133 Responses to “Box-a-licious Blog Hop!”

  1. very fun sherry!

  2. Sherry –
    I love your configuration box. Not just because it is beautiful to look at (it is), but because of all the wonderful things it represents. Your memories, your family, your passion. Thank you so much for sharing such an wonderful part of yourself.

    Elaine Allen

  3. You guys are amazing, Everyone is so different but all are stunning! This one is so sophisticated, I love the way you used the black, it really highlights the interiors

  4. Great box Sherry and unbelievable collection of memorabilia! Thanks for sharing~

  5. Your blog is the first I’m visiting and if the rest are even half as good as yours, this will be a lot of fun. You did a great job! I think you should have included a crushed up cigarette butt!


  6. Amazing so many interesting things . Thanks for sharing a part of yourself.

  7. I can just imagine the fun you had making this. All the memories that it brought back while searching for the things to put in it and the things you excluded, too. Great job! Thanks for sharing.

  8. So very special! I’m really enjoying this blog hop and everyone’s own take on this wonderful idea that Sir Tim came up with!!

  9. Sherry, this is an absolute treasure! What a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to your loved ones. Every little detail is meaningful and precious, and you’ve designed it all so beautifully. Each compartment is its own world of sweet memories!

    What an honor it is to be able to get this little glimpse into your life. This is magical!

  10. Thanks for sharing the configuration box. What a wonderful treasure of memories . Its so nice to be able to see what we love rather than have these pieces of memrobalia stored away.

  11. So cool to see that you have a story for each section. Love what everyone is doing with these configurations.

  12. This is great! What a neat way to show your treasures. TFS

  13. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog hop.

  14. I love your detailed description of each little square and the significance! I love that most of these things are keepsakes you have collected over the years and now they have a most beautiful home to live within’! VERY nice work! TFS!

  15. Love the way you used it as an old memory box. I also have a lot of stuff like this..Hmmmm

  16. I like the black paint on the box – really stands out. Your treasures inside each box are lovely and so meaningful. Beautiful.

  17. My goodness you put so much into this! It must have taken you a long time!

  18. I ADORE shadow boxes, especially when they have great little trinkets in them like this. I even had a puzzle once of a shadow box and it was my favorite to put together. This is beautiful Sherry! Great collection of memories. 🙂

  19. Sherry – this is the most wonderful creation! I LOVED the little meaningful stories for each carefully “configured” box. The amazing collection of memories you must have! The feet and crystal knob were just the perfect touch. This is an inspiration box if I ever saw one – truly a masterpiece!!

  20. Sherry, what a GREAT collection of memorabilia — and fun memories to go with it all! You did a lovely job!!! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Oh Wow is that ever special what a treasure to hand down to future generations, so loved hearing the stories behind the different boxes!

  22. I love the stories behind each cubbie!! Make sure you write it down, so that when it is passed down thru your generations, they (meaning the generations…..) will know who/what/where it all means!

  23. Simply beautiful.

  24. Gasp! So that’s how you use the Tim Holtz feet. LOL! This looks fantastic. I love all the little memories you have stashed inside. You have given me lots of ideas now. 🙂

  25. What a great way to preserve memories. I too am a collector of all things “old” and treasured. Wonderful job.

  26. Sherry, what a great memory catcher!! I have lots of odds and ends from trips, etc. My mind is reeling:) Thanks for sharing:)

  27. Wow, Sherry! What a fabulous project.

  28. Absolutely fabulous piece, I love the way you have painted the whole piece black, a good foundation for everything else, all the little pieces stand proud from the black. Love the Curio nob on the top and the feet work fabulously. Very inspirational. Tracy Evans x x

  29. I love your memory box, so many wonderful things of your life are shown and explained. I also have lots of little old things from my past, so these boxes would be great to win! Thanks always for sharing your talents!

  30. Beautiful! I love how you configured your wonderful collection.

  31. Beautiful! Love, love, love it! Can’t wait to see the rest of the boxes–if they are half as wonderful I’m in for a treat!!

  32. Sherry, Sherry, Sherry – what a great project! I love the eclectic mix of vintage items and the themed boxes. Terrific ideas. I notice you managed to work in a “Wendy” flower, too!

  33. When I saw the title of this blog hop, I thought of you and was excited to see what you’d created….WONDERFUL….SIMPLY….WONDERFUL! Great creation!

  34. What a great heirloom project. Someone will treasure that forever!

  35. WOW Sherry! I just love everything about this configuration box. I just love how you displayed all your memories. Thanks for the inspiration.

  36. Love this!!! Thanks for sharing about the meaning behind the contents of each of your boxes – makes it so much more meaningful!!! What a wonderful piece of family history you have created!!

  37. WOW Sherry! I just love this configuration box. Love how you displayed all your memories. Thanks for the inspiration.

  38. Great job!! Thanks for sharing the

  39. Sherry, this is amazing. I just love the meaning behind each box, how each one tells a story. There are some precious items in those little boxes! I think my favorites are the ones for your girls, with their little precious ID hosp. bracelets & pink bows. Makes me want to do something like this.
    Love it!!!!

  40. Cute and clever, but to much work for me. Still trying to finish Christmas cards. LOL Edna

  41. Oh my what a cool box! I loved looking at all of the trinkets you put in there. It is great that everything has such personal meaning. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Oh my…let me dry my eyes. You’re stories brought me to tears. Lovely keepsake, beautifully done!

  43. Oh my, Sherry. What a wonderful trip down Memory Lane! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you used items you’ve been collecting for years. Now I want to make a Configurations like this one! This is such a perfect way to share these unique trinkets and to be able to view them every day has to be a huge thrill for you!

  44. I love how you turned each box into a story on its own. Brilliantly done too. A perfect keepsake.

  45. Sherry, I love this!! Very nice.

  46. Thanks for the story about your configurations. As a whole it is just gorgeous and if possible made even more beautiful by sharing how it came to be!!! Can’t wait to see the others!!!

  47. I love it! It’s like an I Spy book page. Beautiful that everything means something too.

  48. Sherry
    What can one say about something this spectacular?!!

  49. I have thought of doing one of these boxes, but don’t have all the cool, old trinkets to stash inside. I have a few things but not enough to do one of these. I’ll keep hunting things and set aside for a later date. I do love the look of yours. Off to look at all the others.

  50. This is so special Sherry. I love how you used all the pieces with meaning to them inside. What a great family heirloom this will be.

  51. I love that!!! I do really wish you could have incorperated me in there somewhere, but maybe that will be a crafty day job that I have planned for us. Great work on all that.

  52. Absolutely beautiful use of the box, and what a special treasure.

  53. I love all the wonderful antiques and nostalgia you’ve filled your box with. What a great box of memories you’ve created!

  54. Such a great box of memories and treasures. Love your addition of the knob on top and the feet. Lovely!

  55. Thanks for sharing so much of you in this Configuration. I love the feet and knob. It is so cool that you had some many precious bits of memories to use.

  56. Oh, I just love the stories that go with each box! Great inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

  57. What an amazing collection of treasure you have. So wonderful that you kept them all 🙂 You box is gorgeous.

  58. What a fun way to tell your family story and display those precious little items. I love your stories and your style, Sherry!

  59. Sherry, I LOVE all your little stuff in there. Looks very personal and vintage. Your art is ALWAYS amazing!

  60. I can’t wait to make my own box. I started looking around for all of my stash!

  61. I love the treasures you have in this and treasures they are! Complete with delightful stories!

  62. Precious! A true memory box. Thanks for sharing the details.

    iamvictorias at gmail dot com

  63. Wonderful memory box!

    iamvictorias at gmail dot com

  64. I love your eclectic taste! You put a great deal of thought into this project and your efforts are commendable. Thank you for sharing where the trinkets came from…um…may have to raid my hubby’s stash of stuff!

  65. Wonderful memory configuration box – lovely memories of days ago

  66. As usual you nailed it!!! This is awesome. Oh the memories this holds for you!!! Great job

  67. Sherry, I love your family memories box, what a great way to tell a story about members of your family!

  68. Wow, you have so many goodies and stories. What a fun box to create. I love how you put in the baby pic’s and the bracelets just so darn cute!! I need one of these. I have some treasures that I have stored away I would just love to do something like this with them. You really inspire us Sherry. Again another awesome project!!! LOVE it 🙂

  69. I love this ! You have such gorgeous treasures stashed in here! Thanks for sharing.

  70. Wow…family history in a box. Your project is wonderful!

  71. Love how you found the perfect way to use these family collections….what wonderful stories & memories your configuration box holds.

  72. Love your take on Configurations. Light bulbs kept going off over my head as I looked at your photos, bringing to mind a bunch of trinkets I have saved! Thanks!

  73. …very cool! I’ve “scrapped” an old printers tray but haven’t worked one of the new ones yet! I love how you used collected stuff! Your stories were great, thanks for sharing!

  74. AWESOME!! I LOVE all of the old objects!! From the time I was little my mother has instiled in me the craft of collecting and I too have things from when I was little!! I always enjoyed hearing the stories and adopted the love from my mother!! =) Thanks so much for sharing and have a GREAT DAY!!

  75. What a wonderfully eclectic box. Can’t wait to dig out my collectibles.

  76. That was a really creative item to make. I love that it is full of good memories. Thanks for sharing.

  77. What a great way to display and share your memories! I know it will treasured for many years to come!

  78. Sherry, what memories in that box. I love it. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day.

  79. A lovely memory box! Thanks for sharing.

    iamvictorias at gmail dot com

  80. don’t know where you get the stuff to make these lol it came out great

  81. I don’t know where you get the ‘stuff’ to make these lol this turned out great!

  82. great creation, love all the memorabilia in it and the stories about them.

  83. Sherry, this was a most wonderful adventure …reading your story and seeing what you have designed just was delightful. I really enjoyed seeing your creativity in full force with this project.

  84. Lots of heartfelt vintgey goodness. Brava!

  85. I truly love, love, love your configuration. I am certain that you had a lot of fun putting it together. Splendid job!

  86. Sherry = your configurations are fantastic. I love the curio knob on top and the metal feet. And the stories you have to tell about the contents of each box are so interesting and personal, I feel like I know you. Thanks for showing this to us.

  87. You never cease to amaze me with your projects. I love Tim Holtz and love a little creativity and idea inspiration. Thank you for sharing your projects andI hope I can get my hands on Tim’s stuff too!

  88. I tell ya, I was totally in awe when I saw your project. But what really inspired me was the story/meaning behind each of your keepsakes. And how each box is a different theme/memory, etc…
    I definitely love the knob on the top and I’m sooo going to start saving those little trinkets.
    It’s beautiful.. hugs

  89. Sherry…wow! I have never even seen one of these boxes..but I love yours! So cool all of the little trinkets that you have placed in them….Thanks for Sharing.

  90. Girl friend, you are flying high with this one! Just beautiful! So many points of interest involved with all the little elements! Gorgeous!

  91. Wow, Sherry, this is spectacular! I could sit and look at each compartment for hours, it’s just awesome! All of these configuration projects have just been over the top!

  92. Oh Sherry! This is SO special! What a great way to keep your collected memorabelia together! I love that the box in it’s entirety tells a story.

  93. I loved the Aruba box because of the gold coin story. Better than a scrapbook full of pictures. Thanks for sharing, Sherry.

  94. That is so special! I could stare at it for hours. What a family heirloom this is!!!!

  95. This is really wonderful; something you could get lost in for a long time! I like that each box has a story and the whole tells the story of your life. Nice work!

  96. At first I was going to say all of your flee market trips paid off, but after reading your post, I see that these are all items that are pieces of your past and your family. Great job, I love it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  97. Great ideas Sherry, thanks for sharing your memories. I also have a pin with mother on it, from my mother..

  98. Wonderful piece of art. So much detail. Loved it

  99. How many hours of love and creativity did you use??? The beauty of your creation tells the story that every minute was worth it’s time! Thank you for showing the products you used!

  100. What a great memory box. Iris Soscia

  101. Lovely stories for your box! How amazing that you have kept all of those memories! All of the boxes are amazing!

  102. this is absolutely precious, sherry. amazing! thank you for sharing.

  103. HOLY MOLY! This is beyond BEYOND amazing! WOW!

  104. Thanks for sharing your memories. It’s a beautiful work of art.

  105. I LOVE THE FEET!!! and the discription of everything that means so much to you…this is sweet. thanks!

  106. Wow GF, what an amazing configeration of your imagination and pure ART! I luv that so many things all have memories, how sweet!

  107. Sherry—I just HAD to comment—WOW, what a breathtaking self-portrait of yourself and your life. It`s sooo totally cool! My favorite box is each of the girls with their hospital bracelets and pink ribbons …. totally made my heart ache <3
    Can`t wait to take a look at the remainder of the DT to see what they did with their box. TFS xo

  108. What a great way to keep memories visible! Love what you’ve done.

  109. I LOVE these fabulous boxes!! so much to do with them!!

  110. I love how you chose to make each compartment have it’s own little story to tell. That’s a brilliant idea instead of doing a piece that all coordinates. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of doing both kinds. I just also think your idea was a great one. Beautiful memories, you can tell just by looking that your art piece is very personal. Thank you so much for sharing your art with all of us.

  111. Sherry, thank you so much for taking us on this little journey of your memories! It was so fun!

    Your shadowbox is truly special, something of which your family and friends will be in awe!

    … next time you walk by this creation, give your little mermaid a wave from me … she especially makes me smile!

  112. Sherry, this box is such a treasure – or collection of treasures! Love the way you shared all your mementos and the memories they hold. I also love the way painting it all black really unified everything and allowed your treasures to shine!

  113. A Lovely Memories configoration I loved ready all about each box, I collect things and I’m sure mine would look just like yours and still I would have loads of collectables left! lol.

  114. Sherry – your box is a-MAZ-ing!! What a wonderful keepsake – made even more special by the stories tied to each vignette.

  115. I love your box, and the way you personalized it, Sherry! I love all the momentoes from your grandfather’s cigar box. I wish I still had one of my grandfathers cigar boxes. I used to play with them so they were not taken care of! Is that a 1920 silver dollar? What a keepsake!

  116. Wow Sherry what an awesome keepsake full of so many teasures. It was fun to read about each box. Awesome job!

  117. Great way to share memories and honor your family.

  118. What an awesome way to preserve those precious memories! Thanks for sharing.

  119. Love the details in your boxes. I really would like to do one for each holiday, so fun!

  120. OMG, these creations are just so darned clever!!!!!

  121. My gosh, your boxes are jam packed! Love it all! It’s a treasure trove of memories.

  122. Really enjoyed reading the details on your items. What a way to store and display memories at the same time.

  123. Love all the details on your boxes. Such inspiration! Such memories! Must get those boxes. Thanks for the ideas.
    Shirley L.

  124. What a beautiful collection! Thank you so much for sharing your memories with us!

  125. I love the look of the all black box with the feet and knob on top. I just picked up a pack of these feet and now I think I know where they are going to go!

  126. How creative! You are giving me ideas. Thanks.

  127. this is gorgeous! it makes me think of my son’s first year and all the great bits I can put into it instead of the usual shadow box! Thanks for the inspiration

  128. Sherry, thanks so much for sharing a bit of yourself in this box. It’s so great to read of all the memories behind the art! Great job!
    Kris, Wadsworth, OH

  129. This is a real -Oh Wow. I love how you made it meaningful to you. I wouldn’t have thought of that.Thank you for such wonderful inspiration.

  130. This is awesome. I love the color of the box, the legs …all of it…love the special bits and pieces you have filled it with.

  131. Sherry, this is so cool. This box is full of your life and loves. I know so much thought went into this, and the placement of your treasures and what they represent are just awesome. What a wonderful job…you should be so proud! Thanks for sharing your life with us…Blessings!

  132. These are exactly the type of family trinkets I own and have thought would be perfect in a configuration. I love seeing your completed project. It’s lovely and inspires me to make that a winter project of my own 🙂

  133. Sherry,
    Wonderful job!!!! This is the best out of all the boxes because this is just what I plan on doing with mine. You have so many special memories when you look at each box..I lost my Dad 11 years ago to Pancreatic Cancer and I have lots of tokens I can use to make a box just in mrmory of him.

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