Happy weekend!  I hope y’all are having a good one so far.  It’s flippin’ cold here today, but not nearly as cold as yesterday . . . just sayin’

In preparation for CHA, I broke down this morning and went shopping for some “fat” summer wear.  It broke my heart to have to do it . . .  but its warm there, much warmer than here . . . and my little butter butt won’t fit in any of my shorts or capris from last summer.  Don’t let anyone tell you different . . . quit smoking and put on 10-15 pounds before you can blink . . . automatic!  I know my lungs are healthier though, and the weight will eventually come off . . . I hope!

Anyways, I’ve had this idea over the last few days to play with a different type of paper.  I was curious what would happen if I die cut some brown paper wrapping and make some flowers.  Here’s the results.


Using Spellbinders™ new S4-328 Foliage and S5-049 Carnation Creations die templates, I die cut three sets (all at once) with the brown paper wrap.  I laid all the carnation pieces out on my non-stick craft sheet, and misted them with Butterscotch and Red Pepper Ranger Color Wash.  Once they were dry I over stamped the background from Studio 490 Art by the Number.  They were then assembled with a brad, smallest to the largest, misted with water and Gold Perfect Pearls.  While I was drying them with the heat tool, I was fluffing and scrunching to give them some dimension.  The leaves were misted with Lettuce Color Wash.

The base and the small frame were die cut using illustration board.  The base is made with LF-126 Grand Squares and the small frame with the small and large squares.   Of course, you’ll find some trinket pins stuck here and there for the finishing touches.

I’ll have more later  . . . I’m working on another set of flowers fixing some of the mistakes make the first time.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great weekend.  Remember to embrace the adventures that come your way . . . life is too damn short!


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30 Responses to “Brown Paper Flowers!”

  1. I know what you mean. I quit the end of April 2010 and gained 9 #’s right off the bat. Hate to tell you though, I feel like I have gained more as time has gone one. I don’t keep a scale in my house and I haven’t been to the doctor for about 6-8 months now so I don’t know for sure, BUT my clothes tell the story. The good will bag is getting bigger and bigger. Good Luck with your journey!

  2. THAT is pretty cool….and cost effective & a little green, too. Awesome!

  3. awesome . Thank you for sharing

  4. Sherrie, you can make beautiful flowers out of anything.
    These turned out really cute. Waiting to see the next ones.

  5. glad that you were able to stick with the STOP smoking. I know we all hate to gain the wait but omg to watch someone struggling for every breath-ugh! This summer when you get out more the weight thing will be easier. Must tell you I so enjoy your blog and your work is just my style. Keep up the good work!

  6. BEAUTIFUL!!! I love all of your art though! Have fun at CHA!

  7. Beautiful, Sherry. I love using brown paper bags for art.

  8. Sherry, you are a work of art – and so are your flowers and all your creations! I just love your blog – tell it like it is, gal! My husband quit smoking 20 some years ago. He’s heavier, but so much healthier. He played basketball up until last year (67 years old!) and he would never have been able to if he hadn’t quit.

  9. Sherry girl you make the bestest flowers!!! I just love all of your work!!! Yes I hate to say it but you do put on some pounds when you quit smoking I had to do the same thing sort of I had to buy new jeans because nothing fit I was horrified! Something I didn’t want to have to do. But it is all for the best. 🙂
    Just think not much longer and you will be away from the cold for a bit. Not us it is going into the negative numbers tonight…OH JOY!! Ughhh winter.

  10. It was a sunny warm So. Cali day, so nice. Love those flowers!!! I gotta try it

  11. beautiful Sherry!
    Sandra ltb

  12. I gained quite a bit of weight when I stopped smoking many years ago. Have to admit to not losing it though, but I prefer the excess pounds to the damaged lungs.

    Flowers are gorgeous. I have a pre-order in for the Foliage dies but haven’t decided which of the new flower shapes to buy. Sadly I can’t have them all ;-(

    Enjoy your day.

  13. As always, more gorgeous flowers!

  14. Good for you for sticking with kicking the smoking habit! You can work on the weight later – glad to hear you are feeling healthier. Your flowers are fabulous, as always. Funny thing, I have a roll of brown wrapping paper that’s been in the closet for 15 years and was just thinking the other day of getting it out and messing around to see what I could do with it. Now I know what I can do with it – thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Another beauty. Do you ever sleep or do you just lay awake coming up with awesome ideas? See you Friday!

  16. I’ve a box filled with some scrunched up brown packing paper, saved to make flowers and when I organized my area I have misplaced it..unbelievable the things I do.
    Love your flowers on this really awesome project..also like how you take the time to show us your supply list. Thanks for that. Have fun at CHA, and I don’t want to hear about weight gain..my middle is a real problem this winter and I don’ t smoke …I hate sit ups and I can hardly fit into any of my tops. So it must be an age thing. Keep warm.

  17. Those flowers are truly gorgeous!!! Just love the color and dimension of them! They look so soft and fluffy…so pretty! And, of course, I love the sentiment! A great creation by you!!!!

  18. Ooh you so inspire me to make more flowers! Love these! Brown paper wrapping? I have some of that…..somewhere…..
    Have fun at CHA!

  19. Your brown paper flowers are lovely Sherry. I love them. Thanks for the brill’ idea.
    I’m getting worse with not throwing away stuff I can re-create into flowers, I rescued a large sheet of a gorgeous deep red tissue paper my daughter tossed into the bin yesterday, thinking “flowers”.
    I also discovered a sad looking roll of brown parcel paper that got a bit bashed in the back of a cupboard recently but I didn’t throw it out.
    I haven’t tried brown paper for flowers yet, but now I know that’s what I held on to it for, lol
    Well done keeping off the cig’s. My DH has tried many times, only for a short time then his will power ran out on him. He did say he enjoyed and could taste his food more during the periods he did manage to stop, so maybe that leads to gaining weight?
    Better weather isn’t far away now, then maybe you’ll be able to enjoy a bit of outdoor activity in your lovely garden that’ll get you back in shape.
    hugs x

  20. Sherry I love all of the flowers that you make but these are gorgeous! Love your style and you have been such an inspiration to me. I really enjoy your blog thanks for sharing your amazing talent!

  21. Pretty, pretty!

  22. Sherry: You are extraordinary. Those flowers are fabulous. Wish I had all the things you have to play with and then the talent to know what to do with the toys. Congratulations on quitting smoking. Your creations thank you as well. The weight gain is tough to loose, take it from a 40 year, 1-1/2 pack a day quitter when my grandchildren came along and I had a good reason to quit. It has been 11 years and still working on the weight.

  23. Okay sis, once again a beautiful plaque that I love love love. Another great positive saying. You can make sh** look great. You are such an awesome an artsy fartsy floosie. Your imagination is just the bomb. Have a great time at CHA. I wish I was going.

  24. You make the most beautiful flowers. In my head I call you as the “grunge flower gal”. Thanks for the inspiration and have a great time at CHA- you lucky gal (are you sure you don’t need someone to carry your purse or something for you out there).

  25. Very cool!!! those flowers are Terrific!!

  26. Hey Miss Sherry —- too cute!! And I`m sure your little butter-ball butt is just fine =D Whenever you need reminding, just take a nice deep breath that you`re able to appreciate & enjoy now.

  27. The difference between you and me Sherry is that you sit & think up great projects like this one. Me, I just sit and think then look at your great projects. Love it

  28. Sherry, you can take just about anything and turn it into a little work of art! Love this project and gives one a whole new respect for those lovely shopping bags my scrappy supplies come home in! 😀
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  29. OMGosh…. fabulous. I love brown paper bags (as in trash to treasure) and your flowers are gorgeous. I think I don’t ‘mess’ with my petals enough while drying them. Gonna try again tonight 🙂


  30. Sherry, this project is FAN-tabulous! Great job!

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