Picture it!  Friday night and Mr. stodgy was home early.  I suggested we go up the street to Best restaurant and have dinner.  I called mom to see if she and Uncle Billy wanted to meet us.  She declined saying they were tired from working at the river house.  Mr. Stodgy then decided it was too much food and we decided to order in pizza.

While waiting for the pizza to be delivered, I went out on the deck and checked the hot tub.  It was probably 30 minutes or so  . . . adding chemicals, changing filters, cleaning the one I took out, blah blah blah.

well, I was closing the lid and grabbed the strap to pull the lid forward into place.  The next thing I knew, I was on my ass, up against the house and completely stunned.  The strap gave way on the lid and ripped, sending me flying backward.  It was loud enough for Mr. Stodgy to hear and actually came to check on me.  Did he help me up?  No!  Did he ask if I was okay?  No!  He did ask what happened though.  I sat up then and said my wrist was hurting that I thought I broke it.  yeah right,  Mr. Stodgy said more than likely soft tissue damage.

I finally made it into the house to sit for awhile.  The pizza was delivered and while I ate a few pieces, my thumb was getting sore and the pain was shooting up my arm.  I told Mr. S that I felt I needed to go to the ER.  he pointed to his pizza as if to say . .  . duh I’m still eating.  I asked him if I should call my aunt to take me and he said he would after he finished his pizza.

So I waited, changed out of my wet clothes, grabbed a pillow and we finally left.

After a few hours, x-rays, etc. . . . . here I sit typing one handed . . .


An impacted radial break.

I won’t know for a few more days what’s going to happen, but when I know you’ll know!

Oh and yes I called mom to let her know it was all her fault.  If the had met us for dinner none of this would have happened!


64 Responses to “Down, Out and Broke!”

  1. Oh Sherry! How awful! I hope you’re not left-handed! Feel better.

  2. Bless your heart. If it’s not one thing, it’s ten others. I’m so sorry you’re “wrapped up”. What a wicked thing to happen. Dang it, mom! Keep poppin’ the pain pills. Wish I was there to help you out. Not with the pills, with anything else you need!

  3. OH NO!!! Hope you heal FAST!

  4. Oh my goodness! What a terrible thing to happen! I’m so sorry! Like Broni says, just keep popping those pills! Hope you feel better fast! There is never a good time for things like this to happen. My husband would have been fretting about the cover not me! I think it’s a man thing!

  5. Oh Sherry, that is terrible!!! 🙁

  6. That just looks like one more canvas for you to alter…. a little distressing here, a flower or two there…. 😉
    Feel better soon!

  7. I feel so sorry for you…..

    Hope it heals real fast…..

  8. Hope this is it and you don’t get anymore bad news on it. Hopefully your left handed too but then again you proably know how much you miss that hand being out of action. Did you at least kick the hot tub back for hurting you, that would have made me feel better anyways.lol. Sorry the strap gave on you.

  9. Blimy!

    Sorry to hear about your accident….. What’s the chances of that happening!

    Hope your feeling ok though xx

  10. Oh my goodness gracious, I’ll say an extra prayer for you for a quicker recovery. I’m sending lots of hugs your way [[[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]]]] too. feel better soon. TFS!!! 😀

  11. Oh my goodness gracious, I’m so sorry to hear about this. I’ll say an extra prayer for you for a speedy recovery. I’m sending some hugs your way [[[[[[[[[[[[[-hugs-]]]]]]]]]]]]]. take care of yourself. TFS!!! 😀

  12. So sorry about the two postings, I think I’m loosing my mind, or my computer is playing tricks on me.

  13. That’s terrible! I hope you’re not in too much pain. I know I shouldn’t say this but I’m saying it anyway. Since your legs are both fine, you should give Mr. Stodgey a swift kick in the ass.

  14. YEs, I agree with altering the cast. I did it with my husband’s cast. The doctor actually saved it when he cut it off. LOL I made it into a tree branch with the thumb an other branch. I had leaves on it and all. Too much fun. Take it easy and take a soak in the tub as you are probably sore today after being slung into the wall. Phyllis Muscolino in hot, southern Maryland

  15. OH NO!!!!! I’m SO sorry… your Mr Stodgy sounds like my Dave… Of course had there been a Football game on he NEVER woulda come to check to see what the noise was…. UGH!!!! Just remember his behavior next time his nose runs!!!! Grrrr….

    Take Care Sherry… at least you can turn the CB around and use the handle with the other hand!!!! LOL Just tryin to find a bright side… 🙁

  16. Oh Sherry, what a terrible accident!!! Are you right or left handed? Can’t wait to see what you do with the cast though….You are awesome with altered objects so maybe this is just another opportunity!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!!! Gentle {hugs}

  17. Oh no, Sherry! I’m so sorry. What an unlucky break (figuratively and literally). And Mr. Stodgy gets an F for the day. (insert evil face here)

  18. yikes…poor baby.
    hope you heal quick. you need 2 hands to…
    make art!

  19. Sherry, I am so sorry for your accident and am sending you “get well” soon wishes and prayers. I’m sure in his own way Mr. Stogey is very concerned for you, but I do have to agree with LorraineB above . . . LOL!

  20. Sherry, I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. And tell Mr. Stodgy to quit diagnosing things. If God had wanted him to be a doctor, he would have put MD behind his name! I hope the news in a few days is the best you can get! You and your wrist are in my prayers.

  21. Oh, Sherry! My heart breaks for you — what an accident to happen!!! I surely hope things heal swiftly and progress well. I’ll keep you in my prayers!!! Take care —

  22. How terrible to break a bone! Wishing you a speedy recovery, pop those “magic” pills, and keep your spirits high!

  23. Oh Sherry…I wish you all the best and a speed recovery! As for Mr. Stodgy…well no comment (I’m too polite).

    Hugs, Judit

  24. Oh, Sherry, OUCH! So not fun. But be glad the mister didn’t decide to help you up and grab that arm! Hope you heal quickly.

  25. Oh man that stinks, hopefully it will heal quickly!

  26. So sorry that you broke your wrist. Hope that you are better soon.


  27. Sorry to hear about all your trouble. Hope it’s not as bad as it looks right now and heals quickly. Hang in there. And tell your Mr. to take better care of you. Edna

  28. Ouch……so sorry to hear about your accident! Wait for the hard cast before you smack the Mr. I noticed it’s your left hand….I hope you are right handed! Speedy recovery!

  29. Ouch……so sorry to hear about your accident! Wait for the hard cast before you smack the Mr. I agree with Loraine….a swift kick is what he needs. Glenda is right….my husband would check to see if I’m breathing and then run to the hot tub to see if I caused any further damage to it. Two hours waiting for x-ray is God’s way of beginning to get even with him….dishes and housework will be step two! I noticed it’s your left hand….I hope you are right handed! Speedy recovery!

  30. And that’s why I am not in a relationship!!! I figure if you were able to get up by yourself, you could have just waited for the pizza delivery person to get help… LOL… other than that I agree with Lorraine!!! BUT… I am so sorry that you broke your wrist. I expect some delicious lemonade out of this lemon of a situation. Hugs!!!

  31. Oh, Sherry —- sure hope it will be something that will heal fast and heal well.

  32. Wholly cow girl, I would have taken that pizza and you know what cuz that looks like it freakin’ hurt!

    I always say that cleaning is dangerous to one’s health….. take it easy, k? PS: Not even gonna ask you how long it took to type that one handed…..

    luv ya!

  33. Oh Sherry I’m so sorry to hear about your accident and what a freako thing to happen. Let’s hope it’s something that can heal or be fixed without a major to do! Keep you in my prayers sweetie!


  34. Oh my, how painful! I’m so sorry. Please keep us posted. Yes, give Mr. Stodgy a swift kick for theraputic reasons and definately alter your cast! One more thing… don’t loose this post. When you look back on this a year from now, you will laugh, ‘cuz no matter what you write, your humor shines through.

  35. Sherry – You need to tell that black cloud that seems to be hanging over you to take a hike!!! Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  36. AW Sherry sorry to hear about your hand! Ugh – I think you’ve had more than your share of medical stuff this year! Now go kick your hubby in the BUTT – pizza vs hospital – bad, bad boy…. Now he’ll have to do all the cooking and cleaning!!!

  37. Bummer!! I would hold that cast over Mr. Stodgy’s head and get all you can out of it for a Looooooong time!!

  38. Sherry, sorry about your wrist. You just had to get a cast because little sis here had to get a finger cast. I guess we are just followers of one another. Mom said we were jealous of each other, we both had hand surgery and now casts… Hope you get feeling better soon. I know that will kill you not to ink or plant..

  39. Oh my god, you poor thing! sending big hugs your way and hope your arm gets better soon! if its a solid cast…. you could always bang him over the head with it! what are they like? I dunno!!!
    anyway, get well soon, take it easy and rest that arm!
    take care

  40. Oh Wow!!! So sorry to hear about your radial fracture!!! Darn it… don’t ya know we crafters need our hands to work with??? Hehehehe…sorry bad joke! Kidding aside…am a nurse…and if I lived closer to ya I’d be there in a heart beat to help ya! So, my advice is to milk it for all it’s worth and have Mr Stodgy help you with every little thing…hehehe! Oh…and of course…rest, drink fluids, elevation, pain pills! Will keep ya in my prayers for a speedy recovery…you take care!!! Hugsssssss

  41. OOOhhh That had to hurt Sherry! You poor thing! Just relax and try not to climb the walls! Get better.

    Elaine Allen

  42. Sherry
    Along with everyone else I am so sorry you hurt yourself.
    The thing I love about you (among many) is your wicked sense of humour.

  43. Hi,
    I am so sorry for your fall and the trip to the ER. Glad you did have to wait longer to go! Men can be so out of it when it comes to us women! Feel better soon! I agree that you should alter it!!!

  44. Bon courage * bon rétablissement

  45. I hope Hubby feels really really guilty:)……hey its the one thing we have to keep them in check!

  46. Sherry! That is so terrible!!! I think Mr. S deserved some pizza thrown in his face!

  47. Oh dear! I feel so sorry for you. I have never broken a bone so I can’t say I feel your pain, but it pains me to know you are hurting. Rest up and take advantage of your “down” time. And be sure and lay a guilt trip on Mr. Stodgy!!

  48. Sherry, I’m so sorry. You have just had more than your share. I will pray for your speedy recovery. I have a Mr. Stodgy here, and I know how that goes. Again, just follow dr’s orders and get better!

  49. OMW. I am soooooooooo sorry!! I hope this heals fast and rather furious.

  50. Oh….I’m so sorry! That looks so painful! I hope you will be on the mend soon!

  51. oh Sherry – I am so sorry – hope you are not in too much pain at this point and praying for the best.

  52. Oh Sherry! I hope you are not in too much pain, oh dear! What a story. I was laughing at Mr. Stodgy in your story, but not at your painful ending! Now he’ll have to wait on you hand and foot … hehe :)… take care!

  53. Oh my gosh I hope it all turns out ok Sherry. That just sucks. Acidents happen so quickly. Good luck and keep up the typing so we know how you are.

  54. So sorry about your accident. Who knew hot tubs were so hazardous to your health! Hope this heals quickly and nothing worse happens to it. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  55. What a lousy thing to happen! I’m so sorry. At least it could have been your foot that got broken, that way you could still have crafted without a hitch! Well, at least you can still use your foot to kick Mr. Stodgy! Hope the pain isn’t bad and you have a fast recovery!

  56. Well, although your hubby wasn’t so sympathetic, you certainly have lots of concern here. Hugs to you and I’m hoping you recover quickly! Take this time that you are away from crafting to pursue some other activities that you may have been putting off. This could be the start of something big….or not – who knows. =)

  57. Sherry, I am so sorry to read this and wish you only the best. It sounds like you have a strong spirit and will be able to overcome this … especially after some of the pain eases.
    I hope that you have help with whatever you need, but after hearing about all the caring you recieved after the fall…I am concerned for you.
    Take care and I will continue to check in.

  58. Oh, Sherry, so sorry to read about your broken wrist! Is Mr. Stodgy really that bad? I sure hope he isn’t because I may have to return to the states sooner than expected…ha ha! Wish there was something good to say about a broken wrist, so will close with I hope you don’t hurt very much.

  59. Sorry to hear about your poor wrist. How unlucky was that, hot tubs are supposed to make you feel better! These things happen so fast.
    Mr. Stodgy has a lot of making up & sucking up to do, after that, I hope he’s there for you now. Give him the orders and get him to help you, run after you, ….figuratively speaking, we don’t want any more accidents. lol. Typical man, (it’s not that bad….. I didn’t feel a thing!) yet if they, as much get a sniffle, they make such a big issue of it.
    Can you still create with one hand Sherry, or will it be settling down with a good book on the cards for you for a while?
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Take care, and relax.
    sending gentle hugs from
    Alexandra in Scotland

  60. Sherry, sorry to hear about your “accident”. I have to laugh though…you make even the most frustrating, painful situation funny. You always make me smile. Mr. Stodgy better be good to you! I hope your hand heels soon. Feel better.

  61. OMG you poor thing, I hope the pain eases up soon. I am sure that it has been said before but when you have a hard cast on make sure you ‘accidently’ smack Mr Stodgy in your sleep, several times …hard.

    Look after yourself, will be thinking of you.

  62. Ouch !! I sure hope that it will heal quickly for you. I have heard from my friend Cindy that you have a great sense of humor. Keep laughing and the healing time won’t seem so long !!

  63. People who live large break bones, even when they’re doing something small. Sorry about the break, Sherry, and especially sorry about the pain that comes with it. Can’t keep a bad woman down long, though. I s’pect you’ll find some kind of trouble to get into!

  64. Sherry, I so feel your pain (in the a**). I can totally relate and I am sorry about your wrist. I hope it heals quickly. If it’s not one thing…it’s your mother!

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