an amazing 2010!

  9. OMGosh Sherri – I am so glad that you are okay!! Wishing you much good health in 2010 and more fabulous creations (for me to drool over…) 8)

  10. you are a brave one! love your attitude! be well ~ feel GOOD! *hug*

  11. Gosh Sherry, December is not your month. I told my family this a.m. that 2009 has been the worst year I can remember and I have zero regret seeing it go! I bet right about now that you feel about the same. I kind of like the mohawk — goes well with your “Bite Me” tee shirt!! I say, keep the mohawk and think seriously about tattooing “Bite Me” on your scalp! It would certainly be the look of a woman that screams — I am woman here me roar! Enjoy the last few hours of ’09 and be with me in kissing it the heck goodbye!

  12. Well the outcome was wonderful…. so happy to hear the good news and that you are being ‘forced’ to rest up in the recliner….lol… May 2010 bring you continued good news…..

  13. So glad you are doing well and starting the New Year cancer free. In July, I celebrated my ten year anniversary as a Stage IIIB breast cancer survivor! On December 21st started my second battle with cancer…bone. I too, am losing my hair and will probably be bald by tomorrow. I wish you continued health and happiness in the New Year!

  14. so glad to hear you are going to stick around. what would we do with out your posts…we would be lost. My prayers go to a fast healing to you and to the Debbie Nelson as i read she is battle bone cancer. Happy 2010 everyone!!!

  15. Oh Sherry, what an ordeal! I’m glad that they caught the cancer early and were able to treat it. I guess it’s a good lesson for others–that even an average bump on the head can become a serious health concern. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2010!

  16. Wow, you’ve had a lot on your mind! :S

    Great to hear that you are cancer free, and that we still can enjoy your fabolous art! ;P

    Happy greetings for the New Year!


  17. Sherry – what a great way to start the new year – cancer free!! I am so glad you had it caught and taken care of! Happy New Year! Hugs, Harriet

  18. Hi Sherry, yeah! I’m glad you’re okay. I wish you a speedy recovery and a Healthy & Happy and better New Year in 2010.
    You’re an inspiration to many women through your positive attitude, through all you’ve gone through with your health, as well as for your amazing creative talent.
    Take care, gentle hugs from

  19. What a month you have had! Glad to see they didn’t have to remove your sense of humor. I just couldn’t bear that! Take good care of you, and we look forward to seeing your wonderful creations when you are able.

  20. Oh, Sherry, I’m so sorry you had to go through all this. I love what your tee-shirt says – seems so appropriate. So Cancer – just bite me! Way to show ’em girl!

  21. Great news! That C word can be so scary. I try to keep a close watch on odd looking places because I’ve spent way too many hours in the sun as a youngster. Looking forward to seeing your new projects.

  22. Congratulations on being cancer free! I have ben cancer free 19 1/2 years now! Going in for my annual check-up next week and hopefully everything will still be good! I lost my hair but it didn’t grow back in the same length all over. Had to keep getting it trimmed during the growth process which wasn’t bad! Ended up with same color and no curls as usual, but was just happy having hair! Take care of yourself.

  23. Oh my goodness Sherry!!! So glad the cancer was caught and removed. Big Hugs to you friend!

  24. Well, it’s wonderful news to start the new year with!

  25. OMG, Sherry! Thank goodness you are okay. Can’t wait for you to feel well enough to create some more beautiful cards. Next year is going to be your year – this year got rid of all the bad juju around you!!!

  26. Yahoo! You know how happy I am. Thanks for sharing that lovely photo!! And yeah, I love the “bite me” t-shirt too! I also like Daven’s idea “Her Royal Baldness”! Silly man!

    Take care! Love ya!

  27. Starting the New Year oof right right! Thank goodness you are cancer free now. You’ll contine to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Your friend in pain meds tonight…(8 days post rotator cuff surgery and tore my Achilles tendon on vacation to Rome, Milan, Venice, and Istanbul right before my surgery), a vacation dream come true kind of vacation except for those Vatican steps!! lol). I’m in a big boot on my foot and and arm sling. Isn’t it Halloween yet??? Typing with one finger…

  28. Sherry, I am so happy that you are on the road to a full recovery. Hang in there! I wish you a wonderful 2010…bout time, don’t you agree?

  29. What wonderful news! Take care of yourself and relax while you can. Happy New Year!

  30. Oh man, you’ve had a wild ride lately!
    I’m glad everything has turned out so well Sherry, enjoy those meds while you can 🙂

  31. Ohh, you poor dear, Sherry. You look so tired in that photo. I am glad you are cancer free for the new year. Hope you are feeling all better soon too. God bless ya, take it easy and stop bumpin your head *wink* Hugs, girl!! Kel

  32. Sherry, I was so happy to read that you are now Cancer free…God is Good! I love the T shirt btw! … what a great way to take on life, and cancer! Take good care of yourself and put this all behind you … your ending the year with a bang and starting off the New Year, well.. bald but they say bald is beautiful! (((hugs))) Sherry D

  33. Oh my gosh! Thank God for the happy news! I was wonderin’ where you went! I love your Badness Blog and loved your Tim’s Tags… I finished my last one today.. and loved how you did the ‘my way’ thing… I did that a bit, too!

    Love the T-Shirt and looking forward to seeing you getting inky!

    Here’s to 2010!!!

  34. Ok….Your readers are a hoot!! Love the Royal Baldness!! And the tattoo idea!BWHHAAAAA…
    Personally, I think you need a Yoda haircut! (HUGE wink here!!)
    ~~~~—–~~~~~~——~~~~~~——- (the magic vibes!!)
    Love ya!
    Your padawon

  35. As a Nurse. I had to read up on this surgery. So cool. What a smart way to remove ALL of a tumour. You must be so thankful this awesome surgery was available to you! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  36. Hi Sherry,
    Boy, you have had stuff on your mind…Continue to rest, keep your wonderful sense of humour and know that a lot of people are thinking good things for you. My best wishes for a speedy and thorough recovery. Happy New Year!

  37. What a great excuse to get to sit and rest for awhile! I’m so happy for your news. I can’t wait to see the new hair do! Happy New Year.

  38. Sherry
    24 years ago I had a basil cell carcinoma removed from my right nostril. It took tow surgeries to get it all and 5 to put my face back to normal but I am happy to say that it has never returned. However I am quick to go to the doctors for any weird looking spot on my body!
    Hope you heal quickly
    Happy New year!
    Leslie Knox

  39. Sorry for what you have had to go through but so glad it came out so well. Enjoy the “down” time and stay in the recliner a little longer than needed just for extra measure.

  40. Sherry,
    Looks like 2009 is going out with a bang! I am so happy that you are on the road to recovery. I wish you much success in the coming year. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!!!

  41. Good God woman! I had no idea! God bless you and Congratulations on being cancer free for the new year! Here are hugs and wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!!

  42. That is great news. Take care of youself.

  43. I’m a lurker but I’m so thankful you are ok and that the pain meds are working! Continue to take care of yourself and all the best for 2010.

  44. Wow, Sherry, hand surgery and cancer surgery all within weeks! I’m so glad that all is behind you and you’re cancer free and ready to start the new year with such good news! Take care and we’ll all be watching for your great creations. Love the tee-shirt, too.

  45. So glad to hear that you are on the mend. Have a healthy and peaceful New Year.
    Ana Maria

  46. Thank you for sharing your experience, and hopefully it might help someone else (I’ve never heard of this type of cancer). I’m really happy that you are recovering.

    Happy New Year and may God bless you

  47. What fabulous news Sherry!!!! Watch out 2010 —– herrrrrrrrre comes Sherry!

  48. Way to go Sherry! Great news and a terrific way to start he new year off. Hang in there and keep smiling. (((hugs)))

  49. Wow Sherry, you have had quite an eventful week. You are one brave woman! Hey I like the Mohawk on you. Glad you are going to be all well and good. I will have to read up on mohs. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Sherry,
    This is my first visit to your website. Freinds had gone on about how wonderful your cards and images are! I have to say, they are right! But beyond that, I am just as impressed with the courage and dignity you have shown in the face of adversity. You are a trooper! I commend you for your spirit and strength, and may you go on designing for a very,very long time! From a new admirer of your brilliant work, Jan

  51. Glad to hear you are using the meds!! 🙂 You rest and feel better soon!! Be one with the recliner. Here’s to a Fabulous New Year!!! Happy 2010!!

  52. Keep yourself # 1 for now. Take care and I’ll pray for a speedy recovery.
    God Bless.

  53. Wow, Sherry! That’s pretty scary! I’m so glad that everything is working out and you’ll be A-OK soon. Big hugs.

  54. Well what a nice way to enter the new year!! I am sooooo happy that you are cancer-free. That’s worth celebrating *smiles*.

    BTW . . . LOVE your t-shirt! LOL

  55. WOW!! I’ll bet that after your two surgeries, and hearing the “C” word, you’re more than happy to have 2009 come to an end!

    I would imagine that your sense of humor is what pulled you through all this. I wish you a happy, HEALTHY 2010!

    By the way–LOVE the shirt. That’s one of my favorite expressions (and possibly the only one that’s semi-acceptable in mixed company). Anyway–where did you get it?

  56. Wow! You have had quite the adventure!!!
    Glad that all has turned out for the better! You will be starting 2010 knowing you are healthier than you ended 2009!
    All the best!

  57. God Bless. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep me in yours–I go in for surgery on my neck 3 days after my b’day, 11 January. I have 6 yr old twin sons and it’s tough. thank heavens you had someone bring your attention to it. Take care of yourself and focus on the positive.
    Stay well,

  58. OMGoodness, Sherry! What an adventure you were on but so happy that you’re on the mends! Prayers for a full recovery 🙂 Yes, to a very good start to 2010 for you and all of us! Happy New Year!

  59. A very Happy New Year to you! To have such wonderful news is the perfect way to start it on a fantastic note! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hope to see more wonderful things from you in the new year.

  60. I am sooooo happy you are cancer free. That news made my New Year even better. Relax and enjoy some down time. You are in our thoughts and our prayers.

  61. Happy New Years and a speedy recover. You are in my prays for a speedy recovery. I love your site and your down to earth humor. Get lots of rest and take care.
    Karol L

  62. Sherry I’m so glad to hear of your good report! I was a little surprised by your post though. Apparently I missed the one earlier about the biopsy! So glad that you are all fixed up for a new and great year…2010! Happy New Year and I hope you are feeling great soon!

  63. What good news for a healthier New Year! I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. How scary. But you’ve managed to keep your sense of humour. I’m so glad you got the all clear. Now I hope you heal quickly and feel better soon!

  64. Wow, what a story! Very glad that it has a happy ending! I’ll keep you in my prayers that your recovery will go well and that will be the end of it! Happy New Year!

  65. Great news for the start of the New Year. Sherry. Who’da thought that a bump on the head could cause cancer?

    Hope you soon feel better and are able to showcase your wonderful artwork soon. Take care.


  66. So glad that everything is going to be okay, enjoy the time out in the recliner with the laptop and pain meds. To you, your family and other readers I wish you a happy and healthy New Year, 2010 is going to be a better year. My thoughts are with you and with the readers that have their own battles.

  67. What an ordeal!!! But “cancer free” is a wonderful way to ring in the new year. May 2010 bring nothing but good things for you & your family.

  68. Holy Cow!! What an ordeal you’ve been through! I’m so impressed that you continued to create and post during all of that. I sure wish you and yours nothing but the best for 2010!
    Happy NEW YEAR!

  69. Wonderful news Sherry. I hope you continue to progress well and know we are all out here pulling for you. You’ll be back and “bad” in no time!


  70. Two of the most beautiful words in the world – “Cancer Free” Thanks for sharing with us, Sherry.

  71. Sherry, so glad to read that you’re cancer free! Glad you have a hair dresser that pays close attention to her clients and found the “spot.” Looking forward to seeing your beautiful creations in 2010.

    Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year,

  72. Sherry, I’m so glad to read that you’re cancer free! What a wonderful way to start a new year! Wishing you happiness and health in 2010!

  73. I knew you would face this with humor and good vibrations. Congratulations on being cancer free. Now just relax and let everyone pamper you. You deserve it!

  74. That is the greatest news. Take care of yourself Sherry.

  75. Congrats Sherry!! What a way to start out the new year.

  76. So glad your year is beginning on a positive note. Best wishes to you for a healthy, happy year overflowing with creativity!

  77. I’m so glad to hear that you are cancer-free. You really have been through the wringer in 2009. Here’s hoping that 2010 is a much better year. Take care!

    Shawn K.

  78. OH my badness Sherry, you did give me a fright when I read the title of your post!!! I’m over-the-moon with the results you were able to obtain, in such a short time, and without all those gross meds/poisens the Dr.s tend to use when treating cancers. I’m sure all of your *Badness* has aided you with the big buy or gal upstairs, that watches over us all. I’m over-joyed that you received such wonderful news and it couldn’t have been for a more deserving-kind individual than yourself Sherry :0)

    Make sure you continue to follow your Dr’s orders by resting and reclining and just zoning out ~~ I know it will be difficult, esp. since the pups will likely be after you to go for a walk, or perhaps Mr Stodgy, aka DH, is hoping for a roll in the recliner (ROFL) now that you have been given the green light for being cancer free. Stand your ground and say NO ~~ no can do, as I’m on strick bed rest as ordered from my DR. [[they don’t need to know that perhaps you gave a donation to his favorite car dealership, or his European Tailor, or where he goes to get a few lines filled in heheheheh]].

    You are such a dear ~ I can’t begin to express how delighted I am to hear your joyous news. Remember, “Good things come to good people, as well as those that wait”. Enjoy some MUCH needed time off and take it easy ……

    Wishing you all the brilliance and happiness the New Year can offer 🙂
    Hugs Huggs Sherry @!@ xoxoxoxo

  79. What the heck?????? A bump on the head gave you skin cancer? I didn’t know that could happen. Holy cow! Dang, Sherry, I’m sure glad to read that it all turned out okay and the ordeal is behind you now. I mean, learning that you’re cancer free can make the baldness more tolerable, maybe. Just make sure you don’t go stumbling around on those pain meds and get another bump on the noggin… start the whole thing all over again. Seriously, you must have been a little scared and I’m sorry you had to go through this at all. Can we celebrate now? Yay!!!

  80. Sherry!!! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this happened to you. From a bump on the head!! I didn’t know that was possible! I am SO VERY GLAD you had it taken care of and you are now cancer-free!! I wish you all the best during your healing process. Take care of yourself, your adoring fans will still be here when you are ready. 🙂

  81. Oh my gosh, Sherry, I had no idea you had so much going on! I’m SO glad you’re ok! Wow. I’m sending along big humongous cyber hugs. I hope you have a fabulously happy and healthy New Year!

  82. OMG, Sherry….Bless your little bald head!!!!!! I am soooo sorry about all this but really glad they were able to eliminate all the cancer!!!!! My Dad has had several Mohn surgeries on his face and neck….no fun, for sure!!!! Sending lots of love and hugs your way and prayers for a smooth and complete recovery!!!!! BTW, love the t-shirt…it’s sooo you!!!!

  83. Oh my talk about busy Holidays, so glad to hear all your excitement came out for the good. Do take it easy, and rest, sounds like you deserve it!

  84. Sherry, much love from me – and big hugs and lots of prayers, too. May 2010 and all of the years to come be fabulously cancer-free and FULL of all that you love.

  85. OMGosh Sherry, I’m so glad you are cancer free!! I hope you feel better real soon!!
    Hoping and Praying that 2010 is a much better year!!

    {{{{{Big Hugs}}}}}

  86. Sherry, darlin. I am just about speechless right now. First, Thank GOD! Life has a way of throwing us curveballs, doesn’t it?

    Last summer, after nearly a year of pleading from my family, I had a large mole-like freckle (about the size of a quarter) removed from my right arm and biopsied. After the intial scraping (ugh…yes, they scrape it off with a razor blade!), I was told that the biopsy came back ”suspicious” and they needed to scrape deeper. I went in for the second scrape and waited what seemed an eternity for the results. Of course, with so many in my family having succumbed to cancer or battling it now, I was a wreck. It took them a full two weeks to get back to me and the results were good. There were cancer cells, but they got them all. I feel so blessed!

    Life is precious, as I am sure you know. I just wish I were there to give you a big old hug.

    Now get back to stamping! I miss your stuff! 🙂

  87. Sherry,
    I am just getting caught up on my emails now. So, I am just hearing this! Wow! I am so glad things worked out the way they have… thank GOD!
    Being a cancer survivor (breast) I am especially in-tune with this, and so very happy the outcome is what is is!!!
    Lots of love & HUGS!


  88. Oh my gosh, Sherry…I didn’t know! I’m so glad to hear you are now cancer-free, and didn’t have to go through radiation or chemo. Hugs and blessing!!

  89. wow, I didn’t know this had happened! I’m so glad to hear you are on the mend!

  90. I am glad to hear you are doing better. When I had my brain tumor they said they may have to take some “fat” from my stomach to patch the skull and I told them to take it ALL! As it turned out, they didn’t need to. I think it’s healthy to “joke” when going thru a tough time.

    My tumor was on my right side right above my ear and I have a scar from the middle of right in front of my ear to the top of my head. Looks like we had similar “patches”.

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