Happy Tuesday!  Wow did I have a fun and exciting day yesterday . . . we had a big storm come through early in the morning that caused a branch (from my neighbors tree) to come crashing down on our fence.  After a walk with the pups I decided to trim the part of the branch hanging over our fence.  You see I was going to be a BAD neighbor since this is my neighbor that bitched when I had a branch taken from one of their trees.  It was hanging over our garage and was just waiting to fall and come tumbling down.  I had it cut at the fence line and it looked absolutely hideous and someone (like me) was going to hit their head on the stub that was left, so I had it trimmed to the trunk.  It looked better, but I committed the most horrid neighbor sin . . . I didn’t consult her even though I was paying for it.  Oh might I also add that she had the tree trimmed a month before and left that one branch hanging . . . because . . . “that’s why we(they) have insurance”!

Anyway I started cutting the ends of the branch and the more I cut, the more it fell.  I finally got my chainsaw out and cut the damn thing up, carrying it all the street for the city to take away.  Little did I know that Mr. Stodgy had talked to her around 7:00 am asking if it damaged our fence and she said she would have it removed that morning.  I now think I should bill her $50 for my time!  BUT, at least I don’t have to look at it all week, which was the reason I ended up cutting it in the first place.

I also got in some stamping time and before the storms hit again, I got 6 more hanging pots made.  Now I only have 5 flats of flowers to finish planting.  Mr. S wouldn’t let me go buy flowers this year . . . he said I bought way too much . . . well, I have now made 9 hanging baskets, 4 extra large pots (taking more than 2 bags of dirt to fill), 4 medium pots and 2 smallish ones.  I would have purchased either hanging baskets or at least 4 to 6” pots . . . NOT flats!  Now keep in mind that with every plant I’ve put in, it’s not been by itself.  NOPE if I placed 1 white impatiens in, it was accompanied by 2 or 3 all put together.  I’ll have to take some pictures so you can see what I’m talking about.

Now that I’ve babbled on forever, let me show you my card for today.

I used another JustRite image today (because I have so many new ones and don’t often get to use them) from Backyard Birds.


The image was water colored with Distress Inks: Spiced Marmalade, Pumice Stone, Stormy Sky, Peeled Paint, and Fired Brick.  The edges of everything were sponged with Antique Linen, which was also used on the seam binding ribbon.  Before I added the Antique Linen to the seam binding, it was dyed with Dried Marigold Distress Ink.  I really wanted the flowers to resemble that ever invasive plant, the trumpet vine.

One more thing before I leave you.  One of my Graphic 45 projects is being show cased on their blog today.  Please go over and check it out . . . it’s a notebook and a video tutorial.  If you miss it, I will be showcasing it here tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by and remember . . . life is short, embrace the adventures of the day!


Supplies/Product Used:

16 Responses to “Just Another Day!”

  1. magnifique

  2. Sherry, the card is beautiful. I love hummingbirds. Thanks for sharing. Hope you day is better, today.

  3. Beautiful card Sherry! Love the neighbor story- sounds like the issue behind my house-lol! You should send her a invoice for your time- it took time away from stamping :)’

  4. Very soft and pretty. Like the colors.
    Sorry about the tree on your fence. Sounds like you did more than your share of the clean up. Wow, all those flowers. I bought 2 flats and lots of geraniums and did my planter (37 feet long) and 3 cemetery sights, then called it quits. Flowers are beautiful but lots of weeding and watering. and I’d rather be making cards. LOL Edna

  5. Love this card!!! Your attention to detail is always wonderful!

  6. This is so beautiful Sherry!! Lovin’ that layering!!!

  7. I love the card and most of all the story. When are we ever going to get that good old Kentucky/Indiana sunshine????

  8. Gorgeous card! Glad to see you ‘back at it’:) What a funny story. Good job the tree only hit your fence and not the house!! What is with all these storms??

  9. Love your story Sherry! I’ve planted a dozen large pots, too, and trying to be frugal with my gardening dollars but somehow always manage to see “one more beautiful flower” to buy:) Love your card! You’re so talented!

  10. Hi Sherry –
    I remember THAT NEIGHBOR! Its too bad you can’t bill her the $50! But admit it, you were kinda hoping she’d come out, weren’t you? LOL! I love how your card turned out, it is so beautiful. I’m heading over to Graphic 45 to see what magic you have for us there.

    Elaine Allen

  11. Another stunning beauty!

  12. so pretty, lovely coloring of the image, pretty layering. Look forward to seeing your flowers 🙂

  13. Such a lovely card!! Still have to get my flowers planted but have to wait for dry weather. We’re going to get more rain here tonight & tomorrow, sick of it!!

  14. Sherry: one of the things I love about your work is how versatile you are! Gorgeous card! And you can come plant flowers for me…or trim trees, if you want to! I’ll be very nice to you!

  15. Pretty card! For some reason I think the saying on this one reflects you very well — just get a tree dumped on your fence, wing it and get it off there! “flats” can be a dirty word. Hope you share a pciture of your greenhouse when you’ve got it all ready – – or are you beautifying the sweet neighbor lady’s place, too? 🙂 Thanks for the grins as well as the gorgeous art today.

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