Smiley from Good Thursday morning!  I hope you’ve had a good week so far.  I’ve been running around with errands, doing laundry, blah blah blah . . . and not getting any projects done.  This afternoon I’ll be cleaning out the storage room in the basement  (Smiley from said its about time) because we are having a new furnace installed Friday morning.   We’ve not had any problems with it this year, but we know last years’ band-aid won’t hold for long.

Yesterday I had some errands to run with mom and while I was there I pulled off a little surprise for my uncle.  Remember some time back when I told you he had given me his old cowboy boots?  I took him one the other day and told him I had a project in mind and could he clean the boot for me.  So today when I got to mom’s he showed me the boot and asked if it was okay.  Little did he know!

I had taken along a roll of red plaid ribbon and mom had purchased some holiday greens while shopping and  . . .

photo (2)

my uncle’s cowboy boot! (Editor’s note:  photo taken with iPhone because she forgot her camera . . . sorry for the blurriness.)

He asked me what I was doing with it and how it would go over.  I just looked at him and told him it was for him to put in his room.  He got that little shitty grin he has and I just kept on walking into his room.  It looks fabulous in his room and is so perfect for him!   He immediately had to show it off when a friend came in a little later.  It was well worth the little bit of time it took to make, just to see his expression and know that I did a little something that tickled him.

Well, that’s all for me today!  I’m off to do run a few errands and then some cleaning and tossing.  Thanks for stopping by and remember . . . . life is short, do what you love and love what you do!


Smiley from

16 Responses to “Recycle and Reuse!”

  1. I love the way your brain works! This is a great idea! Who would have thought? I really like the way it turned out!

  2. I love this! Had a friend in Marshall, IL. that did the same thing only as a planter along side her back door. It also looked great.

  3. I love your boot! What a great idea and a wonderful surprise for him to make him feel special as well as festive!

  4. Sherri, You are always up to some good!! I like that. Makes me smile!! I wish I could arrange greenery as well as you and your mom do. Can you come to Illinois and do some decorating for me? *I wish*. Have a great day and enjoy the cleaning project!! Bevie

  5. You’re so thoughtful, Sherry. What a great way to bring a smile to a loved one and to recycle at the same time! You’re the best.

  6. You’re such a cool and loving niece. I LOVE your Christmas cowboy boot!!

  7. I love the boot idea! I have the Toad’s toddler boots. You got my brain crankin’. Which could be scary at this hour of the morning!

  8. I’ll bet your boot remake has become the hit of the season….it’ll get lots of visitors and your uncle will be one proud man. You did good! Happy Holidays! What’s cool….that boot can be redone for every season…I think my husband might want to guard his boots!

  9. This is great Sherry. It’s so kind of you to do something that is special for him. We only have these people in our lives for what seems to be too short of a time.

  10. Sherry, you tickle me when I visit your blog, I always smile seeing your creations. Floral arrangements are lovely but sometimes a bit too girly pretty, I love this festive berries and foliage arrangement for your uncle, definitely more manly. I bet he’s over the moon with it.

  11. This is really great. I know that sh**y little grin that Uncle Billy gets. A shame you could not have gotten that on camera for everyone to see. I can’t wait to see it in person. Gotta love that cowboy way!!!!

  12. You are one in a million, now after christmas make this special boot into a lamp.

  13. Sherry –

    What an awesome project! It is just so gorgeous, boot and all. And what a thoughtful person you are. I know you made your uncle’s day.

    Elaine Allen

  14. OMG!!! I just so love the alteration with the boot! That is just wayyy too precious! I mean just how SWEET is that for your uncle! Amazing…I just LOVE it!!!!

  15. How awesome, Sherry! Your dear uncle with enjoy that all through the holiday season!!!

  16. Lovin’ those cowboy boots…..I have a pair on my wishlist for Christmas…just wonder if I have been good enought??

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