Good Monday morning!  I’m saying good now, but we’ll see later in the day.  The first thing I need to tell you . . .  I’m having my morning coffee without cigarettes!  Yes, this is the start of day 2 for me going smoke-free!  I truly don’t have an option.  As much I like to smoke and haven’t wanted to give it up entirely, the time has come that I must for health reasons.  I have for years carried the nicotine gum with me when I was at places I could not smoke or were smoke free.  This time I have decided that I absolutely need to kick the nicotine (and trust me, I am totally addicted and I know it) and started on my first patch Sunday morning.   I have quit twice before for over 5 years both times; but now it’s a must . . . there’s no sneaking and there’s not starting up again!  My saving grace yesterday was a drinking straw.  I cut it into thirds and each time I felt the need to light a cigarette, I drew threw the straw instead.  This gave me the sensation of filling my lungs with the smoke, which for me is the hardest part of all of it right now.  I will periodically update you on my progress and don’t be surprised if I come yelling a loud HELP and ask for your support.

Okay enough of all that!  It’s time to move on and talk about something else.  How about Halloween?

I love Halloween!  I think it’s the time of year which leads me into the Holiday Season.  When  my girls were small, I decorated the house from top to bottom and would sit outside in my own costume when the kiddos came Trick or Treating.  I can’t remember when it all started, but I would put on a big pot of chili and both my girls would have their friends in for chili before going out on Halloween night.  It became quite the tradition and my daughters’ friends looked forward to it every year as much as I did.  Now I’m lucky if I put one pumpkin out . . .  with the girls gone and the neighborhood kids all grown up and gone . . . well, its just not the same for me.   Mallory will be home this coming weekend, and in my state of mind to keep busy so I won’t have the temptation to puff away, I’m going to crawl up in the attic and find the Halloween decorations.   Which brings me to today’s project!

On Friday while mom and I were out running around, one of our stops was Michaels.  I was browsing in the seasonal $1 area and saw little coffins, masks, etc., but deep in the back and almost hidden, was this . . .

Plain as Purchased

a headstone.  It’s hinged and even opens.

Painted Inside

I painted both the outside and inside black before I started doing anything else to the headstone.

Because I am so intriqued by old cemeteries and headstones, I wanted this one to look old.  I painted the outside with Milled Lavender Distress Crackle Paint, brushed on some Green Patina Perfect Pearls and then sponged on some Black Soot.  Unfortunately you can’t see the green patina in the photo, but trust me . . . it looks so cool in real life!

Finished Outside

To highlight the cross, I dabbed on some gold acrylic paint and then added some more Black Soot ink.  Just look at all those cracks . . .

When I first saw the headstone, I knew immediately that the Spellbinders Graveyard Scene would be perfect for this  . . . you know how I love the play on play thing!

Finished Inside3

I die cut the graveyard border and one extra headstone from GrungePaper, inked them with Pumice Stone and then stenciled with Black Soot.   There’s also a little Green Patina Perfect Pearls added on those pieces.  All the paper and images is from Crafty Secrets.  While at CHA Sandy gave me this sheet, Halloween Greetings, and it worked perfect for this project.  I had a couple of little miniature bottles in my stash.  One I filled with Tea Dye re-inker and Matte Accents, stirred it up, and it became “Brew.”  I filled a second one with gold and purple microbeads, topped it off Matte Accents, and stuck a memo pin in it.  I forgot to add anything to the outside, but quite frankly, I like that purple popping out in the photo.

I’ve debated the front over and over and finally decided not to add anything.  At first I thought it would be cool to add some dead flowers, but the more I looked at it . . . well here’s what I thought.  It looks rather plain and you don’t really expect anything on the inside . . . and then you open it and find a surprise!  This thought made me leave the front alone.

That’s all I have for today . . . I have my first therapy session for my wrist today, so I’m out the door.  Thanks for stopping by and remember . . .  life is short, make each moment count and take advantage of the adventures that come your way today!


47 Responses to “Beware of the Witching Hour!”



    PS: The project is AWESOME and didn’t really need comment, you however, have my TOTAL SUPPORT IN YOUR EFFORT TO QUIT SMOKING!!!! HUGS!!!!

  2. Hi Sherry,
    Love this project it is awesome!! What a great find, you have a good eye to have found such a great coffin. Cool 🙂
    You can do it Sherry, and trust me I can totally relate. I recently quit smoking too (Jan) and I loved my cigs. But since you have done it before you can do it again. My husband still smokes and that can be bothersome for me! I did it for many reasons health was of course at the top of the list since I am in my mid 50’s. Good luck hon just keep busy!! 🙂

  3. Very cool project and hang in there with the non-smoking. It’s really hard but you can do it and you have to! Just be strong. I finally succeeded when I was told I couldn’t do it. That pissed me off enough to show my ex, that I could do anything! Worked for me and like you, I had quit many times before. It’s been 24 years this time.

  4. Such great imagination. I’d have never thought to do this.

    _YEA FOR YOU FOR GIVING UP SMOKING!!!! Wish my Dad would have, as started at 17 and died at 62 due to emphyseme. A horrible way to go. And I breathed in his smoke for years. No wonder I now have the cough, even though I never smoking. KEEP UP THE FIGHT AND NEVER STOP. Edna

  5. Love your project! You have an amazing imagination and can create anything – and it is fabulous! Hang in there and you can quit that nasty, dangerous habit. I lost my mother and five siblings due to smoking and would hate to lose you too. Sounds morbid, but it is the truth.

  6. Good Luck! I know you can do it!!! Great idea with the straw.

    I was a smoker for so many years. Most of my 3 packs/day burned down as I typed, but I loved it — non-smokers just can’t understand. I quit several times for up to seven years, but this time I don’t remember how many years it has been — over ten, I think. I’m just so grateful I was able to quit. I can breathe and I saving tons of money and I don’t have to run outside of the building at work to catch a smoke.

  7. Hi Sherry,
    Your spooky project is great,luv all the details.
    Good luck with the stopping smoking (filthy habit!!!), You can do it :o)x

  8. I kicked a 2 pack a day habit 13 yrs ago, starting on June 8th. I smoked for 37 years. It was a time where we could buy the patches without a prescription so I did it my way. I was on the 21 mg for 8 weeks, the 15 mg for 6 weeks & the 7 mg for 1 week. No way, I could have quit cold turkey. My biggest problem was weight gain & not all of it has come off. But I will be 64 on Nov. 12th and feel so wonderful that I don’t worry about the weight anymore. And all the money that went up in smoke now allows me to buy all this great crafting stuff. Anyway, if you need any moral support … there are many of us out there that would love to help you! Good luck! I know you can do it!

  9. I’ve never smoked but have seen others suffer with quitting.
    One of my friends constantly sucked on a cinnamon stick. Worked for her.
    Good luck. Besides $, it stinks!!

  10. Sherry, your project is so totally out of the it. I know the quiting smoking is hard, as I have tried many times. Love the straw idea. Will pray for you.

  11. I just wanted to lend support on quitting smoking! I am on day 31. Quit cold turkey. It’s been rough but totally worth it! Drink lots of water and stay tough. I’m here anytime you need a friend!

  12. I love your headstone. This is really cool. I know you can give up smoking. I have seen you do it before and you are one of the strongest people I know. When you put your mind to something you accomplish it. May be even get our mother to at least slow down a bit….. Love ya Carrie

  13. I like you Halloween project. I love it when the outside only gives you a little idea of the wonders inside.

    Best wishes on your no smoking fight. I managed to quit many years ago because of a child’s heath issue. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done…. but… am so thankful every day that I did it.

  14. Love your headstone!!!
    You can do it! I quit 11 yrs ago cold turkey…it was the best thing I ever did for myself and my husband! I am in my early 60’s and goin strong! I had smoked since I was 16.

  15. K, Yoda, not smoking is just another test one must master before moving onto the next level. And being the Master….I don’t doubt for a minute that you CAN DO THIS.

    I LLLLOOOOOVVVEEE this project and am kicking myself that I didn’t go look in the dollar section at Micheal’s when I was there this weekend (OH YEAH. I had TWO boys with me saying non stop “I thought we were just looking for the varnish for my/his project. This was suppose to be an “in-and-out” thing…can we leave NOW????)

  16. Oh Good for you, sure hope you can find the strength to beat it this time once and for all!!
    Very cool find and just love that you left the outside more plain so that everyone can have a great surprise when they open it!!

  17. Sherry, life IS too short, so keep at it girl, you can kick the habit for good this time. Look on your past ‘quits’ as practice for this one:) When you’re really tempted, just think of your girls and stay away from the smokes for them!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! Great Hallowe’en project too!!

  18. Totally awesome project, Sherry. You have so inspired me to get going on a similar project I need to have done by this weekend! Planning on hitting the Dollar Stores today to see what I can find to alter.

    Wishing you the best in your quest to stop smoking. I know how difficult it is. I’m not a smoker but my DH is and I have seen him struggle time after time to quit. I’ll pray that you will have the strength to beat this addiction. And isn’t it wonderful that you have so many friends and fans to encourage you on this journey.

    Blessings & hugs,

  19. Sherry…Congrats to you. I know you can do it. I quit using Wellbutrin. I only took them for 3 days. It was enough to get the nicotine out of my body. Then you deal with the fact that that little white thing was your reason to take a break, a second opinion and the guy that got you through stressful moments. But you know what… You have your craft. That’s what I did, whenever I wanted a cigarette, I made a card. Believe me, in the beginning I was making lots of cards 🙂 It’s been about 10 years for me and I have never been sorry. Keep busy, avoid the triggers, take a walk and breathe deep while you do, keep that straw handy….and put the equal amount of money you used for buying cigs into a cup….when you save enough….come visit me! 🙂 I promise, you will look back and say….that was pretty easy!

    I love your project. But then…..I ALWAYS do…. Hang in there…..

  20. Sherry, you are awesome!!! Love your project!

    And you are such a strong woman who can do anything!!!! One day at a time sunshine and keep your fingers busy with glitter, ink and glue!!!!!!!!!! 😀

    Thanks for sharing your talents and creativity!! :o)

  21. Sherry – you can do it, you can do it…..
    I quit I don’t know how many times!! Now it’s over 21 years of being smoke free!!
    I didn’t save any money – ’cause I spent it on pedicures and manicures – ºÜº. And, on my gorgeous Grands.
    Now, I spend it on STAMPS!!! Traded one addiction for another – BUT – truly worth every damn cent.
    You go Girl. Just scream if you need help – you have alot of Friends out here who are willing to help.
    Oh, by the way – LOVE your project.

  22. Your tombstone is GREAT! How cute is that, and you made it look SO cool!!!
    Congrats on the cessation of smoking! My parents both smoked, and I remember smelling it from dawn to midnight every day for 18 years. Yuck! You will feel better, and it will be so good for everyone. And think how you won’t have second hand smoke going into grandchildren’s lungs! YAY! I wish you the very best of luck, and just keep strong and smoke those straws! LOL Take care, and I hope it gets easier each day. Bless you!!! 😀

  23. Wow! look at all these people cheering you on, I know that you are an inspiration to me and have lifted me up many times when the morning looked a little grayer than it should….and I have never met you.
    My little grandkids would love this project, hope I can find a headstone.
    Hang in there…We are all rooting for you!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Amazing as usual- trash to treasure for sure! Keep the faith about quitting- it is the best gift you can give yourself! We’re all pulling for you and will be here to listen on the tough days~

  25. WAY TO GO SHERRY – you are at the beginnng of an uphill battle (as you already know) BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I smoked for 43 years and now have COPD – in fact, I just got home from the hospital after a week long stay and I have a whopping case of pneumonia – this came on so FAST and, I fear, was caught just in time!

    BUT, I’m being very careful and trying very hard to follow all the doctor’s orders – I would not want you to go thru any of this!!! So, YOU GO GIRL! HANG TOUGH!!

    Thanks for sharing this really cute idea – these tombstones are adorable!


  26. This is too stinkin’ cute, Sherry! I’m so proud of you for quitting smoking! You can do it! If I can, I KNOW you can! I was a maniac!

  27. Can hardly wait to get over to Michaels to check out those dollar bins!
    Congrats on your decision to quit smoking! Know that you have the support of your loyal blog readers all the way!

  28. Love you project – it’s great as always

    Hang in there and kick the habit. My younger sister (62 years old) passed away last month from emphysema – she was on oxygen and still smoking. She started smoking when she was 14!! Emphysema and asthma run in our family – I’m the lucky one and do not have either problem – my youngest sister has asthma. She was told is she started smoking she would be dead by the time she was 25 – luckily she never started. I know it’s a hard habit to break but I know you can do it.

  29. I know people have told you, but I will tell you again. Just think about it with common sense. Easy to say, but, I quit too. The first 2 weeks are the worst, after that it gets easier. You wont have that monkey on your back, you wont have to worry weather you have your lighter or not, or if you stink! Keep creating the wonderful stuff you do to keep your hands busy. Best of luck to you!! You CAN do this!!

  30. Great project, as usual! I quit smoking 25 years ago and I did it cold turkey – no patch, no gum, nothing. I like the straw idea and keep your hands busy. Every time I wanted a cigarette I went for a walk. You can do this!

  31. You can do this, girl! You are one tough lady and you mean so much to so many of us. We are all behind you cheering you on daily. I was a smoker and quit cold turkey almost 30 years ago. It was the best thing I ever did for myself and my family. You are so worth it!
    Hugs to you and give a shout out when you need to. We are all here for you!

  32. Love the project, I really wish we celebrated Halloween here in Australia, it is creeping in a little bit.
    I gave up smoking 7 years ago and it is a tough one, I did it cold turkey but made it. The first bit is the worse and then was social things for me, you know have a coffee and ciggy with a friend. The straw thing is a great idea, the thing that worked best for me was making it a rule that there was no smoking inside, and the big one was that every time I got the urge to smoke, I wouldn’t deny myself, just say to myself I will just …………. pack the dishwasher or make the bed, sometimes it was craft something etc etc and by the time I had finished the craving had passed. The upshot of that was I had a very clean house at the end, unfortunately as the cravings passed so did the need to clean as much.

  33. Spooktacular project!! Good luck on the quit smoking, I am happy for you and I know you can do it!!! If you need more straws let me know!!!

  34. Girl, good for you and call me if you need any support! The straw is perfect, and also lollipops :-). Remember the nicotine will be out of your system in 4 days, it’s the habit that will take longer. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

    LOVE that headstone and I totally agree that it’s a total surprise when you open it up. Damn, my Michaels doesn’t have anything like that……. I’ll have to check one out in KC next time I’m down that way.

    Sister, am really proud of you – you Da Woman. hugs

  35. Your project is really cute…such a fun thing..Wish you the best on kicking the habit.
    The straw seems a great idea. Never had this habit, and I hate second hand smoke, but I wish you much success, you won’t regret giving it up.
    Good Luck and Keep Busy.

  36. Good for you for quitting. You can do it, Sherry. And just think of all the extra money you’ll have for stamps, etc. Fun halloween project.

  37. Good luck, Sherry!! I quit 8 months ago after starting 27 years earlier. Its the best thing you will ever do for yourself!!! You can do it.

  38. Wishing you the very best to quit smoking; you can do it, Sherry! Your Halloween project is great; love all the goodies you put inside of the box.

  39. Big congrats on your decision to stop smoking..for good! Do it for yourself & for your family! I lost both my parents to lung cancer due to smoking. They both smoked since high dad was only 50 years old when he died (4 months after diagnosis). My mom died 11 years later from the same yet slower progressing type of lung cancer (1 year after diagnosis). For both of them it spread to the brain. I wish I had done more to sway my parents away from those killer cigarettes. My mom would often say that she smoked to calm & relax her but dying from lung cancer is far from a calming experience…for both the sick & their family. If I could have one more day with my parents. I don’t mean to scare you but I want you to live long & live strong!! I pray for your strength & good health!

  40. Sherry: Talking down and dirty now: I’ve lost two brothers and my father in law to smoking. The end was not pretty. I don’t want you or anyone else to go through that. You keep on keeping on girlfriend and you have lots of support in the blog community. I’ll even send you my phone number if you email me. I want you to get through this. Seriously. You are a talented artist and one terriffic human being and no one wants to see you buy the farm over cigarettes. Think of all the money you save. In fact, why don’t you earmark that money for your art supplies. Think of all you’ll have…….that’s great motivation!!! Good luck. Praying for your success.


  41. Sherry-want you to hang in there and stay off the cigs..the hardest thing I ever did and still (years later) want one. We all know it’s bad, etc. but still it is sooo hard to give up.

  42. Sherry, I am so proud of you for taking the plunge to quit. I know you can do it ……. Good luck!

  43. Sherry, ever try an e-cigarette? I have a couple of friends in the process of quitting right now and they are raving about the e-cigarette.

  44. Sherry, good luck with breaking the habit – you can do it – you can do anything you set your mind to!!! This piece is incredible Sherry – love it, absolutely love it! Hope the first day of therapy goes well!!!!

  45. Good for you Sherry. I quit 26 yrs ago…I still say it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done… but it’s definitely the right thing to do. And just think of the money you’ll save, if nothing else. :o/

    That is one cute project! Just love it. Only thing… you have to move the watermark on the front image… makes it look like your name is ON the gravestone!! AAAUUUGHHH!!

    Hugs, Ree

  46. Well done you, for stopping smoking, take each day as another success.
    Though I’ve never really smoked (you can’t count the few puffs I had when I was at school – trying to seem sophisticated and grown up, but miserably failing, only turning a sickly green colour, lol).
    I did however set my mind to taking one day at a time when dieting, each day I was good encouraged me to continue. If I occasionally succumbed to temptation I just thought “get back on the bike”and I started again. I managed to reach my target weight after about 6 months. It was a great feeling of achievement, getting there in the end.
    I love your gravestone project. You always seem to find these cool things to work with. I actually thought of getting a big pumpkin this year and carving it like I did when kids were younger. The last one I carved was about 7 years ago. I created a lovely silhouette of a pussy cat against the full moon on my pumpkin, I made pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie for the first time too -scrumptious. We never think of eating this in Scotland, though I don’t know why not, when it’s so tasty.
    Sherry, look how far you’ve come with other health issues. You can do it!
    You’re a winner. We’re all rooting for you.

  47. Sherry, I quit smoking on November 6, 1994 (a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon):) I loved it, but started getting short of breath, and had trouble swallowing. My mother had just passed away from emphysema in May of that year, and I was a single parent to a 4 year old. With all that motivation, it was still very difficult.

    I can say now that I am SOOO thankful that I did. I know several people that have quit with the help of a medication called Chantix. You might want to ask your doctor about it, they all were successful with it.

    I had a friend tell me to say “Today, I am not going to smoke. If I still want to tomorrow, then I will. But today, I am not going to.” If you’re like me, you might have to change “day” to “hour”, or “15 minutes”.

    Good luck, girl. I’m betting you are tough enough to do it!!!!

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