Good morning!  WOW what a day I had yesterday with Karen Lockhart.  I left here very early to drive the hour and a half to get to Nashville and Papertrix.  Of course I was a little early (I was giving myself plenty of time in case of traffic on the interstate) which gave me some time to chat with Karen before everyone else came in.  She’s everything I had heard . . . funny, fantastic and of so very creative!  If you ever get a chance to take one of her classes (and you haven’t before) DO IT!

Here is just a sampling of some of the things we worked on.

karen lockhart class

After class we were able to go to Papertrix and do a little shopping . . .

karen lockhart stamps

Oh and I can’t forget to tell you  . . . I met Gretchen Wilson!

me with Gretchen Wilson

She’s from West Lafayette and came up to introduce herself to me.  I think there will be some road trips including Gretchen . . . watch out Joan (Joan’s Garden), we might just surprise you one day!  Oh and speaking of Joan, I’ll be doing some special projects for her soon . . . very soon . . . like next week maybe.

Anyhoo, thanks for stopping by and embrace the adventures of your day!  You don’t want to miss anything.


Happy Monday!  The weekend around here was so quiet.  My girls went on a weekend road trip with my mother . . . I’m gonna guess there was plenty of shopping going on!  What this truly means, is that Mallory wasn’t around and I didn’t have to cook.

On Sunday I got some much needed book work done, and on Saturday I had some play time in the studio.  Remember this video on Faux Porcelain Flowers that I originally posted in November of 2009?

I really love this technique and from I can tell doing some searching, it’s been very popular.  (The Duke of Dirt . . . oops, the Duke of Distress . . . actually taught it during the Melt Art class at CHA [or so I’ve been told].)

I know the video is somewhat dated (and I plan on making  a new one) because now there is an easier way to apply the melted UTEE.  Make your flowers first and then dunk them in the UTEE, then pick them out and let the UTEE drain back into the pot.  Oh so simple!  However I did make a few my old way and still liked the process of shaping as I go . . . plus you don’t waste all the time gluing them all together first.

I was sitting at my work table Saturday working on a Graphic 45 project when I said to myself . . . you really should make these flowers shiny so they’ll pop on the page . . . so, I DID!  (said in my best Bette Midler voice)

Here are some flowers that I was playing with.


You’ll recognize some of them from recent projects.  Meaning they were already made and were dunked in the melted UTEE.  See those little brown flowers in the right front?  Those were shaped and then a florist pin was pushed down through the middle.  The pin was perfect to hold onto while dipping the flowers.  I cut them off after the flower was dry so I had a flat surface to glue to the project.

These are the finished flowers.


I LOVE them . . . I think I’ll leave my melting pot out for awhile!

I really must hurry my post today.  I’m heading out to take some classes from Karen Lockhart, who is teaching at Papertrix in Nashville today.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your day is filled with adventures!


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