Have you ever put something down, turned around and then couldn’t find that item?  I did!  Oh lets be honest.  I lose stuff a dozen times a day, every day!  But this time I really lost it.  Oh how I’ve lost it.

Let me start from the beginning.  As I mentioned last week (or whenever I last wrote a blog post) that I was having some sleep studies done.  I’ve been pretty tired for some time now.  It had gotten to the point that I could barely make myself get off the couch and move around.  I napped every day for a couple of hours and sometimes longer.  Nope, its not out of boredom.  I have plenty to keep me busy . . . I just haven’t been able to do it.  I went to a new doctor a few weeks back and tried to explain to her how bad I felt.  As well as prescribing some new “happy pills,” she ordered the sleep study.

I was scheduled for this past Tuesday night.  However, they had a cancellation the week before and called to see if I wanted to come over.  I jumped at the chance.  I knew that this was going to be my cure all.  Now I had slept in that morning, took a long nap in the afternoon and had more than a few pots of coffee during the day.  Coffee has been the only thing that has kept me going.  Well also my nicotine, but we won’t talk about that now . . . yes, I am a smoker . . . hey, I am her Royal Badness!  When I got to the clinic, they insisted that I go to sleep around 10:30.  BWAHAHAHAHAHA now that was funny.  The technician had me sit in a chair while she wired me up.  Two little pads on each calf, tons on my head with this wonderful sticky glue like substance, and a few more strategically placed around my body.  Needless to say, when I stood up to go to bed, I walked on the wires attached to my calves and immediately pulled them all off.  Duh!  The tech said not to worry about it that it happened all the time.  Well if it happens all the time, then why don’t they put them on once you are in bed.  After a very restless sleep I awoke at 5:30.  I was just rolling over to snuggle in for what I KNEW was my best sleep time, when I heard my name over the intercom.  Damn, I had to get up and head home.  I drove home with the sticky glue still in my hair, smoking all the way and dreaming of the pot of coffee awaiting me.

In between doctor appointments, etc., we have had an ice storm and a wind storm.  The debris from the ice storm is still piled up in front of the house waiting for the county to pick it up.  Just this weekend, Mr. Stodgy added the newly fallen limbs and branches from the recent wind storm to the pile.  I tell you this because it is important.

Last Monday I went back to the sleep doctor.  I learned that I do not have sleep apnea.  So does this mean that I really don’t snore like my family tells me I do?  I’ve never heard myself snore so I know I don’t!  I need no comments here from the Rubbernecker Red-Hot Mamas who have shared rooms with me . . . okay?  I also learned that I do not go into REM sleep.  They think I don’t because my oxygen levels are too low.  I did not qualify for a CPAC.  However, they have given me some oxygen to use at night.  I’m adjusting . . . earplugs are a must . . .  and Mr. Stodgy says he has not heard me snore.  Well of course not!  I don’t snore!  I can say that I have been able to breathe better at night and no longer wake up in the morning all stuffy.  That is a good thing!

Oh and by the way, the new “Happy Pills” are to help with the smoking.  My new doctor thinks it will help me to quit.  I can’t say that they have helped too much for with that, but they have curbed my appetite . . . another good thing!  She also has me back on a very strict diet.  I like this doctor . . . she actually wants me to come back for a follow-up.  That will keep me on my toes.

Tuesday last week was a wild day around here.  Because of the storms (well at least we want to think that) the refrigerator made a weird noise, smoked and then went out.  For the second time since September I lost the entire contents of the freezer just after Mr. Stodgy had been grocery shopping.  Yes, Mr. Stodgy does the grocery shopping.  He claims that I spend too much money.  Well I might because I buy food that can be used to prepare meals.  He doesn’t quite grasp that concept, so I cook what he brings in.  Hey if it’s not here, I can’t cook it!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anyhoo, on Tuesday the repairman came for the refrigerator.  When I purchased the fridge about 5 years ago, it was a little too big for the spot but the delivery men shoved it in anyway.  To get the fridge out this past Tuesday, I had to actually remove the base cabinet and counter top from the wall.  Fun times . . .  Oh yeah!  Now it gets better!  While all this was going on, the man came to deliver my oxygen.  Talk about bouncing from one area of the house to the other.  I finally had to ask the oxygen guy to hold on a bit or I wouldn’t remember what he was telling me.

I truly can’t remember what happened during the last part of the week.  It seems I was on the phone quite a bit, some errands maybe . . . but I never made it to the studio.  I could not bring myself to walk down to the studio.   I lost it . . . I lost my mojo!  So I just decided to take the entire week off and try to rejuvenate!  I still haven’t walked into the studio but hopefully I’ll make it in there soon.

Damn, I wish I could have told you that I have been MIA because I won the lottery, moved to a private island and was being served by cabana boys!

15 Responses to “My, oh My, oh My!”

  1. Sherry, Sherry, Sherry, did you see the race today?????? Darn rain delay! I wasn’t real happy they called it because I wanted Markie Mark to win today…Damn it! Don’t you worry, I will be rooting for him next week! 🙂

    Anyways, happy to hear the oxygen is helping you. My hubby had a sleep apnea test done last March….he said it unreal and all that sticky glue crap was everywhere! LOL His results came back…no sleep apnea but RLS (Restless Leg Syndrom) which we already knew he had!

    Looking forward to seeing what beautiful creations you whip up once your back in your stamp studio! For now, enjoy your afternoon naps! 🙂


  2. My DH underwent the same sleep study a few weeks ago. Came home with the same glue stuff in his hair. But what I really wanted to tell you is to take the damn Happy Pills. He smoked for 40 years and says it was way harder to quit than alcohol. He tried the patch 3 different times but because he’s the nervous type, it didn’t work. So finally, I dimed him out to his doctor (we have the same doctor – by design) and I told the doctor my DH was going to need a tranquilizer, ergo the happy pills. He took the pills for 3 weeks, then started on the patch. It was hard, there were times he would growl. Yes, growl. He couldn’t stand his own skin, he would throw things, it got ugly. The smoking had got so bad that he would light up and admit he hated smoking but that the addiction was overwhelming. He overcame his addiction 8 years ago with the help of the Happy Pills and the patch, and hasn’t looked back. Sherry, I won’t lie to you, quitting smoking will probably be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do – but oh so very worth it. Hang in there.

  3. I think that you should have told us that you won the lottery. We wouldn’t know any different and we would have been really envious!!! I am going to win the lottery, too. But they say it’s so much easier if I buy a ticket! : ) I look forward to your mojo returning. I enjoy your work so much. It’s great inspiration. Hope your sleeping continues to get better! Cathy

  4. Well Heavens to Betsy!!
    You DID NOT mention the cabana boys to me!!!


  5. Sherry long time no chat – hang in there girlfriend! I’m trying to quit the nicotine addiction myself and I have sleep apnea – I just wanted to tell that they had to do my sleep study twice before they were sure it was S.A.

    Isn’t that sticky stuff just ducky?

  6. Sherry, you are a riot! I enjoy your writing so much. Just your picture brings a smile to my face every time I come to your blog. You seem like such a nice lady. Keep up the sunshiny mood. You are the greatest!


  7. Oh Sherry you had me laughing and crying for you as I read your story. And all that happened in just a few days??? Maybe a novel is in order? I’m am hoping the mojo comes back and soon because I miss your work. Hope this doctor helps you out and your are back to your BADNESS very soon! (teehee)

  8. Sherry, so glad to hear from you! Last night I made mental note to e-mail you and find out if everything was okay because it has been a while since you blogged 😀 The sleeping disorder hits home. It seems like the last time I had one full night of rest was the day before finding out I was pregnant; that was over 30 years ago!!!! Anywhoooo, glad you’re getting back on track and that you and your family, yes even Mr. Stodgy, are okay.

  9. Sherry so sorry you are having trouble sleeping that is the worse thing Hope it gets better for you. what kind of happy pills did they give you the Chantix they gave me those and I never took them and they are now expired LOL
    I hope you get your mojo back love your work
    Hugs to you

  10. Wow sounds like quite the busy week, glad to hear the oxygen is helping, I think my DH has sleep apnea but he won’t go in for a study, even though the doctor has suggested it.
    I was so lucky that after 17 years of smoking I was able to stop on my own, and it has now been 11 years since I have smoked. Now mind you I dreamt of smoking and craved it for a long time, and I was a B**** to live with for a month or so, but I feel so much better since, your breathing will improve over the years you won’t believe it. In order to quit though I couldn’t be around anyone else that was smoking, don’t know if you can do that or not, but I tell you if you can quit, it will be worth it!

  11. My goodness, Sherry…when it rains it sure does pour!!! Sounds like March 26 needs to come real soon…you need a vacation!!!!! Bring the cabana boys, too!!!

  12. HOLY MOLY GF!! Could you just cram in a bit more into one week?! And what do you mean you have no mojo?!! Is that allowed? I bet it’s on the counter (or worse, it made it’s way into my stamping space and heaven help you, I WON”T give it back! BWHHAAAAA)

  13. Oh Sherry…this is a riot! You always make me laugh! Hope you get your mojo back soon… I love your work!

  14. Joe is the mildest mannered man in the world and smokes like a chimney. I quit for 15 years and decided to “test it out” 9 years ago. What started as a “sip” is now big hulking chain smoking. Joe tried the happy pills and ended up itching his way to the ER, gasping for breath. Then he tried CHANTIX and nearly popped his doctor in the mouth (seriously). The doc discovered (real quick) that CHANTIX can cause rage.

    next: I spent 2007 SLEEPING. So exhausted and couldn’t think clearly. The doc thought I had sleep apnea. lol I had severe diabetes and my sugar cravings nearly put me in a coma. (seriously)

    Get your blood sugar checked.

  15. Sherry
    My family says that I snore too! The nerve! I went to the sleep study and have to admit I drove the poor nurses crazy! I couldn’t sleep and then when I did they woke me up to attach the CPAP and that gave me an anxiety attack! Lol Now however I sleep with my battlestar gallactica gear and actually feel quite rested in the am. Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I have ever done! I smoked my last one August 19 2006! gained 80lbs but hey at least I can breathe and now I am working on the weight! Being a round shaped smoker was so much easier than trying to be a skinny nonsmoker but at least I can torture my family for many years more!!!

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