Late last night it occurred to me that it was a year to the day that I had my cancer surgery.  A year ago today I was sitting in my recliner (now retired because it got too comfortable) with mega stitches in my head and sporting a half-hawk.

This morning I decided to look back over the last blog year and I’ve got to say . . . its really has been one hell of a year hasn’t it?  Between the cancer and a broken wrist there are many days when I didn’t post.  For those of you who follow me on a daily basis, thank you!  You’ve had to read a whole bunch of crap haven’t you? Thank you for sticking by me this past year and encouraging me along the way.

While scrolling through my posts, I picked out some of my favorite projects over the past year and thought I would share them with you.  So without further dribble from me, my 2010 Favorites in no particular order:

Thanks for stopping by today and . . . .Smiley from


Good morning!  It seems it’s been forever since I’ve made a post.  I must admit that I’ve enjoyed my time off and have been spending time with my girls.  We did go see the new Harry Potter movie the other day and have a few more that we want to see over the next week or so.

I have a few pictures from Christmas Eve.  We celebrated at moms again this year, with all of us gathering together.  Mom surprises us all with

christmas house shoes

Ugg slippers.  One stop shopping is what she said!

I always like to get at least one picture of my girls together and I almost forgot all about it . . .

Christmas the girls

but they did ham it up for me.

Of course, I must share one of my favorites of the evening.

Christmas Carrie

My sister, Carrie and mom’s moose!

I have been thinking a great deal about the upcoming year and what I wish to accomplish both personally and professionally.  This past year was a real bear for me . . .  cancer, a broken wrist, a change up in design teams, quitting smoking, blah blah blah.  But I do have to say that I greeted all that happened as one adventure after another.  Some not so well as others, but still adventures.

I’ve ended the year with an upswing so to speak.  The last few months have seen my first publications, both in a book and in a magazine, and I have successfully quit smoking.  (I’ve not quite been able to give up the nicotine supplements yet – working on that one, but at least I’m not puffing and/or huffing.)   So while I work away on some special CHA projects, I’ll be thinking of my “word” for the upcoming year.

In the meantime, one final “good thing” to share for the year.  I was contacted by Graphic 45 around the first of the month, asking if they could feature my work on their blog.  Of course, I said yes . . . you all know how much I love their papers . . . so

I’ve been told today is the day.  Check out the Graphic 45 Blog!  As I’m writing this, I haven’t seen it myself, but I most definitely will be visiting and reading.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a fabulous day!


Thanksgiving Delights

On Thanksgiving Day we’re thankful for
Our blessings all year through,
For family we dearly love,
For good friends, old and new.

For sun to light and warm our days,
For stars that glow at night,
For trees of green and skies of blue,
And puffy clouds of white.

We’re grateful for our eyes that see
The beauty all around,
For arms to hug, and legs to walk,
And ears to hear each sound.

The list of all we’re grateful for
Would fill a great big book;
Our thankful hearts find new delights
Everywhere we look!

By Joanna Fuchs

I found the above poem on line to share with you, and looking further down on the page I found another.  It says it all . . . . from me to you!

Thanksgiving Friends

Thanksgiving is a time
For reviewing what we treasure,
The people we hold dear,
Who give us so much pleasure.

Without you as my friend,
Life would be a bore;
Having you in my life
Is what I’m thankful for.

By Joanna Fuchs

Thank you for letting me share my adventures with you!

Smiley from


Good morning!  I hope y’all had a good weekend.  Man our weather here was gorgeous, 70’s, and the sun was shining!  I almost wore shorts to our bow making class . . . put on jeans instead and wished in the long run that I had worn shorts.  I’m trying to get myself acclimated to the cooler weather I know is coming our way.

I got just a few photos from our class and wish that I had gotten more from the nursery/florist where we were.  It’s such a magical splendor during the holiday season.   There are trees, trees and more trees, each theme decorated and so gorgeous to look at.  This one I shot standing at the back of the store from the classroom area.

mom store

These are the bows that mom was working on . . . hers turned out the best actually.  Mine came in a close second and then we have Carrie.

moms bow

Mine came in a close second and then we have Carrie, who was getting much needed personal instruction.


Mom proudly displays her bow.


and then Carrie gets more instructions.

mom carrie bow class

After class, we walked and shopped the nursery some more.  We made it back to mom’s in time to see the end of the NASCAR race  . . . much to our dismay I might add . . . there might be a new champion one of these years.

I did get a little crafting done over the weekend, but that project will have to wait until tomorrow before you can see it.  I’m still debating on whether it is done or not!

In the meantime, thanks for stopping by and remember . . . . life is short, make the most of the adventures that come your way!


Hey y’all!  There was a new festival in town this weekend.  We have a great riverfront here in Jeffersonville with a wonderful view of downtown Louisville.  It’s been a few years since our long-standing Steamboat Days Festival fell apart and with that with the only arts and crafts festival we had.  One of the shop owners in downtown decided on her own to start “River Walk Art-Tiques Show” on Riverside Drive this year.  There was a barbeque booth set up for some good eats and and music on the RiverStage.

The show was very small with maybe 10 or s booths, but the Mayor has already talked to the organizer and has committed the City to support the festival in upcoming years.  Hopefully it will get bigger and better each year.   I called my sister this morning and talked her into going with me, since we both need to get out in the sunshine and walk a little.

My favorite booth of them all was the antique store’s booth which belonged to the organizer.  It was the first booth going down the street and the first thing I saw . . . . I bought!


and it still works with only a few keys sticking.


Now the case shows lots of wear and abuse, but after looking it over I know I can do some minor repair work and it will be good as old!  However, I LOVE the way it looks and this is what made me decide to buy this particular typewriter over another model.


I also found some folding rulers and locks.  Can you guess what these will be used for?


The wrist is starting to feel better and now I find that I’m almost using  the thumb on the left hand when I type.  It’s no longer a peck and find type of thing.  Maybe, just Maybe, I’ll find myself in the studio this week.  However, I’m not holding my breath and neither should you.  I have been working on some ideas though and can’t wait to get at it with both hands . . . because for some of those, it’s going to take two!

Well, that my highlights of the weekend. . .  unless you want to see my laundry!  I hope you have fabulous day and take advantage of the adventures that come your way . . . life is too damn short as it is!


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