Apr 292007

Wow what an exciting weekend. The Stampin’ and Pamperin’ Retreat in Cincinnati was so much fun. I really thought when I headed out Friday afternoon that I wasn’t going to be able to stay the entire weekend. After a phone call home Saturday morning, I was given the green light to stay. So glad that I was able to! I met some of the most interesting women, laughed, told stories and just had a marvelous time.

Since I arrived a little earlier than expected on Friday, I had a quick power nap and then headed out to explore the hotel, The Hilton Netherlands. I’m sorry to report that I really missed a lot in the hotel and totally missed the shopping area, Carew Tower. It just means that I might have to make another trip back. I headed back up to my room, and as my luck would have it, my room key did not work. Like a fool, I had placed the card in my wallet next to a credit card – yep demagnitized. I headed back to the lobby to have my room key reset and there, standing in front of me was this purse. A clear stamping purse with ATCs in the pockets. I knew I had seen that purse before and gave out a big shout – for sure, none other than JanTink was checking in. How much fun was this that the first person I got to meet was JanTink and her friend Sharon, scstamper on SCS.

Friday night started off at 7:00 with a free stamp. When I got to registration, I was informed almost immediately that I had a stalker inside. Someone was already asking if I had registered. I knew immediately who it was – my fellow Challenge Chaser, Kris (krazystamper).


When I looked across the room, I noticed JanTink on the other side with her SCS shirt on. Well guess who had on the same shirt – had to get that picture!

As we stamped, Julia Roberts was playing on the DVD and pizza was set up in the back for our noshing pleasure. Of course, true to stampers, there was on most of the tables. It was so much fun to be able to walk among the tables, see what everyone was making (most were finishing up their swaps for the next day) and meet some new friends. The evening ended about 12:30 am and we headed off to bed.

Saturday were the demos and shoebox swap. Needless to say, I had to follow Janine and those were some pretty big shoes to follow. She was funny and totally delightful while she showed us many inventive ways to use punches. I wasn’t quite as prepared as Janine – I flew by the seat of my pants, told them stories about how I became Bad Sherry, and did show the group how to use fusible webbing (or Wonder Under) and EP to make backgrounds.

We enjoyed a great lunch at Rock Bottom Brewery. Of course, in a walk over we passed this great fountain. I’m sure when you view the pictures, you’ll know that I pretty much couldn’t contain BAD self.


fountain 3

The second half of the day was the shoebox swap. Now I had not planned on spending the second half of the day. Saturday was Senior Prom and I was planning on heading home after lunch. But since my plans had changed, I went back to the hotel after lunch along with the group. Since I had not planning on participating, my plans were to walk around and enjoy the fellowship of my fellow stampers. I had prepared nothing for the swap and didn’t feel that I should participate. The girls put the kabosh on that right away and absolutely insisted that I participate – after all, I was a special guest right. I truly felt bad and left a message at my spot that anyone wishing to receive a card made by me in lieu of the swap to please sign their name and address. That worked out okay, I have 30 cards to make and mail, and am so glad that I stayed for the whole day! I can’t wait to participate in my next SCS gathering – so much fun!!!!

Me, Sarah and Denise

Me with our hostesses, Sarah (Sarabeth) and Denise (MI2SUNS)


Me with Sharon (scstamper)

15 Responses to “I’m Baaaaaaack!”

  1. Looks like you had fun, Sherry. Sorry I wasn’t there to met you. Darn cold!

  2. Sounds like you had a blast, Sherry. Glad you could stay the whole time.

  3. looks like such fun, love you with the statue!

  4. Looks like such a blast. I’m going to have to find out if SCS ever does something like this is TX. I’m so there! Linda

  5. OMG, sounds like you all had a blast! I’m so envious and happy for you all!

    That pic of you and the statue is a lot tamer than I thought it would be! :p Love it!

  6. Sounds like fun!!

    Um, interesting statue. 😉

  7. It sounds like a wonderful time, Sherry! Thanks for the sharing the story and pictures!

  8. Sounds like such fun. I found out about it to late to come, but I hope the next time an event is held in this area, I will be able to make it. Thanks for the pictures. linda

  9. Hey woman! I had so much fun w/ you and I am SOOO GLAD that you stayed all day too. Next year maybe we can get into trouble so I can add BAD to my name 😉

  10. Thanks much, Sherry, for the pics and comments — I’m sure it was so much fun for all involved!!! Would love to have met, heard you and Jan Tink with your presentations — what a duo you must have been!!! TFS!!!

  11. Oh Sherry.. wish I could’ve hugged that statue with you! Next time I’ll have to be sure to peruse the forums earlier for this stuff.. or PM me girlie!! I gotta get away from dumas once in awhile!! Wish I was there… 😉

  12. Sherry, your smile tells it all. It certainly sounds like you had a fun weekend. Love the pictures – always fun to place faces with names. Thanks so much for telling us about your exciting weekend.


  13. Thanks for sharing your story and pictures! Looks like so much fun!!

  14. Hi Sherry! It was great getting to meet you in person! Maybe next time you can stay and dance on the bar with me 😉

  15. […] last spring for a Stampin’ and Pamperin’ Retreat.  You can find the old post here.  Well, we are at it again!  This time there is a Dirty Lineup not to be beat – myself, Jeanne S, […]

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